《The Neglected fox》Chapter 5


A medium size octopus grabbing naruto with one of his tentacles and disappered with naruto and leaving puff of black smoke he took naruto to a gaint mountain there was a cave and the octopus went inside with naruto who was still out cold there was a large table and that are big animals that where sitting down around the table all the animals were talking when the gaint octopus saw one of his minon's and told the gaint dragon nodded at the octopus and said That got every to quiet and they look at the medium size octopus went on the table and gentle put the human down and bow down and disappered all the gaint animal where the leader 's of their summoning and they looked at human the dragon said this got the leader's confused the reason why there a young blond hair boy with three whisker's on both of his cheeks than the snake said that was the reason why the leader's where confused because one the last time someone was the scroll kepper there were in the mid 20's why was a young boy here than they heard some know they where confused and than mad the dragon said Than they heard laughing they looked at the kid and saw a red aure around the young child and than a man appered he had red orange hair and had fox ear's and nine tail he was wearing a brown kinono and he was stand near the blond child and all the leader's now how he was the all the leader's said ' They leader where shocked that kurama summon them it was so long that they been summon by kurama the snake said all the summoning wants to knw why there leader summoned them and why there was a kid than kurama said that shocked all the leader the reason why there where so shocked because kurama hated human's and so did some of the other leader's hated human's the reason why they hated them is because human's are greedy poeple all they want is power and money and will hurt other people to get what they want. The phoexin said all the other nodded as well and kurama said this shocked everyone because this boy has the nine tail fox kurama trapped in side him and than the dragon said this made they leader look t kurama all the leader know about the Uzumaki massacre because the dragon's and the dragon leader really upset for four months and kurama said this got the dragon leader and and said all the leader 's where happy that the dragon leader was not going to be an grump person all day and than the dog said This made all the leader nodded and kurama said all the where think and than the scorpion leader said all the leader nodded and than kurama said this shocked all the leader's reason one was because if kurama was sealed with naruto when he was a baby that could of killed him and what kind of parents would do such a thing and reason two they saw kurama shaking and his hand where in a fist tightly that blod was dripping down and kurama said that shocked all the leader's this was scaring alot of the leader kurama was holding his fist tighter and tighter blood started to pour frorm his hand than than slug said they all saw kurama head down his hair covering his face with tear coming down his face and siad now this shocked all the leader and that was now stuck in there head's 'he tried to commit suciced in a young age' kurama let go of his fist and did a justu all the leader eye glow white they all where seeing through naruto eye even though they saw this and could feel they pain it felt like it hurt so much some of the leader where crying while the other where upset and want to murder all those people that hurt this poor boy. Than all the leader had dark arua around tham and let me say this the dragon was pissed and said all the leader know that the dragon was pissed because the uzumaki where love there family and what they saw was not a Uzumaki that was a sin to the uzumaki name all the leader had to calm down because if let there killer intinct go wild everyone will be knocked out the one that where cry wiped there tears away and kurama said what kurama sid shocked the leader and they all though the same thing 'even though boy you when through sssso much you still want to protect them'. Than the owl said all the leader nodded and the dolphin said monster'' all the leader nodded and the draagon said all the leader nodded and than the octopuse summon one of his mini and he took naruto away and was going to drop him off to the forest of death. than kurama turn into a puff of smoke and his gone all the leader when home and they all had the same though 'naruto you are different you will become a great preson'.


I woke up in the forest of death I was shocked all I remeber was that I was talking to shino and than I was knock out my head hurt so bad than I heard someone calling my name than I relised that I woke up into a tree and fell off of it. ''owww'' is all I said 'when did I fell a sleep in a tree and how did I get up there I do even remebering climming up tht tree' ''naruto!'' I looked up I got up and than saw four people walking up to me I looked closer and saw kakashi, anko, iruka, and t-tsunade I ran up to them and hugged tsunade first she said ''hey the brat happy to see me'' I nodded and said ''baachan I though that you left'' naruto looked at tsunade and said ''well naruto I came back and I have full controll of the hospital now'' I was happy that baachan was back and thank god that she is controll over the hospital when ever I was hurt they would help me and if the did they would just poison me. I'm happy that there he I ask them "why are guy here doesn't my dad want you guy at the party for my siblings". They all looked at naruto and kakashi said ''naruto it also you birthday to you know'' how could I forget it went all the villager try to kill me I said ''I know it my birthday but no one celebrate it nly my twins'' than iruke said ''naruto we are celebrationing you birthday'' and they all said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARUTO" they all hand me gift I was so happy I open tsunade gift and it was her necklace I looked at her and said ''y-your giving me your necklace'' and she said ''yeah your specail naruto so you better take care of it naruto'' I has happy I put it around my nack and hugged her she hugged me back and I open my other gives I open iruka gift and it was colorful kunai and there were really pretty I looked at iruka and he said ''I bought those and I though you would like them'' I hugged iruka and said "thank you there really pretty'' iruka smiled.

Than anko said ''open mine you love it'' I grab anko gift and open it and than saw a knife and blade they where amazing and I smiled at anko and said there amazing and hugged her and she said ''I know it that you loved it'' and she hugged me back

I grabbed kakashi gift it felt alittle heavy when I open it there wher black leather gloves with heart in the middle and grabbed them and put them on and there was a book the title of the book said Cruel but Gentle(p.s. this story it on wattpad the author name it please go read her story it really good) I looked at kakashi and he said ''the gloves I though that anko would give yu something sharp so this will protect your hand and the book when I went to the libray ad I saw that I read alittle bit of it and I though that you would like it'' I gave kakashi a hug and he hugged me back and I said'' thank you kakashi.


I was happy that they gave me something we went to get something to eat and we had fun but than anbu came and said that the fourth hokage want them because of my sibling wanted to see them I ran it the forest of death and wait for everyone to go to the party I took a nap.

Shino was at the party for menma and mina he hate them there was so many reason why he hated the reason one is that menma was cocky and keep saying that he so strong and no one can beat him and when shino dad went to talk to the fourth hokage menma came up to shino and said " you the freak that has bug living in side yourself that weird you now that if you where a heir you would be in my party freak." Shino hate menma and he would he him saying that his brother naruto is a freak and that you should play with him this ticked shino alot and his second reason he didn't like mina why you may ask all she did was flirt with him and when she would live he would hear her saying "oh I dont like him he just a heir so I have to he's a freak". Shino had three gift and when menma and mina went up to him and ask why he had three and not four and shino said "this gift doesn't to you why? It someone else birthday and I looking for him to give him his gift" menma kept arguing saying that him and mina are the only people birthday is on thus day. Shino left without any one know and whent to find naruto was napping on a tree and shino woke up naruto. Naruto looked around and said ''shino aren't supposed you to be at my twin birthday party why are you here'' shino pulled out his gift for naruto and shino said ''well this gift is for why? because it also your birthday'' naruto looked at the gift and opend it and saw a braclet of the hidden leaf village syblom and the brand was brown and he pulled it out and looked at shino and shino said ''it a friendship braclet I have the other if you ddon't like it you can gi-'' before shino could say anything naruto gave him a bigg hug and said ''shino I love it thank so much'' naruto put on the braclet and shino saw that naruto had leather glove and a necklace and shino said ''naruto did someone else give you gift why? because I see that you have leather glove and a necklace'' naruto put on the braclet and said ''yeah my other friend and baachan gave me this gift thank so much shino. Shino smiled and was walking with naruto and they were talking shino walked naruto home and than shino went home he saw his dad sitting on the couch and is not happy nd shibi said ''shino where were you I though someone took you'' ''Im am sorry dad but I went to see my friend and gave him his gift it was his birthday as well'' shibi sigh and looked at shino and said ''it fine just please come home on time I though you got kidnapped'' shino nodded and went up stairs and shibi was thinking to himself 'who is shino friend that he keeps see'.


Hello my sweet little fox's I sorry that I didn't update in a while I was doing alot of my schools work and I am making two more stories that Im working on. So im happy that my little sweet foxys where waiting for the chapter of The Neglected fox but I want say that my updates will be taking a little while because I have some of my school work to do and I have other story I writing so I hope that you love my story.


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