《Gay one shots》New neighbors? (Cashby) part 2




I woke up to someone licking my face and a grip to my hair begin pulled out.

I yawned and opened My eyes to see muffins licking my face, and fatty pulling my hair with his baby teeth.

Mmm, fatty sounds a good name for him. It suits him. But I wonder what his real name is....


He had a fucking dog tag this whole fucking time under his neck, which are covered in roles of fatness....

I took it off and read it.

Name: Mitch Lucker Carlile

Owner: Austin Robert Carlile

(If found pls contact this number = 7780981432)

*the number is fake I just put in random fucking number. Okay. Okay*

Mphm well I guess I'll have to contact the number.

*on the phone*

Rinngg riinnggg rinnng

Austin: hello?

Alan:hello is this uh Austin?

Austin: this is he, why did you call me?

Alan: oh I uh, have your baby bull dog. Somehow he got into my home while I was out.

Austin: oh... Mitch. I'll be right there, your my neighbor right?

Alan: yes and your my new neighbor. Well I guess this is a way of greeting you. *laughs softly* well I'll see you in a bit.

Austin: okay bye uh.. what's your name

Alan: Alan my names Alan.

Austin: okay Alan I'll see ya soon. Bye

Alan: bye.

*hangs up phone*

Nice way of greeting my new neighbor.....


I got dressed for work since I'll be heading that way after I give back Mitch to his rightful owner.

I got my uniform on and I put things in my book bag such as money, headphones , my phone, charger, and some treats I can eat.

Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I don't eat like a fucking cow. because I do....


Moving on....

I put muffins on the bed and left her toys around so she can play while I'm gone.

I walked down the stairs then heard my doorbell ring.

I picked up Mitch and opened the door.

And you couldn't believe what I saw.

I saw a tall figure inches taller , the man had brown hair, along with dark chocolate eyes , tattoos on his arms and on his neck.

I have a few but not a lot like his.

He has a nose piercing and I saw it shined a little when opened my door to this Angel.

"I-uh, you must be Austin Carlile?" I stuttered. God I hate when I fucking stutter.

"Indeed I am, you must be Alan?"

"Yes that is me"

"Well my friends were lieing..." he mumbled.

"About what?"

"Nothing nothing... and I see you have my baby bull dog with you" he said smiling.

Damn that smile. If he wasn't straight which I assume he is I would so go for it.

"Here he is. I still wonder how the hell he got into my home. But I guess when muffins came back from the backyard her door didn't shut all the way and somehow he tumbled in. " I said laughing a little.

It went into awkward silence until he broke it.

"Hey . I see your heading to work I guess. Is there anyplace there hiring around?"

"There is. at a book store names Barnes & noble. I work there. well I work at the coffee shop inside but I think there's a place for you there"

"Really thanks alan, I'll sign up in a few. Hey when do you come back from work?"

"8. "

"Okay. wanna hang at my place for a while when you come back?"


"Sure id love too. I gotta run see ya Austin" I said grabbing my bag and heading to my car.


They weren't Lieing. This ginger is hot.

(I'm going to skip a lot okay okay)

*a year later*

I was sleeping in bed when I felt someone small lay on my bare back while I laid on my stomach.

"Hey . hey baby. Hey hey hey" I felt a finger poke my cheek.

"What do you want ashby..." I groaned and cover my head with the pillow

"I just wanna a cuddle..." He said and got of my back laid next to me cuddling into my side.

I took the pillow off my head and laid on my side looking at Alan.


I'd never thought my neighbor and I would end like this.


"What are you looking babe?"

"Your cuteness..." I mumbled and hugged his waist while he wrapped his arms around my neck.

He wasn't wearing a shit. I so personally voted to give him a hickey.

I put my lips to his neck and forcefully nibbled a little bit and than began to suck on it.

Alan moaned every time I kissed his neck. It's so cute the first days I began to do it he would squirm and giggle and moan so much it made me so turned on.

But everyone knows where this is heading.....

And it's gonna go great.


If you didn't understand the and.

It's because there gonna do da dirty.

And this is really long so that's what took me forever. New one shot will be up along with my other books If you bother to read.

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