《Gay one shots》Goodbye part 2. (Mperg)


::Vic's:: POV ::

Today is the day Kellin gives birth.

He only has ten minutes until they will make him push the baby out.

I hope he doesn't fail into it. He will win like a winner.


"AH!" Kellin yelled with his high pitched voice and with a final push I could see the baby's head.

"I see her." Doctor McKinnon said and he took the baby out.

"It's a girl " he said and gave the baby to the nurse miss Jardine.

"AH!!" Kellin yelled

"What's going on!?" I said and McKinnon put his attention on my kells.

"there's any other baby!" The doctor said and pulled out a baby. But a baby boy.

"There twins?" I said in confusion.

"Miss jardine. Take the kids to the caring center. While I go check on Kellin's files again and rearrange the paper work" he said. Miss jardine nodded her head and left with the my two kids In here arms.

"Kells?" I said when McKinnon left the room.

He didn't respond to me. Though he just looked down at his finger and twirled them around.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you were gonna bail on the kids. I didn't want you knowing because i thought you were going to leave " he said and I saw a tear fall down his face.

I walked to him and sat on the hospital bed.

"I wouldn't dare leave you nor the kids. If I can one baby girl. I can especially take care of two. " I said kissing him. "Are you still up for making wuv to me? If you don't want to do it. It's fine" Kellin said I just smiled and kissed his nose.


We cuddled In the hospital bed. Tay the nurse told us the babies were going great progress and we could take them tomorrow.


And let me tell you, I was so eager to rip off Kellin's clothes when we got home. He has been a little shit and teasing me.


Today has came that we take the kids home and we can take Kellin home.

I was so happy but upset that he only has 3 days now of life. I felt like crying then and now but I sucked it up and put the kids into the car.

Kellin named our baby girl Copeland and the baby boy Victor I don't know why he named our baby my name. But he did and he said it doesn't matter.

We got home and I helped Kellin up the porch stairs. And when I sat him on the couch and left to go get vic and Copeland. It's weird now that I have to call my baby boy after me.

I put their baby baskets next to Kellin.

They looked so alike be sides the gender.

I was so in thought in looking at my kids that I felt Kellin kiss my cheek. And then I felt him palm my dick.

"Kells...." I said

"Vic....." he said giggling and kissing me.

I got off the couch and picked him up bridal style and took him up the stairs and laid him on the bed while I began to kiss him.

He pushed me on the bed while he crawled and straddled me. And was so eager that he began to have dry sex with me.

"Ah.. kells" I moaned and I captured his lips again. He kept rubbing his dick with mine and I felt him through his sweats.

He took off my pants and I did the same. And then I took of his shirt and I began to attack his neck with bites and kisses. He moaned my name and squirmed alittle.

*okay so I'm not writing sex Sowwy. This gal can't do that. *


I laid on the bed sweaty and with a sweaty Kellin by my side.

"Best love ever " he said kissing my lips. I laid on my side and so did he. I grabbed his hips tightly.

" I don't want you leaving me" I said softly and I left a year fall down my face onto the white pillow.

"And I don't want to leave you, but promise me one thing " he said


"Take care of our kids. I don't want you loosing them and I don't want you hating them while I'm gone " he said kissing my lips and he put his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to conceal our hug.

But the hug was sook broken because cope began to cry.

"We should get that " Kellin said laughing and with me smiling. We got out of bed and went to feed out kids.


Those 3 days passed quickly , and I woke up to Kellin not waking up no more.

I cried and I cried that I soaked up his shirt.

The day before he told me he loves me no matter what I become in the future. And he said he would never forget about me nor our kids.

The ambulance came and took Kellin. My brother and my fiends Tony and Jaime were here when they heard about Kellin passing away. I hugged into mikes side so long that I soaked up the side of his shirt and a little of his pants.


A week passed and they put Kellin in a coffin and lured him down. I couldn't stop crying. Tony and Mike were holding my babies while I cried.

I love you Kellin with all my heart I would never forget about you.


Five years have passed and my kids were turning 5.

"Oomf" I heard from the living room.

"Kids what are you doing?" I yelled from the kitchen I was baking two cakes.

"Nothing vic fell off the chair" cope said giggling. "And by falling off his chair you pushed him didn't you " I said back.

"Yes! Yes she did!" I heard my son yell. I laughed and I felt something grabbing my legs. I looked down to find my twin kids holding on my legs.

"Gosh you kids remind me of your papa kellin" I said

"Where Is papa Kellin?" Cope asked.

"Over here!" I heard a voice say from behind me. And I never thought I would hear it again.

I turned around to find Kellin there standing and angel wings by him.


"DADDY!!" Vic and Copeland yelled and ran towards kell. And Kellin picked them both up and kissed there faces.

"How are you treating your dad?"

"Good...." vic said.

"Hell...." cope said and I began to laugh on how vic lied and cope told the truth.

"Well it looks like I have to speak with your papa go play in the living room" Kellin said the kids nodded there heads and ran to go play.

"Kellin..." I said.

"Hey there love" he said and kissed my lips.

I'd never thought I would feel or taste his lips again but I did and I am.

"I'll see you around. Don't worry i will" he said pulling back.

"I'll see you around too " I said smiling

And in that moment, he was gone and I was happy I got to see him once more.


So sorry it took forever to update this one.

Sorry for errors. I was having a tiny writers block.

Anygay, I'll be updating this book and my other books later on.

Beh! (Bye)

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