《The Neglected fox》Chapter 8


I woke up I looked around I'm not in flower field I was in a cave I went out side and I saw cloud's. I was on top of a big mountain and the only thing I could see was clouds and the blue sky 'how did I get here' I thought to myself than I hear I looked around than the voice said I looked up and I see a dragon on the mountain top.

I looked at the dragon and said ''who are you mr dragon'' the dragon laughed and said Iwas shocked than I remember what kurama said 'kurama said that his friend's will be training me so are kurama friends all leader of animal or something''. I looked at the dragon and said ''ummm shinn are you going to be my sensei'' shinn nodded his head and pulled one of his wings down and said I nodded my head and climed on his wing and got on his back and he flied down and I hold on tight not wanting to fall I closed my eye's not wanting cloud's to get in them and when I opened my eyes I saw all different kind of dragon's it was amazing some where fly while the other where laying down on the ground or in the cloud's. I was happy that I get to trained about the Uzumaki the dragon flyed down on the ground and the shinn said I looked at shinn and said ''I don't know anything about my own clans my parent only teached my brother and sister.'' The dragon had an anger face but took a breath and said I did what the shinn said and I sat down than I felt something touched me on the back I loked behide me and I saw small dragon 'are these baby dragon' I nodded my head and I listened to what shinn had to say I put my head down and than looked up and said ''it fine'' I wanted to push away those bad memory the baby dragon stopped nibbling me and rubbed there head onmy I petted all of them and ndodded my head to shinn ''trail'' than shinn took a breath and said I nodded my head and was think how will the trail even act than shinn picked me up with his claws and put me on his back and said ''mate?'' I started to blush what shinn said ''me and shino together mates' ''n-no me and s-s-shino are just friend's were not m-mate's.'' I hated myself that I stuttered and than shinn and said I tried to stop from blushing and we see the pretty flower feild and saw no shino than I hear rusling in the bushes and saw shino I waved at him and he did the same and walked up to me and shinn. ''Shino this is shinn the leader of dragon's and he is my sensei'' I said to shino he nodded than shinn said I almost turned into a tomato I couldn't see shino face because of his long collar. Shinn said that he will be leave because he wanted to talk to the other leader I told shino all that happened he wasn't much of a talker but he also told me that him and his dad are training and he showed me all his cool tricks they were awesome. Me and shino talked for hour than he told me that he leaving I waved goodbye and saw him leave I saw on of the dragons and they told me that they will be tacking me to the cave for rest.


Me and naruto were talking for a long time I had to leave the only reason why because of my dad. I went home late because of me and naruto would talk for hour's and my dad would talk about me how was my friend was I didn't tell him much the only reason why? because I see how people love that naruto his gone I would hear it alot they would say ''I happy that demon is 'dead' '' I didn't say anything to my dad only reason why? because he might take me and naruto friendship away I didn't have any friends because of my bugs. I saw a gaint dragon with naruto the dragon nmae was shinn and it was the dragon leader I saw naruto face turn to a tomato I was blush but thank god I had a high collar so no one can see my half of my face. I knew what mate mean because my dad took me to see all the clan heir and heiress kiba he was the heir of Inuzuka clan he was blahing so much I heard about there mates. I told naruto I was leave and started to walk back to the aburame clan I walked to my house and saw my dad and some of the clan's heads there I was watching them I they were talking about some I just could hear I walked passed them and went to the forest to find bugs. I had something on my min the hold time though and I keep being distracted 'so your naruto mate' that what shinn said it was in my head the hole time and I don't now why.


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