《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 26: Sad Truth


Kisame charged Naruto with his Samehada in hand. He did a overhead swing. Naruto easily dodged it and jumped away from Kisame to get some distance away from him. Kisame did some hand signs.

"Suiton: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu." Kisame yelled and a water shark came out of a puddle and charged Naruto.

Naruto pulled out his machete and focus on the machete. The machete began glowing red and steaming. Naruto then dodged the shark bomb and charged towards Kisame.

"Almighty Push."

Kisame flew into a tree while Naruto just stood there unfazed. Pain appeared and looked at Naruto closely.

"How did not get affected by my Almighty Push?" Pain thought.

Naruto dissipated the cloak and looked at Pain.

"I have a mission for you. You all must go to the Hidden Waterfall and get information regarding there jinchuuriki. If you see her either try to convince him to join us or kill her if she refuses." Pain ordered and went away.

When Pain left Naruto put his machete back in his sheath and went give Kisame a hand up.

"You're quite talented. I've seen never seen someone with stand an attack from Pain." Kisame completed.

Naruto just kept a blank expression on his face and went to go put on his Akatsuki cloak.

Itachi, Kisame, and Naruto all left for mission in the Hidden Waterfall.

*Meanwhile in the Hidden Leaf*

Ever body was freaking out about the death of the Leaf Council and the Hokage. Everyone was trying to figure who did this.

2 people were found knocked out and were in the hospital right now. The new council consisted of Shikaku, Hiashi, Choza, and Kushina. They were all discussing about who should be the next Hokage. They all came to the decision that Naruko was still to young, so they chose Tsunade.


The Namikaze family were mourning the death of Minato. Kushina was wondering where Naruto was so she just figured he needed some alone time.

Mito was walking threw the village with a lot on her mind. She knew who had done this. It was Naruto. Why would he kill our father and the council. Mito saw Naruto on top of the Hokage tower with his demon eyes glowing in the dark and seeing his 9 tails waving behind him. He jumped down from the tower and knocked out Shikamaru, after he asked him. "Why would you do this?"

After Naruto left the area Mito ran inside to see everyone dead. She sprinted the Hokage office to see her father dead on the ground. Mito tried to convince herself that Naruto would never do this, but she couldn't do it.

Mito was heading to the hospital to see if Shikamaru is awake and ask him some questions. She was minding her own business until Konohamaru and Hanabi had caught up to her. They walked with her to the hospital, just so they could be there for her.

They got to the hospital and walked to Shikamaru room to see he is finally awake. Shikamaru noticed Mito walked in the room and knew she wanted to ask questions. Just before she opened her mouth, Shikamaru put his hand to stop her.

"I know you have questions, but I want you to tell the everyone at once." Shikamaru stated

"At least, tell me who did this?" Mito begged, hoping it wasn't Naruto.

Mito had the look of "I need confirmation."

*sigh* "It was Naruto." Shikamaru said with eyes closed.

Everyone excepted Mito was surprised. Hanabi couldn't believe that Hinata's boyfriend would do this. Hinata cared deeply for him and everytime she saw him it looked like she cared deeply for her. So why would he do this? She was going to find out why, for Hinata.


Konohamaru was shocked. Big Brother Naruto killed his father and the council. Naruto taught him so many things. He helped him when he needed it. Konohamaru really looked up to him. He felt the need to help him the next time he met him.

Mito was had her head down in shame. She cared about Naruto more than anyone in the village. She wanted to find out why, no matter what. She needs to get strong in order to get the answers.

After waiting for awhile, Tsunade and the new council walked in to question Shikamaru. He said he saw Naruto kill the Hokage and the council threw a window he tried arresting him but he knocked him out. But before he entered the building he was accompanied with a Akatsuki member.

"Naruto is now a missing nin and is apart of the Akatsuki." Tsunade announced.

The team of genin all left the building and were thinking of what to do next. They walked together not talking to each other around the village. They eventually ran into Sasuke. Mito was about to apologize when an idea hit her across the face.

"Sasuke, can you train me?" Mito asked quickly.

Sasuke was not expecting this. He was about to say no until he looked at her. She had the look of someone wanting to find answers. Then the thought of Itachi came to his mind. She was having the exact same problem as he had. So he accepted.

"Ok." Sasuke said with a nod

Mito was surprised that he accepted her so easily.

"Thank you, Sasuke-Sensei." Mito proudly said.

"Meet me at the training grounds at 5 in the morning." Sasuke told her while walking away.

Mito was staring at him while he walked away. She then looked to the sky.

"I will find out why."

I don't have a computer anymore, so chapters are gonna come slowly.

Go check out my new story "Crazed Naruto"

Please tell me what you all think of this story, I want to know. Good or Bad things, idk.

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