《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 11: Now They Know


Naruto was walking back home thinking about what that man was talking about.

"That man was so cryptic. He tells me he needs me to be his ally, but I only know his name." Naruto thought trying to make sense of it all

Before he knew he was at the front door. He opened the door to see his parents on the couch looking like they were waiting for him to come home.

They instantly got up from the couch and ran to Naruto. Kushina instantly hugged Naruto.

"What the heck is going on? They've never shown affection to me before." Naruto wondered with confused look on his face.

Minato noticed this. "Is this the first time he's seen us worry about him?"

"Naruto are you ok?" Kushina asked with a worried tone

Naruto didn't answer. He just stood there with a confused look on his face.

"What happened on the mission, Naruto?" Minato asked

"I don't want to talk about it right now, I just want to go to bed." Naruto told his parents with no emotion on his face

Kushina looked at Naruto. She looked at his face and saw he had no emotion on his face. She looked at his eyes and saw that he didn't want to talk them.

"Naruto, please tell us what happened." asked Kushina with a begging voice

"I really don't want to talk about it right now, plus I'm sure Kakashi or Naruko told you everything anyways."

Naruto then tried to go to his room Kushina wouldn't let him.

"Naruto, lift your shirt." Minato ordered Naruto

Naruto sighed and listened. He took off his hoodie and then took off his shirt. Minato was shocked and Kushina started tearing up. Naruto had a scar from his right bicep to his left hip. Naruto then turned around to show that he had the japanese symbol of demon tattooed on his back. Naruto also had bandages rapped around his hands to mid fore-arm.


"Why didn't you tell us this happened to you?" Kushina asked with tears in her eyes

"You're kidding right?" Naruto looked at her slight anger. "I've already told you what happened."

"What are you talking about, I would remember something like this." Kushina told Naruto in annoyance

" All my life, every since I was 4 years old. I have been telling you everything that has happened to me. But everytime I told you what happened all you did was ignore me, slap me, yell at me for lying, or say I don't get any dinner and send me to my room." Naruto yelled at his mom

Kushina was now thinking about what he was talking about, until it came to her.


"You starting to believe me now. Those assholes of villagers did all of this to me. They jumped me in a alley and beat me up and I got this." he gestured to his chest. "A week after they jumped me again. They held me down put the tattoo on me." Naruto looked at them with hate.

"Everytime I tried to tell you two that these things were happening. All you guys did was slap me and say 'don't you dare lie about the villagers like that, they would never do that to the child of the Hokage.' Also everytime I asked you guys to train me, you just said go away and focused on Naruko because she has the Kyuubi's chakra. And everytime I tried to even talk Mito or Naruko you just pushed me away and said 'there training is more important." Naruto was now looking at them with his demon eyes.

Kushina and Minato were unbelievably shocked at what Naruto just told them. Everything he said was true. He even knew about the knew about the Kyuubi and he even had the eyes of the Kyuubi.


"You know about the Kyuubi?" Minato questioned

"Of course I do. Aside from Mito and Naruko, he is my only friend. Unlike you two, he has always been there for me. He taught me everything I know about being a ninja. He taught me how to fight and defend myself." Naruto said proudly

"How strong are you Naruto?" Minato asked curiously

"You'll see soon." Naruto bluntly said. Releasing anger for his parents to feel

"Naruto we are so sorry." Kushina cried out

Naruto just sighed, shook his head no and walked up to his room.

Minato and Kushina watched Naruto walk away and they noticed something that caught there eye. The roots of his hair wasn't blonde it was black.

When they door to Narutos room shut, Kushina started balling her eyes out.

"We will fix this Naruto. I promise."

*In Naruto's room*

Naruto was extremely pissed off. His parents finally notice him and didn't know what they were doing.

Naruto was had claws grown out and he was clenching his fist so hard his hands bleeding from his nails in his hand.


Naruto sighed trying to calm down. So he decided to go bed. When he went to his bed he noticed a lump under his covers. When he lifted the covers there was a box and a note. He picked the note and it said.

Dear Naruto

This is a gift for you. You work so hard and you are such a calm and nice guy. You inspire me work harder and you help me get better at being a ninja. I love you so much. You are the greatest brother ever. I hope you like your present.

Sincerly Mito

Naruto opened the box and his eyes widened at what he saw. There was brand new red hoodie with nine black marks on each sleeve. A brand new fox machete with a red handle. But what caught his eye the most was the necklace. It was wooden little tablet with a japanese symbol of fox carved in on both sides.

Naruto started tearing up.

"Thank you Mito."

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