《The Neglected fox》Chapter 3


-naruto pov-


Oh kurama why did you wake me up it so early and it still dark'' I was rubbing my eye's 'kit remeber what day it is' I had to think for a bit than remeber 'tomorrow is my birthday' 'yep kit tomorrow your birthday' 'but kurama why did you wake me up isn't a little bit to early plus my parents don't even remeber me' I heard kurama laughing in the mindscape and said 'kit they might not remeber you but I do how old are you kit' 'kurama im going to turn 6 years old why are you ask' well kit I have a speacial give for you and the reason is why I woke you up early is because I know something that you might love and it might be you'r new hobbies and probaly shino to'.'Really what is it please tell me' 'hehehe Im not going to tell you because I want you to see it yourself but first we have to train and remeber that you need to use the transformation jutsu to get the equipment and we need to talk'I was excited to train with kurama and wanted to know what was my gift that had kurama but when kurama said that we need to talk it sound really serious what could it be I got a little worried but got ready I got my dark blue backpack and kurama told what to put in there mostely water and food it was still alittle dark but I went to the forest of death and place my stuff in a tree and put a rock that cover the backpack because I don't want an animal stealing my backpack. The sun started to rise it was so pretty you did what kurama told me did the transformation jutsu itno a different kid and went into the a store that had equipment I felt that someone was following you but I ignore it and got you thing with my parents money that I stole. I went back to the forest of death than kurama said 'kit someone following you' 'thanks kurama''. I hide behind a tree and than I heard people talk those voice it can't be I poke my head out and I saw anbu dog, cat, and dolphin cat sound worried and said ''where could he be'' ''cat chill we will find him'' dolphin said cat was about to say something than you poke out your hiding spot and said ''cat, dog, dolphin'' they turned around and saw you cat came run to you and hugging you and said ''I was so worrie I though the villager did something to you''. Dog and dolphin came and patted your head and than dolphin said ''naruto why are you in the forest of death it darngerous here lets go to one of our place and to hang out'' I said no and they look confused even though I couldn't see there face 'kurama should I tell them that you'r training me' kurama pause for a secound than said 'I think it would be the best if theyy know because they can probably will train you'Naruto took a breath and said ''Guys can you please keep a secret'' the anbu looked at eachother and took there mask off and kakashi looked at naruto and said ''naruto you can trust us we no one will know'' naruto looked happy that he can tell them his secret and naruto said ''wait I want to tell iruka to can you bring him here''. Kakashi and anko nodded and left and I wait when they came back.


I saw kakashi, anko, and iruka here I am happy that there here but at the same time I was scared but 'maybe they can train me' I sat down and they sat down across from me iruka looks worried the reson is because were in the froest of death. I looked at them and said ''so I'm guess that you want to know why im in the forest of death'' I looked at them and they nodded and I said ''do you all remeber when I was beaten and you brought me to the hospital and you where yelling at the nurse'' they all nodded again ''well went I was in the hospital I was talking to the kyuubi and he not that bad he so nice and he told me his name is kurama''. When I looked at there face they looked shocked that I was talking to the kyuubi I spoke up again and said ''he told me the reason why he attacked the village was because of a masked man he is an uchiha took controll of him'' they looked more shocked than kakashi spoke and said ''so you talked to the kyuubi'' I looked at him a little mad but understand why he said 'kyuubi' and not his name because it shocking what I said and I nodded and said ''his name is kurama''. They nodded and iruka said ''so he attacked the village because he was under by this mask man'' I nodded again and anko said ''does kurama know the name of the mask man'' I siad ''no he doesn't all he know is that this person wanted revege on the hidden leaf village all he knows is that he an uchiha'' they all nodded and than I said ''and the reason why im here in the forest of death is because kurama is training me and the other reason is that know one is going to come to the forest of death''. They nodded again they know that no viager or shinobi would come here anko spoke up and said ''little bro of you wanted to train you should of ask us I looked at them and they all smile well kakashi give us an eye smile and iruka said '' yes you should of said that you wanted to train we could of train you'' and kakahi nodded and iruka said ''naruto you need to go to an academy so you can become a ninja because well im going to leave being a anbu and become an academy teacher'' I was happy im going to be in an academy and iruka going to be my teacher kakashi looked shocked same as anko and anko said ''iruka why are you leaveing the anbu''. Irkua said ''well I all was wanted to be an academeny teacher so I ask the hogkage saying tat I wanted to be a acadmeny teacher and he said it was ok and I have tomorrow to give my mask'' I nodded I looked at kakashi he seem a bit up set but didn't show it. I was happy and hug the three of them and they laughed and hugged back and said '' well naruto when you turn 9 year old that when you can go to the academeny but that doesn't mean that you cant train with us'' I was happy that I can train with they and happy that I was going to the academeny I want to ask shino if he's going to the academeny with me but later right know im going to train with kurama kakashi has to going to the hokage anko had to go and torture someone and iruka is going to the academeny.


I was getting ready to train with kurama I told him I was ready but kurama said I was worried what could it be and said 'I will come to the mind scape to talk to you'' I went to a tree and lay down to talk to kurama and I was in a sewer I want to change it so kurama can live a little freedom but I don't know how to do that' I was walk and I saw the cage that kurama is in and I said ''hey kurama what did you want to talk about'' I got worried why does kurama want to talk about shino "umm ok w-why do you want to talk about him'' ''I dont know I was think about it but thought I should talk about you'' ''why kit?'' ''I dont want shino to hate me like alot of people here my only friend are Kakashi, Anko, Iruka, you and s-shino'' ''haha thank kurama but please dont hurt people'' ''ok well can we start traning''

Naruto train with kurama naruto first had to learn chakra controll the reason was easy because with his chakra and kurama it's alot of chakra and he had to learn chakra controll and and kurama told him to transform into a different kid to get his equipment naruto forgot about that he had to transform into a different kid because stores would let him in so he transform into a kids his age a little bit taller with brown hair and dark brown eyes he wear different clothes that village kids would wear. We went out of the forest of death and went to the village and went to the store the store keeper smiled and said ''welcome get what ever you like kid'' naruto put a fake smile he hated how this stuiped village can't tell between kunai and scroll he went to the isle's and kurama told him what to get naruto went to the store keeper and he payed for his thing and went back to the forest of death and detransform and sat down and said in the mindscape 'kurama what do I do know' naruto did what he was told and pushed chakra into the paper and four peices where cut one pieces was soaked the secound was burned and turned into ash the last cruched up. Kurama said naruto was a bit upset but understand we nodded naruto loved nature it was peaceful and he can feel that nature was with him andit was alive naruto could example it but it was like the nature was with him and talking to him he also loves animals when he first came to the forest of death it was peaceful and he loved it the animal's didn't hurt him the were nice to him.

When kurama was training naruto he found out that he has more senju in him kurama saw naruto abitiy and let just say he was inpress naruto was like contect to the earth the reason is because when he was meditating he was that naruto was contected to the water and earth it seem that naruto will be train mostly water and earth.

'hmmm interesting kit seem to be conect with the earth he love the animals and nature for he birthday I was think that I should give him the scroll of fox but know seeing him now I might give the animal scroll because he so conect withthe earth that he could be the new nine tail fox, I never seen something like this it was different maybe I should give him the scroll on his birthday.' I was watching naruto in the mindscape but than something was happing the mindscape was shaking alot the walls were craking I closed my eye and than I saw something it was light the walls were craking even more and than the ground became green and than tree came out of the ground and on my left I saw a water falling I was shock and than I heard giggling I turn to that bars and there was naruto standing with a fox smile and he said ''hey kurama I hope you like the new place'' I looked around there was the sunny and grass with trees and a cave and a gaint waterfall I looked at naruto and said ''yes I did I didn't like how you were living in the sewer and you are trapped in me so I though I should give you alittle bit of freedom I hope you like it kurama'' I looked around and said I looked at naruto and he giggled and slowing fainding and said'' bye kurama oh and that water fall is you can through my eye's bye-bye'' and he was gone I happy that some care all my other host would ask for my chakra I remeber when kushina wanted my power she was so annoying so to shut her up I gave her some of my charka 'I happy that kit cares about me and not my charka I have to make a plan to get my charka back from those brats but how umm........ I got it let hope it goes well''


HELLO my little cute foxes well I here to explain about the animal scroll so here so I will not waste you time.

Animal scroll- The animals scroll is all the other summon leaders teh animals are dragon, phoenix, butterfly, wolf, fox, toads, slug, snake, cat, lizard, bugs, monkey, bears, hawks, owl, horse, scorpion, dolphin, rodents, octopus, racoon, dogs and turtles when this person has this scroll they will meet the person that made this scroll they will take to them and when ever you some one of these animal they know that you are like royalty. If someone else has one these summoning the summoning will fight with you and listen to what you say. Example if jiraiya is in his sage mode and summons one of the toads and tells the summoning to kill you they will disobey jiraiya and the toad will fight on you'r side. There are many ways toget this animal scroll but it is diffcult the reason is it with that master all the time and you have to get on the master good side but they can see through you because of there eyes and will see if you have a pure heart and is on nature good side. The master will give you the scroll and will tell you the thing that you need to know when the master gives you the scroll the animals will take you when your unconscious or asleep and if neither they will knock you out and the leader will see you your soul they they will put test on you well you dont know that and you are given three test (which you will see later) and if you pass they will bring you to them and will give you the scroll and book they you will study for the scroll's and book's are about the summoning and the thing that are that you are going to gain. The master will give you scrolls on things that will Change and will explain what they will do.

That is the animal scroll if you little foxes want Sweet Fox to explain anything else just say I hope that you are all health and take care. 0W0

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