《The Neglected fox》chapter 4


Today is naruto, menma, and mina birthday well to the people in the village that hate naruto know that it only menma and mina birthday but the villager aslo know that birthday is also the 'fox hunt' but anko, kakashi, and iruka will beat the crap out of people that dare's to hurt naruto the people that now it naruto birthday are kakashi, anko, iruka, ichirake and his daughter, Tsunade, and Shizune.

I woke up it was me and my sister birthday but to the peopl that hate me it was to them my sister birthday and the fox hunt. I went down stair I heard mom and dad talking and what I heard broke my heart kushnia said ''I think we should make menma the clan head of Uzumaki and mina the chan head of Namikaze'' and minato said ''I think that an good idea they would be the best clan leader's''. When I heard that I was so sad, upset, and heartbroken I went back to my room and grab my think and put in my dark blue bachpack and ran as fast as I could to the forest of death luckly for me luck was on my side and no one saw me I went in the forest of death and place my bag down and started to cry I was I went in my mindscape and I was crying in kurama tail and I can feel his claw on my back. 'why did shino stop me from killing myself' I keep say that in my head over and over.

'dam you minato and kushnia you say that your good parnet's but you forgot one of you child and know you aand this stuiped village are slowly break him'' I was rubbing kit back I was upset no not upset I was pissed that this village 'minato, kushnia, and this stuiped village you disgrace the third hokage wish he asked you to love your kids equally but you pushed naruto away because those two brats have my chakra so you train them and love them and leave naruto in the dark' I sigh than I felt someone chakra and looked and told naruto to wake himseld up and if they try to hurt naruto than im taking control and killing them but I making sure that naruto does find out though.



I woke up and he saw ''SHINO!?'' I was shock how did shino find him and why was he here I sat up and said ''s-shino w-what are you d-d-doing here'' I was mad at myself for my sturreding and shino said ''naruto why are you here I was looking for you why because I wante dto talk to you and important'' I was scared reason why because if people see me there going to hurt me and probally even hurt shino I said ''sorry shino I don't we talk some other time'' I was shino he looked at me and said ''naruto what wrong why because you not acting like yourself'' I sigh I know that shino is not ging to stop asking so I will agree I hoping that he doesn't hate me. ''Ok shino but where do you want to go to talk'' I sat up and was standing infornt of shino he grab my arm and started to walk we were passing the village I was speeding up alittle shino still had my arm I can see people staring at us I was ignoring them and me and shino where at the spot that shino took me there last time and he let go of my arm and we sat down near the tree and I looked at shino and said ''sooo... what did you want to talk about shino'' I looked at shino and he turned his head at me and said ''you probally will regret being my friend why? because I have something that you will think is disgusted'' I was shock what shino said 'why does he think I'm going to hate him' I was about to say something but shino beat me to it he put his hand up and I see there a bug on the end of his finger and he said ''I am the clan hair of the Aburame clan why that imporatan the reason is I have bug's that live inside me'' I was shock again I looked at shin and grabbed his arm and said ''shino I don't care that you have bugs that live inside you I all was will be you friend now matter what'' I looked at shino and well I could tell if he was shock or happy because is black glass and his high collar that cover his lower half of his face and he said ''thank you'' I looked at the sky and the bird it was beatiful and shino said ''naruto what did you want to talk about'' I was know scared I didn't want shino to hate me but I have to trust him that he will still be my friend ''ok I um... do you promise me that you will not hate me and if you do I understand'' I took a breath and I felt shino hand on my arm and I said ''you know about my sibling birthday''. I looked at him and he shook his head and I countine and said ''well that because it also the day the the four and third hokage killed the nine-tail fox but people in the village thought the third hokage killed the nine-tail fox but you can't kill the tail beast so he sealed in into three kids and the those kid's were me and my sibling but they only have the chakra of the tail beast and I have his soul so people see them as hero's will they see me as a monster''. I looked at shino he said nothing and I said ''I understand that you hate me and don't want to be my fri-'' ''do not finsih that sentece why? because I would not hate you for having the tail beast in you, you are my friend now matter what'' I was happy that shino didn't care that I had kurama in me I started to cry and hugged shino I can feel that he is patting my back and than he said ''I will have to go why? because I have to go home early and get ready for the party are you coming?'' I looked at shino and shook my head he asked why and I said ''because they don't care about me plus the villager are going to do the fox hunt so I be in the forest of death I hope you have funny'' he looked at me and nod and sarted to walk I got up and than I felt something that hit me on the back of the head and it turned black.



Hahaha cliffhanger sorry my little cute fox's there is my reason why I did a cliffhanger because I have lot of thing to do and I wanted to finsh this I promise the 5 chapter will be longer for my cute fox's oh I also forgot to say that I am making a I promise that I will keep writing for the neglected fox but I am going to make some other book you guys can pick what book you want me to write first the books are

Oh and if you guys want naruto boyfriend scenarios or akatsuki boyfriend scenarios you my little fox can just ask me kk

Well hope you are healthy and safe bye my little foxs

~Sweet fox

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