《Gay one shots》School...part 2!



Butterflies were exploding in my stomach.

I fucking repeat butter fucking flies are exploding in my freaking god damn stomach.

Sorry for cursing so much it's just oh my god.

Two reasons. And two reasons only.

1~ Michael Bohn is down stairs with my best friends brother!

2~ my mum isn't here so she won't make it so embarrassing.

Hey I love my mom but she's so embarrassing!!

Just saying. Just saying.

Wait I'm off fucking topic.

We made our ways downstairs and I saw everyone in the living room either sitting on the floor or on the couch. Michael was sitting on the couch and Ty made his way on the other side of the couch so I sat in the middle.

We began to play the game. Well I waited for Ty to loose so I can play next.

It was the Acord's against each other. AJ was on his phone. And Mikey and I were just watching them.

Ty brought a cover for us before we came down here and he laid it on all three of us which were sitting on the couch. I had my legs up against my chest and my arms laying on top of them.

And you couldn't fucking believe what I felt.

You don't have any idea how I felt.

I took a sharp gasp and looked at Michael with wide eyes.

He looked at me, and gave me a sexy face, with him biting his bottom lip with his teeth.

I squealed a little and went back to paying attention to Ty playing.

Then the fucker did it again....

I let out a soft little moan.

Then 'thank god' Ty beat Sky.

"Guys I'm thirsty wanna beer?" Sky said.

Since we were all at the age of drinking. ~sorta~ Sky went into the kitchen and gave each of use beer


I opened mine and began to down it.


*hours later*

I was fucking drunk out of my mind.

"I gotta pee" I said and I got off the couch and headed to the bathroom.

Drinking 1.2.3...6 cans of beer. Gets you drunk. Well me.

After doing my business and out the bathroom door. I was forcefully shoved into Sky's room since it was on the first floor. And my back came in contact with the back of the door.

"Oommf" I let out I opened my eyes to find a tipsy Michael.

"Mikey what are you doing" I said

"Something I should've done the moment I laid eyes on you Carter" and with that he smashed his lips on mine

How lips moved in sync, he was standing tall, so I had to stand on my tippy toes.

I couldn't stand on tippy toes any longer because I was getting tired and my legs began to shake a little.

I think Michael notice my legs giving up and I only heard one word for him.


And I did, I had my legs wrapped around his hips and sorta on his waist. And my arms we around his neck but we didn't break the kiss.

At all. He had his hands on my ass. And he rubbed it so slightly.

*you guys don't have any idea what I'm thinking. I'm pissing myself from so much laughter*

I was a moaning mess and so was he.

He began to walk and he laid me, down on sky's bed.

He crawled on top of me, and he attacked my neck.

I kept on moaning.

Ya know those type of people when their in a relationship with someone and when that someone like kisses you or holds you hand something like just small affection and you blush like crazy and your mind is all over the place and you don't know what to do?


Ya I'm that type of person!!

Michael then pulled away and smiled at me.

He grabbed my hips firmly and he laid back bring me on top of him, which made straddle his hips.

I began to blush like crazy.

"Awe look carter his blushing you look so adorable " he said showing his bright white smile.

And that comment made me blush even more.

"Shut up" I said and I hid my face into his chest.

"I wanna ask you something. Would you freak out" he said

I picked my body up and stared at him

"Depends if it's bad or good" I said

"No this will probably make you blush more then you did before " he said

"Mhm?" I said

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked

He was right... I was gonna blush ten times more than I already was.

"I-uhm...." I was speechless.

I just nodded my head.

"Awe your lost in words. How cute" he said he picked himself up and leaned himself on the bed board.

I was still on his hips. And on top of his 'junk' and every time I wanted to move I felt him. Always.

He had his hands on my hips and I had my arms around his neck playing with little strands of his hair.

"This is the best day of my life " he said smiling.

"Mine too"

And It will always be the best day of my life.


Cheesy ending I know.

I know.

Anyways go check out my other books for me pwease.

And and if you wanna know me better you can follow me on Instagram

" _Devils_Spawn_ "

And if you want my kik you can ask for it.

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