《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 16: Chuunin Exams Part 4


Naruko and Neji went by really fast. Neji couldn't do any against Naruko's speed. So obviously, Naruko won.

Sasuke beat Temari. Sasuke broke her fan and after that it was a easy fight after that.

"The next matches will be Naruto vs Gaara and Sasuke vs Naruko." Hokage announced. "You will have a week to prepare."

*1 Week Later*

Naruto and Gaara are in the arena looking at each other with big smiles that made them both look crazy.


Naruto instantly activated his Demon eyes and threw a knife at Gaara. Gaara sand caught the knife.

Gaara then shot sand needles at Naruto. The needle's connected to Narutos body but didn't pierce his clothes.

Naruto began smirking.

"Why are smiling?" Gaara asked

"I just figured out a way to beat you." Naruto said

Naruto grabbed 4 throwing knives in each threw them all aimlessly in the air. Naruto then did a few handseals.

"Futon: Gale Palm." Naruto shot a cannon of air at Gaara. The sand tried to stop the attack but it all went flying everywhere.

Then the knives Naruto threw in the air, landed all over Gaara's body. Naruto then punched Gaara in the gut and did a uppercut on Gaara's head knocking him down on his back.

Naruto's red aura started to grow off of his body. The shape of the aura had nine-tails and fox head shape over Naruto's head.

Naruto shot his tails at Gaara holding him down to where he couldn't move or control his sand.

"How are you so strong?" Gaara asked while struggling to get up

"Because I have something to protect and you don't. I fight to protect my sisters. If you have something to protect then fight to get stronger and protect them." Naruto told Gaara


Gaara let those words sink in deep.

"Winner, Naruto."

Every ninja watching was shocked at what Naruto did. It was the most brilliant plan ever.

"That was amazing." Minato thought being impressed

"That was brilliant and what was that red aura?" Kushina asked with surprised look on her face.

"That's the kyuubi's cloak. Naruto can make it skintight to absorb damage, but it makes his vision blurry, so he has to rely on his other senses to fight and Naruto attacks slower. What Naruto was release the cloak, it takes the form of the kyuubi surrounding Naruto. The cloak can catch thrown objects and melee attacks, Naruto and the cloak can do separate moves on there own, if Naruto does a attack, the cloak can do a different move. But that aura can't protect him any chakra affinity attacks." Mito explained to her mom

Kushina couldn't believe Naruto could do this and how does Mito know so much about it?

"Next match, Naruko vs Sasuke."

"Good luck, sis." Naruto said with a smile

Naruko and Sasuke were in the arena staring at each other.

"This going to be fun." Sasuke said with a evil smile.


Sasuke instantly activated his sharingan. Naruko threw a kunai at Sasuke and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Sasuke dodged the kunai. Naruko appeared and caught the kunai and then threw 3 more kunai at Sasuke. Naruko then started circling Sasuke with speed faster than Lee. Naruko 10 kunai at Sasuke and everytime he dodge them she caught them threw back at him even faster than before.

"Futon: Wind Blade Jutsu" Naruko shot a blade swing of wind at Sasuke

Sasuke ducked to dodge the wind blade, but was surprised to see 15 kunai coming at him in all direction. Sasuke jumped out the way to dodge the kunai. Naruko quickly made rasengan and jumped up at Sasuke.


"You can't dodge in mid-air." Naruko stated

"Oh shit, I played into her trap from the very beginning." Sasuke realized last second

Naruko rammed the rasengan into Sasuke chest sending him flying into the wall, making a crater from the impact. Sasuke was knocked out.

"Winner, Naruko."

Everyone was cheering.

"The final match will be tomorrow. Naruto vs Naruko."

"So both of your kids will face each other in the finals." Raikage stated

"Yep. I'm proud of them both." Minato said proudly

"Who do you think will win?" Mizukage asked

"I don't know. Naruto is still hiding a lot of strength. So I can't say." Minato said

*Meanwhile with the Twins*

"We're the last ones remaining." Naruko said excitedly

"Don't think I'll go easy on you, sis." Naruto told with confidence

"I wouldn't want you too, bro." Naruko assured him

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