《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 25: Greetings


Pain is waiting for Kisame, so he could tell him he has a new teammate.

Kisame walks into the hideout. He has blue skin with sharp teeth. He carries a big sword rapped in bandages on his back.

"Why did you need me to abandon my mission." Kisame asked

"You and Itachi have a new teammate. This will be our first and only 3 man team." Pain told him

"Who is he?" was all Kisame asked

"Naruto Namikaze, formily of the Hidden Leaf."

"The Fox, huh. Why would he join the Akatsuki?" Kisame asked curiously

"He killed his father the Hokage, assassinated the Leaf council, and killed all ANBU apart of Danzo's foundation." Pain said all he knew

"Wow, that's quite a feet." Kisame said impressed. "Where is Itachi and where is Naruto?"

"Itachi is waiting outside and Naruto is in the forest." Pain said and walked away

Kisame walked outside to see Itachi with a cold look on his face. Kisame grinned at this.

"Let's go greet our new teammate." Kisame said with a grin on his face

With that being said they both walked into the forest to go greet there new teammate. They walked deep into the forest. They walked until they saw Naruto sitting on the ground against a tree with his eyes closed and was wearing the Akatsuki cloak.

Kisame and Itachi walked up to him and were now looking down on him, waiting for him to notice them.

"I wonder what he looks like." Kisame wondered with a grin on his face.

"What do you want?" Naruto said while opening his eyes and revealing what he finally looks like.

Naruto looks had changed. He still had blue eyes but the rim of his we red, like it was a spreading disease. He had fangs and his whiskers were slightly thicker. His voice was also more deep.


"My name is Kisame Hoshigaki formerly of the Hidden Mist, one of the seven ninja swordsman and you are Naruto Namikaze, the Fox of the Leaf. Am I right?" Kisame said with a grin on his face.

Naruto just kept a blank face.

"Pain told me what you did and I'm quite impressed. You killed all ANBU, assassinated the Leaf Council and your father the Hokage." Kisame added

Naruto still had a blank face.

"I think we all have something in common, which is why I'm glad you are teamed with us. We've all had our reasons to kill our comrades." Kisame said gladly

Naruto just got up and began walking away. Kisame kept the grin on his face.

"And why did you kill your comrades, I wonder?" Kisame mocked

"Maybe because of how bad your parents were." Itachi said trying to get under Naruto's skin

Naruto then stopped and turned around looking at Itachi. Naruto activated his demon eyes and released enough killer intent to startle both Kisame and Itachi.

"You had better watch what your gonna say next, Uchiha." Naruto threatened

Itachi activated his mangekyo sharingan and was staring at Naruto. Kisame was enjoying what he was watching.

Kisame stepped in. "Calm down you too." Kisame then aimed his sword at Naruto. Naruto activated his cloak and made it skin tight so they won't notice.

"Do you know why we are so dangerous?" Kisame asked Naruto

Naruto looked at Kisame with a not to happy look on his face. "Why."

"I hold the samehada, the most powerful sword ever. It absorbs your chakra at a very fast rate. And I am the most powerful water style user in the ninja world." Kisame gloated

"I have the mangekyo sharingan and I am very skilled in fire style and genjutsu." was all Itachi said. Naruto knew he was hiding more skills.


"And you." Kisame said to Naruto

"My soul is merged with the soul of the Kyuubi. I am skilled in wind and fire style and I can use scorch style." Naruto said

Naruto then revealed his cloak in the kyuubi form. Samehade ripped the bandages off and it was hungry. Kisame grinned at this. And Itachi showed the susanoo's ribs.

"Starting today you are our comrade. So don't do anything stupid around us." Kisame said confidently

Naruto said with the scary deep voice

Kisame was sweating. He never met someone like Naruto, Itachi was almost the same but different. Itachi is never open to how he feels, Naruto isn't afraid to show when he mad. He enjoyed the feeling and then an idea popped in his head.

"Let's do a spar." Kisame suggested

Naruto washed away his angry look and put on a emotionless face.

"I want to see how strong you are."

Naruto just nodded and dissipated his cloak. Naruto then took off his Akatsuki cloak and showed what he was wearing. He was wearing his black hoodie and red straps on his arms. His nails were grown out and Naruto then revealed his fox machete.

"You don't care about showing your power?" Kisame wondered

"If we're going to be comrades, then we need to know each others abilities. Plus, you asked nicely." Naruto said

Naruto then showed his cloak and had his arms crossed. Naruto nodded his head signaling Kisame to attack.

Kisame ran to Naruto with a over head slash with his samehada. The samehada didn't connect with Naruto, it was caught by the cloak. Kisame tried to pull it away but he couldn't.

"If you hang on to the samehada, that chakra around you will disappear." Kisame grinned

"This isn't chakra." Naruto said bluntly

Naruto then grabbed Kisame by the legs with his tails and threw him into a tree. Kisame was surprised by the attack, he didn't expect something like that to attack him. Kisame then got into his fighting stance.

"This is going to be fun."

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