《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 14: Chuunin Exams Part 2


Team 7 walking to the announcement area for the final part of the exams.

The Hokage walks into the building. This surprised everyone, he isn't supposed to show up until the final part of the exams.

"Hello everyone, I am here to tell you all that there are still to many of you to advance to the final part of the exams. So we hold a preliminary 1v1 fights to shorten the number of you all. They final number will be 8 remaining fighters. When a fight is over, a new one will instantly start. There will be no breaks. This will go on till there are only 8 of you. If there is a draw they will both count as a loss. The fights will be picked randomly." the Hokage told them all

(I will only talk about the important fights.)

Temari vs Tenten. Temari won

Shikamaru vs Choji. Shikamaru won

Lee vs some Sound nin. Lee won

Ino vs Sakura. Draw

Sasuke vs Kankuro. Sasuke won

Naruko vs Shino. Naruko won

Gaara vs some rock nin. Gaara won

Neji vs Hinata. Neji won

*After Neji beat Hinata*

Naruto and Naruko was on the floor helping Hinata. Naruto was really pissed off at Neji for treating his own family like this.

"How could you treat your cousin like this?" Naruto growled at Neji

Neji didn't care. He was just standing there with his arms crossed and had a big smirk on his face.

"She is a discrace the Hyuga. Destiny had it she would lose." Neji said bluntly

"Destiny my ass. You did this on purpose, you scumbag. You don't treat your family like ever. 'She is a discrace to the Hyuga' that doesn't give you the right to treat your cousin like dirt." Naruto yelled at Neji.


Naruto was getting so mad. The roots to his hair was starting to go darker. A quarter of his hair was now black. No one noticed this.

"Final fight will be Kiba vs Naruto."

Kiba raced to the floor and Naruto just walked to the floor. They way waiting for the proctor to start the fight.

"I get the easiest fight. Facing off against the deadlast in the academy." Kiba said while stretching.

Naruto said nothing.

"Didn't you hear me demon. This is going to be easy." Kiba mocked

Naruto still said nothing


Naruto waived his hand in front of his nose.

"Do you ever brush your teeth. I can feel is it from here." Naruto mocked

Everyone laughed at that remark.

"Your going to regret making fun of me, demon." Kiba growled

Everyone was talking under there breathes.

"Kiba got the lucky fight." Shikamaru said

"Kiba got lucky." Choji said

"I'm sorry Kakashi, but Naruto can't beat Kiba." Kurenai thought

"Are you two ready?" the proctor asked

They both nodded.


"Akamaru stay back I'll beat him myself." Kiba told his puppy

"Ninpou Beast Mimicry: All Four Jutsu." Kiba said and went on all fours and his nails grew

"Here I come."

Kiba attacked Naruto with an elbow to the gut. To everyone's surprise Naruto caught his elbow with ease. Kiba then jumped to his side and did a clawed jab to his side. Naruto caught his hand and threw back to where Akamaru was.

Everyone was surprised at what Naruto did.

"Wow, he sure has changed." Shikamaru thought

"AAAUUUGGGHH" Kiba yelled

Kiba then threw two smoke bombs at Naruto. Naruto was now surrounded with purple smoke. Kiba ran into the smoke and began attacking Naruto. Kiba couldn't land a single blow.


Naruto ran out of the smoke and was attacked by Akamaru. Naruto the puppy and threw him at Kiba.

"Don't you dare touch Akamaru, Demon." Kiba yelled at Naruto

"I didn't want dog slobber on me. So, I figured you would." Naruto mocked at Kiba

Kiba gave Akamaru a pill and the puppy started turning red. Kiba got on all fours and Akamaru got on his back.

"Ninpou Beast Mimicry" Kiba yelled

Akamaru transformed into Kiba. They both attacked Naruto in a unison attack. Naruto then did a spin kick, dodging both of there attacks and kicks Kiba in the head. Knocking him into Akamaru and they both fell to the ground.

"This is easier than expected." Naruto stated

"It isn't over yet." Kiba yelled

Kiba and Akamaru began running at and began spinning. It looked like both of them turned into tornados.

"Fang over fang." Kiba yelled

Naruto jumped back and got into a normal combat stance and waited for Kiba. When Kiba and Akamaru about to hit Naruto. Naruto turned sideways letting one tornado miss and reached for the other tornado and stopped the attack. He was now holding a Kiba by the neck. The real Kiba saw this and attacked again out of rage. Naruto held Akamaru out in front of him like a shield. Before realized it he hit Akamaru. Naruto took this opportunity and grabbed Kiba by the neck. He then slammed Akamaru and Kiba heads together. Akamaru poofed back to his dog form, Naruto threw him to the side.

Naruto punched Kiba in the gut and slammed him in ground.

Naruto activated his demon eyes and grew out his nails. Naruto was still holding Kiba's neck and his nails were digging into his neck. Naruto was looking right into Kiba's eyes, Kiba was horried at Naruto, he didn't want to move.

"You ever call me a demon again. I'll kill you." Naruto said the last part to where only Kiba heard him.

Naruto deactivated his demon eyes and let go of Kiba neck. Naruto then punched Kiba in the forehead, knocking him out.

"Winner: Naruto Namikaze."

Everyone was shocked that Naruto easily beat Kiba. They all looked over at Team 7 and they looked like it was nothing new.

"Ok everyone we have our matches for the final part of the exams." Hokage said aloud.

Naruto Lee, Naruko Neji, Shikamaru Gaara, Sasuke Temari

"First match will be Shikamaru vs. Gaara. Winner of that match will fight the winner of Naruto vs Lee. After that will be Naruko vs Neji. Winner of that match will fight the winner of Sasuke vs Temari." Hokage announced.

(Can u guys guess who will win these fights?)

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