《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 10: A Meeting


Team 7 was heading back to Konoha. Naruko was awake, which relieved Naruto but he didn't show it.

Kakashi and Sasuke were eye balling Naruto. They were surprised at how he can change his emotions so quickly. He is calm, then more serious than Kakashi, after that he scares everyone, then he is crying.

"Naruko are you ok?" Naruto asked Naruko

"I'm fine. I heal fast." Naruko said with a chuckle

"That's great." Naruto said with a slight smile

"What happened, while I was out?" Naruko asked curiously

Naruto froze up. Naruko noticed this and spoke up.

"Are you ok?" Naruko asked worriedly

"Unfortunate things happened while you were out." Kakashi spoke up

Kakashi then explained everything that happened.

*Fast Forward. The are now at the entrance to the village*

"I am going to go report our mission to the Hokage. You all go get some rest." Kakashi eye smiled and left

Sasuke and Sakura went home. Naruko was heading home when she noticed Naruto heading the wrong way.

"Where are you going, Naruto?"

"I'm gonna go relax by myself. I need to think of some things."

Naruto then headed straight to the forest.

"Naruto you know if you need someone to talk to you know that I'm always there. Right?" Naruko told Naruto in a hopeful tone

Naruto walking away. Naruko then started to walk home.

When Naruko walked into the house she instantly hugged by Mito and Kushina.

"How was the mission and where is Naruto?" Kushina asked

"The mission was a success. Naruto said some things that surprised everyone and some things happened." Naruko said with mixed emotions on her face

"What happened?" Mito asked with a worried face

"Mito honey, here is some money go get something for Naruko and Naruto as a reward." Kushina said with a smile


"Ok." Mito said with a big smile on her face and left the house.

After she left Minato came into the house with a worried face. He saw Naruko was home.

Minato with scared look on his face instantly asked. "What happened?"

Naruko then told Kushina and Minato that happened during the mission.

Kushina was crying and Minato was trying to figure out what to do to fix everything with Naruto.

"I'm gonna go take a nap, I need some rest." Naruko then walked to her bedroom

"When he gets back home we need to talk to him."

*Meanwhile with Naruto*

"What the fuck happened?" Naruto said grabbing his head

"Everything is going to be fine kit." Kuruma tried calming Naruto down

"How, Kakashi gonna tell the Hokage everything that happened."

Kuruma assured Naruto

"I need to stop being so careless."

Kuruma mocked at Naruto

"Ok furball. What do you want to talk about?" Naruto mocked back at the Kuruma

Kuruma began talking to Naruto. Naruto then smiled. They then just started to talk each other for the next few hours. This was normal to both of them, they enjoyed each others company. Besides his sisters, Kuruma was Narutos only friend and he was fine with that. Kuruma was always there for Naruto. If he needed someone to talk to it was always Kuruma.

"It's getting dark we should get back." Naruto said noticing the sky getting dark

Naruto got up and headed home. Before he got anywhere a swirling vortex appeared in front of him and out of the vortex a man with a orange swirled mask with only one eye hole appeared in front of him. He wore black clothes and had his arms crossed.

Naruto instantly got into his fighting stance.


"Who are you and why are here?" Naruto asked

"I am Madara Uchiha and I am here to talk to you."

"What?" Naruto was now confused

"I want to talk to you."

"About what?" Naruto asked with caution

"I have been watching you very closely. And I can tell by the way you acted on your mission that you are hiding your strength and you despise corruption."

"Get to the point."

"In 3 years you will see the corruption that lies in this village and you have a decision to make that will change your future."

"What decision?"

"You will see. You house the soul of the kyuubi and not the power. That throws my original plan down the drain. So I must make a new plan and I need you to be my ally."

"I don't trust you. I don't know crap about you."

"You will trust me soon.

The vortex appeared again and he was sucked into the vortex.

"Till we meet again fox."

Madara was now gone and left a very confused Naruto.

"What the hell was he talking about?"

Naruto then went home.

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