《Gay one shots》School to party! (perrentres)



I woke up from my curtains a little open and the suns rays kept hitting my freakin face.

Ugh...todays monday..

I dragged myself out of bed and put on the first clothes I found which were grey sweats and a black V-neck.

I grabbed my phone from my night stand, and put it in my front pocket of my sweats.

I swung my book bag strap onto my shoulder and I went down the stairs meeting my mum cooking bacon, and my dad reading the news paper.

"Hey" I said in a groggily tone.

"Hey tony. do you mind taking out the trash after your done eating your breakfast?" my mum asked me. But she didn't take her eyes off the stove.

"Uh sure thing. " I said and I sat down across my dad's seat and he pulled his face away from the news paper, and he smiled at me and I smiled back.

My dad is been always this quiet, and shy.

That is where I get it from, my mum is always cheery in bad time and good times.

Which something creeps me out...

She put a plate In front of me. and she handed me a spoon and fork.


I finished eating and I grabbed my bookbag and took ahold of the trash bag.

I was about to turn around and walk my way to school until I bumped into someone's chest.


"Oh sorry turtle" I heard from the guys presence...


"Hey vic? Is it just you or..?" I asked.

"Oh Mike is coming his was looking for his shoes so I noticed him that I was gonna come to your house. So I'm here!" He said with a smile.

"Oh okay. Where's kells?"

"He told me that Jesse was taking him to school. but now I'm guessing I'm gonna be the third wheel now huh?"

"Shut up vic" I said with a blush creeping my face.

Vic was the only one who knew I loved Mike. But....

He has a fucking girlfriend.

Her name is McKenna

(And if your name is McKenna I'm terribly sorry)

She's so nice and now I know why Mike chose her.

I'm too scared to confront him my feelings because then I stutter and my palms begin to sweat.

"And in case your wondering. McKenna left Mike just yesterday.."

"Wait WHAT?!" I practically scream making my neighbor which was cutting weeds off her trees, stare at me with a 'what the fuck are you smoking' look.

"It's because she out fall in love with him." he said.

I nodded my head, I wonder what made her loose interest in him?

"Because she said she didn't want to deal with him again and again in the future time."

Did I just say my thought out loud?

Vic began to laugh,"tony you just did. AGAIN!" And he was now clutching his stomach and grabbed my shoulder to make him gain his balance.

I just scoffed at him and looked to my left to find Mike walking to us, with skinny black jeans. and a tank top, along with a grey hoodie on and a beanie.

"Hey guys" he said and I simply just said hi and vic nodded his head.

"Hey where's Jaime?" I asked vic.


"He was gonna catch a ride with some guy named Oliver" he told me and I nodded my head and we all began to walk down the side walk.


We got to school and I headed to my locker.

I opened it, and a white slip of paper fell down to my feet.

I scrunched my face and bended down to see what was in it.

I pulled it open since it was securely taped. And I read

' I have my eyes on you and I want you to be mine....but I wonder if you love me..'

I mentally thought it was Mike, but his straight... I huffed and shoved the note into my front pocket. The bell ran signally me that first class is starting.

Great..hell is just about to begin.



I was leaning against a corner and I was watching Tony. The note landed perfectly in front of him.

Jaime kept talking about how sweet Oliver was to him. 'Because he has a crush on Oliver'

While he kept talking I had my head turned to Tony.

He bended down to pick it out.

Nice ass...from where I'm standing. I smirked at my inner thoughts

Tony opened it having a hard time since I tapped the note twice. It was cute that I made him have a hard time.

He read it and huffed. And he shoved it into his front pocket.

Does he think it's me....

Probably not...

But he probably thinks I'm straight.

No I'm actually gay. I was having a hard time on my sexuality and I talked to McKenna about it she accepted it and we landed on good terms. I told vic if Tony is too ask, to tell him that she left me.

I sighed and Jaime noticed

"I already caught your not listening to me since the freaking beginning. your thinking of Tony aren't you? Holy shit did you give him the note yet?!" He said squealing at the end.

"Yeah. but I'm guessing he thinks it's a prank or some shit..." I said groaning at the end and banging my head on the wall lightly

"Don't worry dude. Hey I'm having a party at my place tonight. Maybe you can invite Tony and ya know will see how it goes? Mmm?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows like the creep he fucking is.

"Yeah sure that would do it " and the bell rang. I waved Jaime bye and headed to homeroom.

Now I'm really fucking eager to invite Tony to that party



School ended and I headed to my locker get some books I needed for some work and leaving some stuff I never need but the teachers tell us to bring them all the time.

I walked out the school doors, and I was at the last steps until I fucking tripped and almost fell face first.

I was waiting for the impact until it never came...

I opened my eyes, to see Mike holding me up by my waist.

I scrambled up and I blushed.

I began to stutter,"i-uh..thank you Mike.." I said and I felt the heat burn my face.

"Your welcome turtle" he said and he got up.

Was that? Was he blushing..

Nah probably my imagination.

We just stood there until vic,jaime, and Kellin came.


Since Jesse had like some meeting at school with some club Kellin was walking with us.


We dropped off Jaime. And he told us he was having a party tonight. Sounds fun I might go. He said around 9.

Later on vic walked Kellin to his house and it was just me and Mike...

Great...I'm gonna embarrass myself...

I saw my house in view, and Mike lived like three to six house down from me.

"Hey uh Tony. I was wandering..." he said

I spun my head to look at him.

God his face...those lips were just calling my fucking name!


"I was wandering...do you wanna come to the party with me?"

I choked on my spit. I think he heard me.

"I-um...okay..." I said shyly.

"Mmm great! See ya then turtle " he said and he leaned down a little and kisses my cheek lightly

I knew right there and then. my face was red as crap...

He pulled away just a few inches from my face and I felt his breaths, he smiled and pulled fully away.

"Well, I'll see you tonight then" he said smirking.

I nodded my head and he waved goodbye and left.

I turned around to walk the porch steps. But what caught my attention, was the window covers or whatever the hell people call them. My parents were peeking through them.

I rolled my eyes at them for ease dropping.

I walked in and my parents were smiling like weirdos.

Even my father....

"Awe my baby is growing up. YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!" My mum yelled at my dad and he huffed and gave 20 to her.

"What the hell...?" I said. And my parents shrugged it off and went upstairs. I went to my room.

Did my homework. cleaned up a bit. And I checked the time to see it was already 5.

I grabbed some clothes which were a tank top, which was red. and black skinnies along with converse.

I head into the bathroom. Started the shower and got in.


I finished with showering and changing and I was on my phone texting with my cousin (y/n)

(Which is you in Tonys contacts)

MY BITCH-so..the guy you have a crush on. Kissed you today !

Tony-yes...im going to a party since it's Jaime's. And he invited me to go with him.

MY BITCH-ooo get some! Well I gotta go because I'm going a project. See ya turtle!

Tony-okay bye (y/n)


I put my phone away and then I heard a knock at my room door.

I went to open it and I saw Mike. I began to blush.


"Hello turtle. Wanna head out now?" He asked with those

Fucking dreamy eyes..

I nodded my head and I closed my door behind me and we walked down the stairs leaving the house and I told my parents before hand and they were okay with it.

I locking the door and Mike waiting at the end of porch. I walked off and we both headed to Jamie's house.

I felt something grab my hand and it was Mike's. I was blushing like crazy. And he notice.

He chucked a little bit and he kissed my cheek.

Oh those soft lips..


Moments later we got to Jaime's house and it was already packed..

And I knew one thing.

There's gonna be alcohol


Few hours passed and I was totally drunk and so was Mike.

Mike and I were dancing in the living room along with the other sweaty bodies.

He was behind me grapping my hips and we both swayed in sync.

I for sure know Kellin and vic were dancing I saw them a few minutes ago too.

We stayed like this and we just kept dancing having more few drinks here and there.

I felt his member rub up my ass and I giggled.

Yes giggled. I was drunk.

In a few seconds, we were both up the stairs and in the hall way making out.

I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I did the same with him. God his mouth tasted so nice

He hand was at the bottom of my thigh and I knew what he wanted me to do.

I jumped up and I has my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. Along with his hands under my butt holding me up against the wall.

He pulled me away from the wall and we entered a random room and he laid me down on the bed crawling on top of me. And he unbuckled my belt and slowly pulled my pants down. I took off his shirt and I rubbed my hand through his pants I already felt his boner.

Shit that just made me go hard..

He pulled his pants down and took off my shirt.

He grinded on me and I moaned In desire.

"Mother of---ugh!" another moan came out because he grinded his hips into mine hard.

"Ah, Mike" I said and I moaned softly. He attacked my neck leaving hickeys.

He sucked soft then hard and that made my body feel like it was on fire!

Then he pulled my boxers down and he pulled his down.

He then didn't even give me a notice before he shoved his dick into me.

I yelped In pain!

"AHH OW!" I yelled out and I felt tears prickle at the edge of my eyes.

"I'm sorry baby " he said in my ear. He kissed me and his tongue entered my mouth again.

He keeps thrusting into me, making the pain fade away and replace it with hotness.

My moans were everywhere and he was moaning too.

He jerked off mine and with that I came.

He rode out his high and he came into me. After that he pulled out and laid next me and he was nibbling at my neck softly.

"Tony.. it was me who wrote that note. I love you so much for a long time too"

"I love you too. And I loved you for so much" I said and a blush creeped up.


He smiled and he kissed my lips and with that he wrapped his arms around my waist. And he nibbled softly at the back of my neck

After the nibbling Mike and I fell asleep peacefully.


Okay I find this really good.

Over 2000 words! Awesome.

Now enjoy it while I'm off to make a new one.

I'm probably gonna update this one most of all and I'm gonna put my other books on hold or discontinuing them. Idk maybe I will

Okay beh guys

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