《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 8: Hard Choices


Team 7 left Tazuna's house. The builders were almost done building the bridge. So today was there last day on mission. Kakashi was watching Naruto intently to watch if he would have any more outbursts.


Naruto just left the house. Everyone was speechless with what he showed and said. Naruko then left the house without a word. Inari was crying with his head on the table and arms covering his head. Sasuke was shocked that Naruto had suffered almost as much him. Sakura was confused on how to react to this. Kakashi knew Naruto was hiding something, but was surprised it was this deep.

The next morning everyone was in the dining room eating breakfast except for Inari and Naruto. Kakashi walked outside to see Naruto punching a tree. He then saw Inari watching him on top of the roof. Kakashi jumped on the roof and sat down next to Inari.

"Is it true? Everything he said last night." Inari asked

"I don't know. Naruto never expressed himself like that before. But the stuff he said about the village is true. Everyone in the village hates him, they all call him a demon." Kakashi confessed

Inari started crying again.

"Naruto probably suffered more than anyone in the village." Kakashi added.

Kakashi got up and started to leave before Inari stopped him.

"I am sorry for what I said about you ninja." Inari apologized

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Kakashi said looking at Naruto.

*End Flashback*

"Naruto did Inari say anything to you before we left?" Kakashi asked

"Yes, he apologized for what he said that night. I then, apologized for scaring him after that. We then had a long conversation. We made up." Naruto said with a smile


"Thats a relief." Kakashi said with sigh

Team 7 continued walking to the bridge. When they arrived at the bridge they saw the bridge was finished but everyone was dead with Zabuza and a mystery person standing over them.

"What happened?" Sakura asked in shocked.

Zabuza turned around.

"What does it look like? I just killed all of the workers." Zabuza said with his arms up gesturing to the dead bodies.

"YOU SICK FUCK. I'LL KILL YOU." Naruto yelled and then charged at Zabuza

Naruto aimed his machete at his head but was caught by the mystery person.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked looking at the person mask.

"Haku and I won't let you hurt him." He proclaimed while throwing him out the way.

Naruko ran to Naruto to help him up.

"Want to work together to take him down bro?" Naruko said with a smile looking at him

"You bet sis." Naruto said smiling

They attack each side of Haku. Haku jumps back.

"Secret Jutsu." Haku said with her hands together

Mirrors instantly surrounded Naruto and Naruko with images of Haku in every mirror. Haku then threw senbon at the twins.

They dodge them with ease. They then started breaking the mirrors.

"This isn't good." Haku thought

Haku then threw more senbon in front of them.

The twins dodged them with ease, then Naruko fell to ground.

She barraged with senbon on her back.

"1 down. 1 to go." Haku said out loud for Naruto to hear.

Naruto instantly went to help her. She was unconscious and was about to die if her stab wounds weren't tended to. With these thoughts Naruto had a red aura surrounded him.

"I can feel his anger. It's overwhelming." Haku thought while shaking


Haku realized she can't win and tried to escape but was caught by Narutos claws digging into her arm.


"YOUR GOING TO " Naruto said with hate in his voice

Naruto then grabbed him by head and threw into a tree. Naruto charged at him with a fist ready. Haku then tried to counter by throwing a over head punch. But his fist was caught by the red aura. Naruto then punched him in the face sending Haku through the tree.

Haku tried to get but was struggling.

Haku grabbed his kunai and threw it in between Narutos eyes.

The kunai didn't even touch skin the red aura caught kunai. The red aura carried the kunai to Narutos hand and he was now holding it.

He threw the kunai to Hakus stomach. The kunai penetrated so far into his stomach, you could only see half the handle.

Haku fell to ground and coughed out blood.

"I can't do anything. That aura around him protects him from my attacks and he overpowers me with his strength. I guess that means its it for me now. I'm sorry Zabuza." Haku thought

Naruto then walked up to Haku and grabbed him by the neck. Haku was horrified at how he looked. Naruto had fangs, his whiskers were thicker, and his eyes were blood red with a slit down the middle. Haku could hear him growling at him. Haku also noticed that he tears going down his face.

"Your crying?" Haku questioned

"You probably just killed my TWIN SISTER. She and my younger sister are the only people that I have known in my life that don't treat me like a monster. They are all I got and you probably just killed one of them." Naruto said looking down and crying

Haku was about to cry. He understand everything he was talking about.

"I know what you mean all to well. I would do anything for Zabuza he is all I got. I would die for him." Haku said to Naruto

Naruto was now arguing whether he should kill him or not. Haku noticed this.

"Naruto please kill me. I am now useless to Zabuza and I do not want to hold him back. I am a tool." Haku said

Naruto was shocked that he accepted to be a tool of Zabuza.

Haku then told him story his story.

Naruto was now crying and had to do something he really didn't want to do.

(Sorry this one took a while to do.)

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