《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 27: New Friend


Naruto, Itachi, and Kisame were making there way to the Hidden Waterfall Village.

"Naruto, why did kill the Leaf Council." Itachi asked

"I'll tell you later." Naruto said

"So, you'll actually tell us?" Itachi asked for assurance.

"I don't care if people know why and what I've done." Naruto told Itachi. "Why did you slaughter your clan?" Naruto countered.

"I would like to hear this story." Kisame said, getting interested in this conversation.

Itachi sighed and told both Naruto and Kisame why he killed his entire clan. Kisame gained a new type of respect for Itachi and Naruto didn't show it but was surprised at how much of a great shinobi he was.

"So, when are you gonna tell us your story?" Itachi asked

"After the mission." Naruto said coldly ending the conversation.

They eventually got to the village entrance and entered the village unnoticed. They knew what the jinchuuriki looked like, so all they had to was look for her.

Naruto already knew where she was. She was about to leave for a mission.

*Meanwhile with Fu*

Fu and her team were about to leave for there mission.

She wanted to leave, she was tired of the stares from the villagers.

Just before they took a step her two teammates fell to the ground. She looked at there fallen bodies to see a throwing knife in there foreheads.

Fu instantly got into a fighting stance. She was examining the area around and could sense 2 people.

"I know there's two of you out there." Fu loudly stated

"You mean three, right?" Kisame mocked while revealing himself.

Itachi and Naruto appeared not short after.

Fu examined the 3 people in front of her. They all wore Akatsuki cloaks and they only revealed there heads. The one on the left had blue hair, circle eyes, and blue skin. He even had a big wrapped up sword on his back. The right one had long black hair, with black eyes. The middle one had black spiky hair, blue eyes with a red rim around them, two fangs, and...


"3 thick whiskers on each cheek."

"Why are you here?" Fu demanded.

"We just want to talk, 7 tails." Naruto simply said.


"Our leader wants you to join the Akatsuki."

"Join the Akatsuki. Is that a joke?"


"Why do you want me to join?" Fu asked while leaving her fighting stance.

"You'd have to ask him yourself."

"What would happen if I refuse?" Fu carefully asked

"You wouldn't want to know." Naruto said while slowly activating his demon eyes.

Fu took a step back. She felt the killer intent Naruto was releasing. She noticed his eye change and was getting scared.

Fu quickly showed her wings and began flying.

"I will not join the Akatsuki." Fu proudly said.

"How about we work a deal. If I win, you join the Akatsuki. If you win I will freely let you arrest me." Naruto proposed.

"If I win, I get to turn in the Fox." Fu smirked at the offer.

"You accept?"

Fu attacked with a kunai in hand. She aimed for Naruto's head, but Naruto caught her wrist before her kunai connected to his forehead. Naruto held her to the ground in a arm lock, she couldn't move, he was to strong. Naruto pulled out his machete and held it around her neck.

"You lose." Naruto mocked

Naruto tightened his grip.

"Fine, I'll join." Fu cried.

Naruto let her go.

"Let's go." Itachi ordered

They all turned around and left. Fu hesitated, she was about to leave her home. She really didn't want but she being forced. Not soon after she followed.

"So Naruto, are gonna tell your story?" Itachi reminded everyone

"Fine, I'll tell you." Naruto sighed

Naruto told everyone why he killed the Leaf Council. He told about how corrupted they were and had to kill them all to save all of the shinobi.


Itachi was surprised Naruto had the heart to do this. Kisame didn't know how to feel about it. Fu saw this as an opportunity to make a new friend.

They eventually got to the Akatsuki hideout to report there mission.

"Mission success. The jinchuuriki has joined the Akatsuki." Naruto reported.

"Good. Naruto you will teamed with the jinchuuriki." Pain ordered.

"My name is Fu." Fu interrupted

"Very well, Fu your new teammate will be Naruto." Pain corrected himself.

"Why did you want me to join your group?" Fu asked

"I would like to have jinchuuriki as a ally, not an enemy." Pain simply said while turning towards Naruto.

"From the looks of it you didn't do any action in trying to get her. So I'm sending you on another mission." Pain said

"What's the mission?" Naruto asked

"You and Fu will go find and kill Orochimaru." Pain ordered

Everyone looked at Pain in shock. He wants them to go kill a sannin.


Pain left with Itachi and Kisame following him.

Fu turned to Naruto.

"Are you not worried at all?" Fu worriedly asked

Naruto kept a blank face gave Fu a Akatsuki cloak.

"Let's go." Naruto ordered but was stopped by Fu.

"Since we're teammates now, I want to know who my teammate is." Fu said with a smile.

"Ok then, you start." Naruto countered.

"Ok, I'm Fu. I'm 7 tails jinchuuriki, I like sushi, and making plenty of friends. My goal is to make a hundred friends." Fu said proudly.

"Why make so many friends?" Naruto asked.

"I saved the chief of my village and I befriended him. He told that I could make a hundred friends with how nice I am. But it's kinda hard doing that when your a jinchuuriki." Fu said sadly

Fu gestured to Naruto saying it was his turn.

"I'm Naruto Namikaze. I'm the 9 tails jinchuuriki. I love ramen, my sisters, and relaxing in the forest. I don't have a dream." Naruto told Fu.

"You don't have a dream, that's not good." Fu said in shock. Naruto just shrugged. "I'm going to help you find a dream." Fu told Naruto.

"What!?" Naruto said surprise.

"I will help you. Everyone has a dream, even if you don't know it. I will help you find your dream, I promise." Fu promised Naruto.

Naruto stood there in shock, no one ever promised him something like this.

"Let's go." Naruto ordered while trying to end the conversation.

"Yay, I made a new friend." Fu cheered.

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