《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 9: Wave Mission Part 4


Naruto is running at to speed with Naruko over his shoulder and to help Kakashi and Sasuke fight Zabuza. He gonna tell Sakura to go help Naruko.

Naruto see's Sakura watching Kakashi and Sasuke fight Zabuza.

"Sakura I need you to heal Naruko." Naruto said with worry in his voice.

Sakura looked at Naruko and then looked at Naruto.

"What happened to her?" Sakura asked while healing her

"She was barraged with senbon by surprise." Naruto with a tear in his eye

Sakura was surprised to see Naruto sad look on his face. She has never seen Naruto show this emotion before.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go help them." Naruto told Sakura

Zabuza knocked Sasuke on the ground and deflected a kunai thrown by Kakashi.

"Is this all you all got. Two sharingan users can't beat me, I'm disap-" Zabuza was cut off

Naruto kicked Zabuza in the ribs, which made him fly back a few feet.

Zabuza was on knee and grasping his ribs. "What strength?"

Zabuza started to chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" Naruto growled

"Your a lot stronger than them." Zabuza said gesturing to Kakashi and Sasuke

"This is going to be fun." Zabuza said getting up

"I'm not trying to have fun. Naruto said in a deep scaring voice

Zabuza, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sakura were looking at Naruto with interest. They were feeling high killer intent from him. So much, it was scaring Zabuza. They then noticed Naruto was changing. His eyes were now bloodshot red with a slit down the middle. His nails were longer and his whiskers were thicker.

Zabuza without hesitation threw smoke bombs around Naruto so he could hide and think of a plan. Zabuza was now behind a tree.

"I need to think of something. He is releasing way to much killer intent. I need to catch him by surprise. I need to lead him bait into falling for my attack." Zabuza thought


Just before he prepare Naruto appeared in front of Zabuza. Naruto then punched Zabuza in the face. Zabuza then fell to the ground. "How did he find me?"

Naruto then did a down ward slash with his claws down his chest. Blood splattered everywhere.

"AAAAUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH" Zabuza screamed in pain

Naruto then pulled out his machete and was about to kill Zabuza when he heard clapping. Naruto turned around to see a short man in a suit and 100 men with weapons right behind him.

"Please kill him. It saves me the trouble." the short man said

"What do you mean kill me. You hired me Gato." Zabuza said

"Exactly what I mean. This Leaf nin just saved me the trouble of killing you and that brat." Gato said with a evil smile

Zabuza then got on his feet.

"Y-you trash. I'm gonna kill you all." Zabuza said before stumbling back down.

"How can you do that when you can't even stand up." Gato mocked

"Why did you want to kill these workers?" Naruto questioned Gato

"Business." Gato said holding his collar

"What do mean business?" Naruto asked

"If this bridge gets built, my business goes down the drain. I own highly prestigious river crossing company. This bridge will ruin everything. So I hired him and his brat to kill them all and kill him off so I don't have to pay him. But you just saved me the trouble." Gato said with a smile.

Naruto was getting really mad.

"You did all of this just for your business and your going backstab the man that you hired." Naruto said anger in his voice

"A man has gotta make a living." Gato said

Naruto then pulled out his machete and released so much killer intent the army started shaking.


Before Naruto took a step Zabuza stuck his arm out in front of Naruto.

"Let me take care of them." Zabuza told Naruto

Zabuza pulled out his sword and just before he attacked Naruto said something that made him freeze.

"Haka is dead. He wanted to die for you. He told me, 'he wanted to be used as a tool for you.' Haku cared deeply for you." Naruto told Zabuza with a tear in his eye.

Zabuza turned his head away from Naruto. Naruto saw this.

"That's how he reacts. Did he even care for him." Naruto thought

"What's wrong with you. Haku cared deeply for you and that's the way you show how you cared for him." Naruto yelled with tears in his eyes.

Zabuza turned his head to Naruto to show his. Zabuza was crying.

"Haku was never a tool. I really cared about him." Zabuza said with tears in his eyes.

Zabuza then attacked the army and Gato.

*30 Minutes Later*

Zabuza layed down dead on the ground.

Kakashi picked up his body and with the help of Naruto they buried both Zabuza and Haku.

Team 7 began there journey back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

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