《The Neglected fox》Chapter 7


I woke up to see the sunshining 'ahhh the sun danit I forgot to close the curtain's' I got up and took a shower and got dressed I looked down stair's and see my familly all ready eat 'of course they eat without me like they do ever day' I went up stair's to get my stuff pack up I remember what kurama said I have to get ready early and leave early but me and shino can still see eachother I was happy about that than I hear I listen what kurama said and I pack the thing that I need 'hey kurama how long will I be gone' kurama was quite and it kind of scared me and I here a sigh and he said I was shocked a long time than I thought and said to kurama 'hey kurama can I come back went I start the academy''ok kurama wait kurama do I have to sign the animal scroll' 'ok'. I pack all my thing and went out my attic window I was on theroof to see if I can find shino I looked around 'I don't know where shino is he usually walk me home..... wait I rememebr he said that he the hier of aburama clan so I so that where i can find him' I started to walk to the abruama clan but on the roof's the only reason why because I don't want too get beaten. I was looking around and I was shino and some other guy I think it was his dad I didn't want his dad to see me because if he finding out that I'm friend's with his son we will probally never see eachother I was shino turn around and looked at my dirction I was hiding but i think he caught me but I don't know I look up to take aa peek and saw shino dad left and shino was walking in the forest I made sure no one was there and followed shino. ''Hey shino'' I said and he turned around and said ''hello naruto why were you watching me'' I blushed a bit 'he did see me' ''well I wanted to talk to you about something and really important'' I looked at shino and he nodded I took a breath and said ''shino Im leaving the village'' I looked at him I saw all of his face he was shocked ''why are you leaving the village. there are people that care about you nd you'r leaving'' I said ''shino I understandthat you'r mad but please listen I'm going to train with people but I talk to him and he said that he had a spot for you and me to vist all the time I know that yo-'' before i could saw any thing shino hugged me 'h-h-he's hugging me' I was shocked the only reasonwh I was so shocked because I was all was the one how hugged shino he never hugged me ''where are me going to meet'' shino said I was happy that he didn't get mad at me for leaving I told shino to follow me and he did we talked together and I told him that I will be coming back and go to the academy but still will be in training. He was happ that me and him are going to see echother I was listening to kurama telling us the direction and we found a beautiful flower field.


Than I hear 'got it' ''hey shino'' he looked at me and said ''yes'' ''ok soo listen people don't freak out but a friend of mind what to talk to you and me'' he looked at me and nodded than a puff of red smoke came out and there he stand kurama the nine tail fox in his human form but he still had his ear and nine tail's we both looked at each other and looked at kurama and nodded and sat down kurama sat down and said we both nodded and listen to kurama was saying and he said Me and shino nodded I was happy that me and shino get this bettle's together I hugged kurama and said thank over in my head me laughed and said he had to talk to his friends and me and shino can talk I was so happy me and shino talked than he told me he had to leave I hugged him and he said ''I''ll come and visit every day''I said ''thank you shino'' he nodded and left I looked around to see where I am supposed to go I looked around and see beatiful flower's I put my backpack down and lay down on the flower's they smelled so nice than. My eye started to fall I was going to sleep and I was consumed


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