《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 24: Assassination


Madara and were sucked into a vortex and were now inside the Danzo's Foundation building.

"Who are you two? How did you both get in here?" an ANBU demanded

Naruto just walked up to him and slit his throat with his claws. Naruto turned around to see more ANBU. Naruto activated his demon eyes and showed 9 tails. Naruto and Madara began there onslaught.

Madara and Naruto would kill every ANBU in the building and would progress threw the building. They killed all ANBU swiftly.

They eventually killed all ANBU and made it to Danzo's office. They both entered the office. Danzo was sitting in his chair and slowly turned around.

"You just killed every ANBU apart of my foundation. Why?" Danzo asked

Naruto just kept a emotionless face and pulled out his machete and began walking to Danzo.

"Fox, you will be labled traitor of the Leaf if you do this." Danzo said hoping Naruto would hesitate but he didn't

Naruto swung his machete at Danzo's neck, but swiftly dodge swing and ran outside of the room.

"Why would the strongest offspring of the Hokage be allied with the Akatsuki?" Danzo asked outloud while in the middle of the catwalk facing Madara and Naruto.

Naruto kept quiet. Naruto then put his hand up and pulled it across his body. Danzo's arm holder and bandages flew off of his body. Revealing a pale arm with sharingan all it and having a sharingan on his right eye.

Danzo was shocked when did he put chakra strings on him to do that.

Naruto then summoned 4 scorch balls and they now rotating him.

"Shit, I forgot he could do Shakuton." Danzo cursed

Danzo then snapped his fingers and all the ANBU that weren't in the building now appeared around him.


"You are now out numbered and can't do anything." Danzo declared

Naruto then used his tails and grabbed Danzo. He pulled Danzo and slammed his head on the ground, knocking him out. Naruto then focused all of his scorch balls together into one big ball.

"Shakuton: Incinerating Flare"

A light of red appeared and then it went away in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared all that was left was burned corpses of ALBU lying on the ground. All ANBU that worked for the foundation is now dead. Only people that survived were Naruto, Madera, and a unconscious Danzo. Naruto then cut off Danzo's arm and stabbed him in the heart. Danzo was now dead.

"My work here is done. When you are done, meet me at where we met yesterday." Madara said while teleporting away with Danzo.

After that Naruto left the foundation and headed to the Hokage tower.

When Naruto got there, he wanted to take down the Hokage first so he could get this done quickly.

Naruto was outside the Hokage office until he noticed a window was open.

"I know your there Naruto. Come inside."

Naruto then jumped threw the window to see his dad in the Hokage chair with smile on his face.

"Hello, Naruto. I know why you are here and what you are doing. Naruko told me everything." Minato admitted.

Naruto stood silent. Not showing any expression on his face.

"I have asked for the rest of the council to come the council room, they're in the room right now." Minato told getting up from his chair and began walking to his son.

Minato then placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"I don't want to fight to the death against my son. So I'm gonna let you kill me. But promise me one thing." Minato asked


"Promise me you will protect our family."

Minato said this and gave Naruto a hug. Naruto hugged back.

"I promise."

"Naruto I am very proud of who you are. You are a very fine shinobi. I am sorry for how we treated you when we you a kid. I hope we fixed our relationship."

"You did."

Minato then sat down on his knees. Naruto then pulled out his machete and chopped off his father head. Minato Namikaze is dead.

Naruto held in his tears and was about to walk out the room, until someone opened the door.

"Lord 4th, the council is..."

Naruto then killed the women and went to the council room.

Naruto opened the door to see angry looking old people.

"Who are you?" Koharu demanded

Naruto wasted no time and killed everyone in the room, except for one man.

Naruto picked him up by the neck.

Naruto said with scary voice

After Naruto knocked him out, Naruto was already on the roof Hokage tower. He was looking over the village thinking about his choices. Naruto jumped off the building and was about to leave until he ran into Shikamaru.

"Why would you do this?" Shikamaru asked

Naruto didn't say anything.

"You are under arrest, for the assassination of the Leaf Council." Shikamaru said while tangling him in his Shadow Paralysis

Naruto then puffed into smoke.

"Shadow Clone." Shikamaru said outloud before being knocked out.

Naruto then left the village to meet up with Madara.

*Outside the Village*

Naruto appeared in front of Madara.

"Is it done." Madara asked, knowing what he is going to say

"Yes." Naruto said bluntly

"Follow me, we need to leave this area."

Madara and Naruto left the land of fire by boat heading to an Akatsuki hideout.

They entered the hideout to see 3 people. 2 people from the Hidden Rain, one man, one girl. One man from the Hidden Leaf.

"Who have you brought us?" Rain nin asked

"I have brought us our newest member of the Akatsuki. This is Naruto Namikaze, Fox of the Leaf, son of the Fourth Hokage. He just assassinated the fourth and killed the entire council." Madara told them all.

Naruto was just standing there not showing any emotion on his face. He didn't care if people knew what he did.

"You killed your father, the Hokage. Why would you do that." Rain man asked

"They were corrupted." was all Naruto said

"That's it. Can tell us why they were corrupted." Rain girl asked

Naruto just kept silent.

"You wish to join the Akatsuki. Very well. My name is Pain, she is Konan, and he is Itachi." he gestured to the others.

Pain then handed him a Akatsuki cloak and a ring. "From now on you are, Naruto of the Akatsuki. You will help us in our goal of peace."

"From now on, you will be teamed with Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki." Pain told Naruto

Naruto just nodded and looked at Itachi. He could see he didn't like him.

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