《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 4- Marriage


Hi~ Chapter 4!

~~~~~Chapter 4- Marriage~~~~~

Nao's POV

"M-madara?" I muttered. I could clearly see that he was annoyed. His eyebrows were scrunched up together and his narrowed at me intimidatingly. I took a step back and gulped. Why was his sharingan activated? Was he going to attack me?

I sighed in a relief when I saw his expression soften a bit while he deactivated his sharingan. "Nao," he said. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he called out my name. Who was I kidding earlier? I'm clearly falling in love with him. I sighed again.

"What?" I asked.

"Where were you?" he growled.

"Can't you see? I'm here. I thought Uchihas were..smart?" I said sarcastically.

He popped an anime vein. "Well, while you were relaxing here, the old hag kept screaming in our ears to find you. Izuna and some men looked around and couldn't find you. Seriously, if I become deaf, it's your fault."

I just sweatdropped. Then silence... The silence was suffocating, and as I was going to say something, he spoke.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"For what?" I asked. "Shouldn't I be the one apologizing? I mean, old lady Chiyoko is--"

"For stopping you from making friends," he continued. My eyes widened and I looked at him curiously. I've heard rumors about Madara being cold and emotionless, but hearing him apologize made me smile. He just looked at me and spoke again. "You can make friends, just don't make one from the Senju. You can't trust them, especially now that you're going to be married to me," he said. He started to explain to me the history of the Senju and the Uchiha, and I realized my foolishness.

I didn't look him in the eye. "I'm sorry," I spoke weakly, "for lashing out at you." Then for some reason, I found the courage to look him in the eye now. "You shouldn't have apologized to me, and you have every right to be angry."

"Well, now that you understand, then it's okay. You didn't know. Now, don't even think of approaching them, you hear me?!" he commanded.


Just when I thought that he was being gentle...I sighed and smiled at him. "Yes, sir."

"You're not as stubborn as I thought."




"Just where were you?!" shouted Lady Chiyoko. I looked at her while holding my red cheek. "Don't you know how worried you made me? I mean, you might've gotten lost, got in a fight with someone, and get killed!" she cried with tears leaving her eyes.

My eyes slightly widened at her words. She was worried? "Lady Chiyoko," I said softly with a smile. Although it was really exaggerated, I never thought that she'd do that. I had always wanted to make the clan elders and my clan members proud, but I've always thought they hated me..

The next thing I knew, she hugged me, and I hugged back. "I'm sorry," she said and let go. I looked at her for a moment, and she had this guilty look on her face.

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"For forcing this marriage on you," she said. "It would be tough on you, but this is what's best for the clan. We need strong allies, and the Uchiha are just that."

I shook my head. "It's okay. I can do this since you all trust me so much!" I said with a small laugh.

She smiled and my eyes widened. This was the first time she smiled at me! "You know, Nao, I've always thought of you as my granddaughter, and I'm sure that you're precious to our other clan members as well," she said.

"Why?" I asked. "I'm sure all I've ever done was disappoint you," I muttered. I could never be like Sena, Lady Chiyoko's real granddaughter. She was so nice and kind, but unfortunately, she died a few years ago.

She let out a small chuckle and slightly looked down. "Maybe...I've just been looking for Sena's replacement...and maybe this is a little selfish but..perhaps I was thinking that if I could change time, I would've trained her to be stronger, so that's why I've been always strict to you, I guess," she said.


I noticed her taking a box out from her pocket, and she gave it to me. I looked at her, slightly confused. "What's this for?" I asked.

"It's a gift from the whole clan," she said.

My eyes widened and I grinned when I saw a silver necklace and folded piece of paper beside it. I unfolded the paper and saw many encouraging words from my clan members and friends.

"So? What do you think?" Lady Chiyoko asked.

"I love them! Thank you! And also, please say thank you to them for me too!" I said with some tears leaving my eyes, but they were happy tears. Then Ayame and Oomori-san came in....Way to ruin the moment..


"Did your husband hurt you? Did Lady Chiyoko bully you or something?" Oomori-san asked.

"I did no such thing!" Lady Chiyoko defended herself, and I giggled.

"They're happy tears," I explained while holding out the small box and the paper.

They sighed. "Oh, that."

"Didn't know you were so emotional," Ayame said and I playfully punched her arm. "Let's get you ready again."


"I'm so nervous that I think my legs would give out during my walk on the aisle," I said, trembling slightly.

The three women in front me sighed and facepalmed. "Why?"

"I don't know! Even though we don't love each other, it's still my first time getting married! And I don't even know half of the Uchiha Clan and the rest of the clans attending the wedding."

Ayame just looked at me dreamily. "But you're still lucky to have a hot guy as a husband~ and another hot guy as a brother-in-law~" she said.

"Why don't you marry one of them instead then? That'd be easier on me," I repeated.


"Why not?"

"Because~ I'd be marrying someone hotter!"

"Go marry the sun!"

"Nao, the ceremony's about to start," Oomori-san said.


As I walked down the aisle, I saw Madara in his traditional kimono, and I slightly blushed. He looked handsome, and I blushed at the sight of him. It's a good thing it was hidden by the veil.

The priest started talking when I finally got to the altar. I felt butterflies in my stomach, knowing that we would be kissing soon.

We said our "I dos" after a while.

The kiss was short, only a peck on the lips. It was probably less than 5 seconds, but I had felt a fleeting excitement as well. I blushed a deep red, and surely it was almost the same color as Mito's hair.

I saw a small smirk on his face after the kiss, but it was almost unnoticeable. I sighed, turning to the people watching. I saw Ayame gushing and Oomori-san crying. I sweatdropped.

When the ceremony was over, the Uchihas stated that I would be sharing a room with Madara. I slightly blushed at that, but I had no room to protest. Right now, we're husband and wife... I still couldn't believe that. I admit, I'm attracted to him and I kinda like hum, but that 'like' wasn't enough. I mean, it's not like I love him and yet, we're going to share a room!

I turned to Madara and blushed deeper. "I'm not going to do anything to you," he just said. I don't know..but I felt slightly offended by that statement.

"You better!" I said while glaring at him with a huff.

"Yeah, and you better not overestimate yourself," he taunted with a cocky grin. Oh, how I wanted to take that off his face! I pouted and just went inside OUR room and lied down on the futon.

I noticed that it smelled a bit like him, and I mentally slapped myself for that thought.

"Idiot," I muttered.



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