《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 13: Chuunin Exams Part 1


Team 7 is on there way to the Chuunin exams. They enter the building and see a lot of genin's from this village and other villages.

"There sure are a lot of people here." Sakura stated in amazement.

"What did you expect? This is tradition where all villages with shinobi can come and show off some skill." Naruko told Sakura

Team 7 then runs into Team Guy. They see girl with brown hair and 2 buns, a Hyuga, and a guy with a bowl cut, bushy eye brows, and wearing a green jumpsuit.

"What is he wearing?" they all thought in unison

"Hello there." Jumpsuit kid said

"Uhm, hi." Naruko said back

"Who are your names?" Jumpsuit asked

"The one who greets, always introduces themselves first." Naruto countered back

"Ok. My name Lee. This is Tenten." he points at double bun girl. "And that Neji." he points to the Hyuga, leaning against a wall.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Naruko, that's my twin Naruto, that's Sakura, and that's Sasuke." Naruko introduces Team 7.

"Do you mean, your the twins of the Hokage and the Uchiha prodigy." Lee spoke in surprise

"Yea. So." Naruko said like it was nothing

"So, you must be very strong. Except for you two." Lee said bluntly pointing at Sakura and Naruto.

Sakura was infuriated at the remark. Naruto just scrugged his shoulders, he didn't care, it was nothing new to what the villagers say to him, but he has no room to talk.

"A lot of talk coming from someone who only knows taijutsu." Naruto countered

"A lot of talk coming from the deadlast in the academy." Lee countered back

"Whatever, let's head to the third floor and take the test." Naruto said walking away


*Fast Forward to the Test*

Ibiki announced the rules to the test and they began the test.

Team 7 understood what they had to do. They had to cheat the test without being caught.

Team 7 passed the test, even though it wasn't really a test.

Out of nowhere a women with purple hair and a coat appeared out of nowhere.

"There sure are a lot of you, thats fine half are will be gone on the next test." she said.

"My name Anko Mitarashi. I will be your next instructor. Now follow me for the next test." Anko waved her hand for them to follow.

Anko led them to an entrance to a forest. Anko she began explaining the rules of the second test.

Naruto wasn't really listening he understood the jist of what they were supposed to do. Naruto was really focusing on a red head, pale skin sand nin. He felt some connection with him but he didn't know what. Naruto just scrugged it off and went back to what Anko was saying.

"You will be in this forest for 5 days." Anko finished with a evil smile which unsettled everyone but Naruto and the red head.

"All teams go get your scrolls and go to your designated area. Wait for the horn and you can begin." Anko told them

*Fast Forward to Team 7 entering the Forest*

They hear the horn and they instantly enter the forest. They began talking strategy.

"So what's our plan?" Sakura asked hoping Sasuke would answer.

"We look for a team, beat them up, and take there scroll." Sasuke said like it was an order

"That's stupid." Naruto said looking at Sasuke

"What are you talking about demon. We should listen to Sasuke." Sakura blurted at Naruto


"I can tell you don't know how to think for yourself. What Sasuke said wasn't even a plan, it was deathwish." Naruto bluntly said

"How so, dobe." Sasuke asked

"It's stubborn and not very strategic, we might walk into someone else's trap, and it's to much work." Naruto said looking at Sasuke

"No one said being a ninja going to be easy, Naruto." Naruko came in the conversation

"No one said it was supposed hard either, I prefer to take the easiest route to a mission and get it done quickly." Naruto said

"So what's your plan Naruto." Sasuke asked

"We go to an we know people will end up going to and set up a net trap." Naruto simple said

"Are you serious." Sasuke looked at him crazy.

"Yea, not everyone here is smart. So we'll just get a stupid team and beat them." Naruto plainly said

They all agreed to his logic and set up a net trap and waited patiently for a stupid team to get trapped.

They have been waiting for 2 hours, until a team sound nin got caught. They took there scroll and waited out the five days.

(Orochimaru doesn't attack because he is scared of the Fourth Hokage)

"This is surprisingly easy." Naruko said with ease

"Don't get to relaxed. There is still the combat part." Naruto told her

"Let's be honest. Who can beat me, you, and Sasuke?" Naruko asked

"I can only think of 3 people that could beat us. And there is only 1 person outside of our that just gives me an unsettling feeling in my stomach." Naruto admitted

"Who are they?" Sakura asked with interest

"Shikamaru, Lee, and maybe Neji from our village. And there is this red headed, pale skinned sand nin that unsettles me." Naruto told his team

"Come on guys, let's go to the announcement of the final part of the exams." Naruko hurried her team

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