《Gay one shots》New neighbor? (Cashby) part 1


::Alan's ::POV::

I jogged the rest of the sidewalk , when I saw a movers truck to the house next to mine.

I walked the rest of the way and saw a tall figure carrying boxes along with two more guys which one had half of his black hair shaved off and one with long brown hair.

I kept on walking and completely ignore there presence, because that's just me.... I got to the door and unlocked it.

I headed to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water until I heard barking and muffins meowing loudly.

"MUFFINS!" I yelled and I ran up the stairs to my room to see a baby bulldog barking at my baby ginger kitty muffins.

"Oh muffins" I grabbed muffins and took her off my drawer and picked up the baby bulldog.

"How'd you get here?" I mumbled to myself and headed back down stairs.

"Muffins I'll make you food and your new friend " I said and I smiled when I saw muffins hiss at the bull dog.

"Ah poo" I laughed and put them on the kitchen counter while , i on my tippy toes reached the dog and cat food. and if your wondering why the hell I have dog food is because muffins loves eating it combined to her cat food.

I grabbed two bowls and poured the food In and passed them the plates.

Right when the plates were in their faces . They charged at it and ate.

I smiled and went back upstairs I got into the bathroom and I turned on the shower, discarding my clothing, and jumped in.


I finished my shower and put on new boxer briefs, along with black sweats and my black 'all time fucking low ' tank top.

I walked back downstairs to find the baby bulldog laying on his back and muffins laying her head to his stomach. It was so ADORB!! I pulled my phone out and took a picture.


I picked them up and laid them on the couch while I watched American Horror Story. I gotta say American Horror Story is the SHITZ! Don't deny you would love it if you've seen it. It's masterpiece.

Ok ok I'm rambling about my favorite show.

After a few more episodes I was knocked out with sleep and laid next to the cute animals.


::Austin's :: POV::

I searched everywhere and I couldn't find Mitch!

(I wanted to name Austin's bull dog Mitch because I couldn't resist. Don't judge me)

I checked in the back yard, my room, Tino's room, Phil's room, the kitchen , and in the bathroom and he was no where to be seen.

I laid on the couch and huffed knowing I probably already lost my baby bull dog.

"Chill man, he'll pop out somewhere don't worry about it" Tino said from behind the couch while he patted my shoulder.

"I hope... I'll ask the neighbors tomorrow" I said.

From what I heard from Tino and Phil. There was this hot ginger next to us and on the other side were this two ladies

But since I'm gay I'm not interested into woman. But I'm guessing Phil and Tino would probably be getting to know them better.

Besides I haven't even see this "hot ginger" yet so I don't even know if his "good looking". I bet they are pulling a prank.

But since it's already turned 9. I should get to bed and wait till tomorrow to find Mitch.

I got off the couch and headed to my room and I took of my clothes and only put on my sweats. I got under the covers and fell asleep.


So new one shot!

I'll post part 2 later on.

So yeah and I'll probably update my other books so Cheerios!

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