《The Neglected fox》Chapter 6


I wake up in the morning I still had a headache because of yesterday I still wander what happened I was trying (but failed) to talk to kurama but he did answer I was getting worried but I tried to think of other thing like that he just asleep I got outside and started to walk than I heard I was happy that kurama was talking to me and I said 'kurama why didn't you answer me the first time I was getting worried' I heard kurama laughing abit and than he said 'well yes why did you answer me'. I heard nothing for a while nd than he said 'Oh yeah my friends gave them I really like them alot I happy that they got me things''yeah I got it kurama'. Kurama cut our conncet and I kept walking trying not to get spotted by the villager's.

Than I heard a something like and animal I was walking towards the sound and was near the ocean and I was a dolphin caught in a net while its tail was in a cage 'who would do this to a poor animal' I ran to the dolphin it was a baby dolphin and I grab out my gift that iruka gave me and started to cut the ropes and than I looked at the cage the tail was bleed a it so I grab some medic and finally got the tail out of the cage. I clean the dolphin tail and wrap it up and help the dolphin go back into the water and looked at the dolphin and said ''go now go be free and see your family they must be waiting for you''. I looked at the dolphin and the dolphin same off and I walked and I was in the village of could sense that the anbu were watching me so I was fine for now that I see there an old lady was sitting down on the street she is poor and asking for money but people would walk past her or just say im sorry I have nothing I looked through my bag to see if I have anything and I did I have an apple and some money I came up to the lady and said ''hello miss I sorry but this is all have I hope it helps'' the old lady had a hood over her head it was ripped a bit she had long brown hair with some grey streak. She look up at me and smile than she said ''thank you so much little boy what your name'' I looked at her and gave her a sweet smile and said ''my name is naruto'' the lady smiled at me and said ''I pray to you naruto'' I thanked her and left.


It was turning dark and I was going home than I heard something behide me I turned my head to see if there was anything or something but nothing was there so I started to walk a little bit faster to get to home than I heard whatever was behide me was moving faster I turn my head to see nothing. I turned around to see a man in front of me he was probally in his 40s he had a rob on and a hood that was covering his head and a bit of his face but I can see his eyes they were brown eye and he looked at me I was going to walk passed him but he said ''Young boy may you please help me for a second'' I looked at him and I said''it ok what do you need help with''. He looked at me and smiled and said ''well it a question and I ask a lot of people and some said the same thing but most of them just lied so can you answer me question'' ''of course what may be you'r question be'' ''well if you have powers of all the chakra what would you do with it'' I had to think about this question than I had my answer and I said ''well if I had all the powers of chakra I would us it for good try to make peace with people.'' The man looked at me straight in the eyes and than smiled and said ''thank you boy for you'r answer'' I bowed to and he did the same and I walked all the way to home and climed to the attic window and layed dow mosty think what was kurama doing my eyes started to feel droppy and I feel to sleep.

I woke up into a very creepy forest.

It was a little bit pretty than when I turned my head there where pretty purple flower that were glowing and they seem to be leading a trail.


I follwed the trail of purple glowing flower than they lead me to a cute liitle cottage.

(pretend that the background is dark and the flower's are the glowng purple flower)

I looked at the cottage and walk up to the cottage door and knocked on it and I can hear ''come in'' I walked in and and I see animal's looking at me which was alittle creepy but I saw a fox pushing me into a room and I see a man.

His arua was so familar than when I looked closely than I realised who he was ''k-k-kurama?!" he laughed and than said I was so shocked ''k-kurama was going on. where are we. why did you bring me here''. Kurama looked at me and said I nodded my head and sat on the floor across form kurama than kurama said I was shocked what kurama said animal scroll I nodded my head ''but did you say that I all ready pass there test'' I sigh to take all that in and than I though of something ''kurama when am I going to train with an were?'' I was shocked even more the only reason why was because i'm going to leave the one's I care about and shino ''but kurama what about the one that I care about what am I going to say to them'' kurama look down and sighed and said I was about to cry and felt so weak and I didn't like it not one bit than I was kurama having a smirk on his face which confused me alot and than he said I was happy that I can still see shino I know how people treat him because of his bug's on my birthday,

~flash back~

''Hey naruto can I tell you something why becuase it imporant'' I looked at shino and nodded my head and listen to wharever he was going to say he took a breath and said ''yesterday I was going to tell you but I forgot to and he we go...I have something in me that people don't like so other kids dont like me their'' I was shocked what was in him for people not to like him I waited for what he was going to say he took a breath and said "im a clan heir of Aburame and we have insect living inside us we give them our charka and they help us in fight's I understand that you might not like why because who wants to be friend with bug living inside th-'' before I let him finish I tacled him in a hug and I said ''shino you didn't hate me for what inside me why would I hate you'' I was on top of shino and saw he was hiding his face I got off of him and helped him up and he talked and went home.''

~flashback ending~

I nodded my head and everything went black I fell to sleep I was happy that I can still see shino I hope that he doesn't get mad at me about it.

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