《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 15: Chuunin Exams Part 3


The first fight is about to start. All of the fighters are walking together to the arena.

*Yawn* "What a drag, why does my fight have to be first and against Gaara of all people." Shikamaru complain.

Gaara and Temari kept to themselves and didn't talk to the leaf nin.

"At least I get to knock some sense into that stupid Hyuga." Naruko said looking Neji

Neji just scrugged and kept to himself.

"I get to fight son of the Hokage." Lee said with fire in his eyes.

"Being the son of the Hokage doesn't mean anything." Naruto told Lee

"It means everything. You had the luxury of being trained by the best." Lee said pointing at Naruto

"I had no luxury. The Hokage never trained me. He ignored me actually." Naruto said. Catching the attention of Gaara

"I guess he knew you were a demon from the start." Sasuke mocked Naruto

Naruto picked up a rock and threw at the back of Sasuke's head. Sasuke activated his sharingan and looked at Naruto trying to scare him, but had no results.

"I told you before, your sharingan doesn't scare me." Naruto said bluntly

Naruto looked away from Sasuke and looked at Gaara. He couldn't stop thinking about him, he felt some sort of connection with him.

Before they knew it they at the entrance to the arena.

*Fast Forward to the battles*

Shikamaru and Gaara's match was about to start. The waiting in the waiting stands of the stadium.

Naruto was waiting for the match to start until Temari tapped his shoulder.

"I need to talk to you." She said and waved at him to follow her.

They were in the hallway outside of the room.

"Your a jinchuuriki. Aren't you." Temari stated

Naruto was shocked. "How did you know."

"Gaara won't stop talking about you." Temari confirmed

"So he has the same feeling." Naruto thought

"So what do you want." Naruto demanded

"Oh nothing. It's just that you must have had a horribly life." Temari mocked

"Where is she going with this?"

"You parents must of hated you and for good reason. Then you had your tailed beast train you so you can be strong and show off your strength today. So you keep to yourself. You probably don't have any friends, who would would want to be friends with a demon anyway." Temari mocked about his life story.


Naruto was getting really mad. His hair was starting to get darker. Half of his hair was now black. Anyone who would look at him notice the change.

"One more push." Temari thought

"Your sisters probably don't care about you either. They're probably weak-" Temari at the killer intent he was releasing.

Temari started backing away with her hands up in fear.

Naruto grabbed her wrist and started squeezing. Naruto looked up at her with demon eyes and fangs.

"Why are you talking about my life story like it's a joke. And your starting to mock my sisters for no reason." Naruto said with no emotion

"Your perfect." Temari said with a smile.

"What are you talking about." Naruto said squeezing her wrist harder

"Look, Gaara needs your help. He doesn't need have the emotions that you have. And I think the only person who can save him is someone who suffered same as him." Temari told everything to Naruto

Naruto let go of her wrist. Naruto began walking away.

"Stay away from me." Naruto said walking away from her

*Back to the match*

Shikamaru has failed multiple times in trying to snare him in his shadow possession jutsu. And hasn't landed a single blow on Gaara. Shikamaru has taken a lot of damage.

Gaara had a wave of sand heading towards Shikamaru.

"I give up." Shikamaru said raising his hand

The sand stopped.

"Winner: Gaara. Next match Naruto vs Lee."

"Yeah." Lee yelled with a fist pump in the air.

Naruto kept silent. He was still a little frustrated with Temari.

They were in the middle of the arena staring at each other.


Lee got into his signature stance. Naruto just standing there with his hands in his pockets.

Naruto looked into the stands to see Mito with a big smile on her face sitting next to Kushina.

Naruto looked back at Lee, with a calm mind.

Lee instantly attacked Naruto with impressive speed. He did a jump cross kick aimed for Naruto's head. Naruto dodged it with ease. When Lee landed on the ground he did a jab aim for Naruto's head.


Naruto caught the punch and threw his fist in the air and did a roundhouse kick in Lee's chest, which sent him back 5 yards.

Lee then attacked Naruto with a series of punchs and kicks. Naruto was did not move from his spot. He was successfully blocking and dodging all of Lee's attacks in a imaginary circle.

Lee decided it was no use continuing and jumped back a safe distance from Naruto.

"Why aren't counter-attacking?" Lee said in frustration

"I don't feel like countering." Naruto said putting his hands in his pockets. "I know your holding back, so I won't take this seriously until you do." Naruto with no emotion

"Fine." Lee said in excitement. Lee sat down criss cross on the ground and took off the weights on shins.

"That feels so much better." Lee said getting up

Lee then attacked Naruto with blinding speed. Naruto was surprised with this and turned around to block a punch from Lee.

"Much better." Naruto said with a smile

Naruto activated his demon eyes, surprising Lee. Naruto then punched Lee in the stomach sending him back.

"I'll end it with this next attack." Lee thought with a smirk on his face.

Lee began unwrapping the bandages on his arms and instantly started running circles around Naruto.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked without any emotion

Lee out of nowhere did a vertical kick to Naruto's chin sending him flying in the air. Lee jumped up in the air with him and did a series of kicks in Narutos gut and chest. Lee then wrapped his bandages around Naruto and Lee began spinning him and Naruto in the air. Lee then slammed Naruto head first into the ground. Lee jumped out the way just in time. There was a big smokescreen from the collision.

When the smoke cleared Naruto was lying down on the ground. Lee had a smile on his face thinking he had won.

To everyones surprise Naruto got up like it was nothing. He dusted off his jacket and popped his neck. Naruto then looked at Lee with smile that made him look crazy. This made Lee uncomfortable.

"Nice move. But I think it did more damage to you, than me." Naruto said

"How could he take that attack and get up like it was nothing." wondered Lee

Naruto then did some handsigns.

"Katon: Fireball Ball Jutsu." Naruto then blew a big fireball at Lee.

Lee barely dodged the attack. But to his surprise, Naruto did a left uppercut to ribs, making him cough up blood. Naruto then did a right hook at Lee's head, making Lee fall to the ground really hard.

Lee instantly got up and jumped a safe distance away from Naruto.

"How did he recover so fast." Naruto wondered

"I guess I have no choice, the only way I can do any damage is to be at my best." Lee admitted

Lees skin was beginning to turn red all over.

"Third Gate: Gate of Life, open"

"Fourth Gate: Gate of Pain, open"

Lee then ran to Naruto with a punch to the head. Lee was surprised to see that Naruto dodged his punch. Lee then barraged Naruto with a series of punches. Naruto was dodging and blocking them with ease.

Lee aimed a jab for the head, but Naruto dodged it and knee him in stomach. Naruto then punched him in the face, right uppercut to the gut, left uppercut to the head, and then did a flip in Lee's head, which slammed into the ground.

Lee was knocked out from the combo Naruto just did. He couldn't the take the hits with the Gate of Pain open.

"Winner, Naruto."

Few people cheered, because everyone didn't want to cheer for the "demon."

Naruto deactivated his demon eyes and walked up to the stands where all the fighters were.

Naruko and Naruto high-fived.

"Way to go bro."

(When Naruto activates his demon eyes. Just to save me some typing, he grows out his nails and his fangs come out and his red aura comes out. It's just in this fight he made the red aura skin tight to no one would see it.)

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