《Gay one shots》Wonderful date (perrentes)


It's short okay. Mm okay.



I waited for Mike out side his house. We were going on a date.

And he texted me telling me to wait outside his house.

I sat on the porch chair and swung my feet softly.

The door opened and out came out Mike.

"Hey baby " he sung and he came up and kissed my lips. I got up and he grabbed my hand firmly, and we walked away.

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you that. But were going on to more than one places" he said and smiled

I nodded my head and I let him drag me.

We were close to town them we walked into a rest traunt.

"Mike what are we doing here?..."

"Shhh Perry" he said giving me a smirk

"Better wipe that smirk off your face Fuentes" I said and he just began to laugh at me.


We had an amazing time at the rest truant. Goofing around like the idiots we are. Mike kept stealing my fries and every time he did that I would whine to him saying you soul stealer.

We were walking to another place Mike had in mind.

It was the park, oh how I just love the park.

I let go of Mike's hand and began to sprint to the swings.

"MIKE PUSH ME!!" I yelled at the top if my lungs.

He came walking with the smile he wears perfectly everyday.

He comes behind me and begins to push me softly later he pushed me hard enough that I was catching air.

"Thanks babe!" I yelled and he send me a kiss and I smiled at him.

I kept swinging and I caught glimpse all around the park.

I saw people walking together or with kids on bikes or rollerblades.




"I'm gonna jump off !! 3...2...1!!!" Letting go of the chains and taking air.

Then I suddenly made contact with strong arms around neck and a good hold on my butt.

*not like that you pervs ;)*

I jumped off of Mike and had my arms around his neck and his on my waist.

"Mmmm your making this date even better. Wait didn't you say were gonna go somewhere else?" I asked

"Yes we are!" He said and he grabbed me by my right wrist and we were off.

Well... not we more like him in front practically dragging me like a chew you.


We got to the last place on the date list.

The beach...

And the day was so close to ending and the sun was about to touch the the salty water

"Oh oh let's go walk on the sand honey !" He said sounding like a six year old boy who got their first pet.

I nodded my head and took off my shoes along with my black socks and him doing the same.

I left my shoes close to a hard rock and he left them right next to mine.

He grabbed my hand in intertwined our fingers together and swung them back and forth softly.

"This has been the best date Mikey " I told him smilin he kissing his nose.

"Mmm, that's what I was trying to do babe" and he kissed me full on the lips.

But nothing hot happened all calm smooth and loving kiss

"Hey wanna swim?" Mike asked and I smiles nodding my head.

But I didn't get a chance on discarding my clothes I felt a grip to my waist and I was thrown into the water.

I screamed and fell in.

I pulled back to the surface and gasped for air.

"MIKE YOUR SO DEAD!!" I yelled and I felt a pair of arms around me

"You know I love you " he said laughing and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Sadly I do too..." I said and I smiled kissing him.

And that was the end of this amazing date....


Sorta sucky sorta good.

And and sorry if there's any errors.

Okay bye bye aliens.

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