《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 5- Other People and Maybe a New Friend(s)


Chapter 5, here you go~!

~~~~~Chapter 5- Other People and Maybe (a) New Friend(s)~~~~~

Nao's POV

It's been a few days since I got married to Madara, and I still haven't gotten used to this unfamilliar place yet, to be honest. Today, though, seems like it would not be a normal one, I think because for some reason, I found myself waking up and being on top of Madara's chest! I shifted uncomfortably before I noticed and felt something soft. I looked at him for a moment ((A/N: Nope, this isn't going to be romantic at all, if that's what you're thinking!!)) and thought of a brilliant idea.

I smirked and tried to suppress my laugh as I started braiding his hair. It was so soft and silky that I couldn't help but wonder what shampoo he uses or if he uses conditioner. I can't believe his hair is still this soft even though he hasn't taken a bath yet, considering he's sleeping.

When I finished braiding his hair, I noticed that he was still snoring softly. He's a heavy sleeper, I guess. I also took out some lipstick and spread it on his lips. Then, I applied some make-up on his cheeks. I silently went to the bathroom and there I laughed until my sides hurt. I did my daily routine and when I went to our room, he wasn't there.

Oh, he must be furious right now. Teehee~!

Izuna's POV

"Have you seen Madara?" Nao, the wife of my brother, asked.

I shook my head, and she kept walking. I noticed that she was trying to suppress her laughter. I wonder why..

I passed by the clan's head room and now, I knew why. I burst in and my brother looked at me seriously. I couldn't take him seriously though.

"What the f**k, Nii-san?" I asked him while bursting out in laughter which was very OUT OF CHARACTER.


"Y-your face!" I said in between laughs.

"Hm?" He looked at himself in the mirror, took off the hairpins in his hair, wiped off the make-up and lipstick, and ran out the door.

There, I fell to the floor laughing.


"Pfft...nii-san! So beautiful!! Hahahha"

Nao's POV

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" a voice said from the corridor. I then saw a HUGE fireball coming at me, here in the garden. I quickly dodged it and saw Madara without the make-up and pins. I pouted. He took them off....

"Doton: Doryuheki!" I said while placing my hands on the groud and instantly making an earth wall, defending myself from the fireball.

"Nao!" he growled as I laughed.

"Yes, Madara~kun?" I teased him while battling my eyelashes.

"I'll kill you!" he shouted and I giggled. I immediately disappeared and appeared beside him, hugging his arm.

"Aww, you won't kill your lovely and beautiful, innocent wife right, Madara~kun?" I said while poking his cheek. I half-expected him to kill me, but I was surprised when he only sighed and shrugged my arms off of his.

"So narcisstic," he mumbled while rolling his eyes and turned to me. "Anyway, I need you to deliver this to the Sarutobi clan leader, Nao," he said while giving me a scroll. "I allow you to read it, if you want to, but don't tell it to anyone, you hear me?" he commanded.

I nodded my head. "Yes, sir!"

"Go, now."

"All right then," I said while getting ready to leave.

Madara's POV

I sighed deeply after she left. I wonder why I haven't beaten her up yet. I must be getting soft. I heard a chuckle, and I turned to where it came from. "What's so funny, Izuna?" I asked.

"It's funny how you're so gentle with her while you don't even care what happens to other women," he said with a smirk. "You don't hesitate to kill others, but you didn't do anything to her except attack her with a single fireball. I'm impressed though. She managed to defend herself from your attack. I guess she is strong. Let's just see if she's worthy of marrying the clan head," Izuna said.

I only nodded my head and was surprised when his eyes widened. "What?" I asked in confusion. "Why are you looking at me like that?"


"You didn't deny it! Nii-san, you didn't even protest. I called her your wife!.....Nii-san, are you, perhaps, falling in love with her?" he asked.

"Maybe," I said and immediately covered my mouth. What the hell did I say? I regretted saying that when I saw him smirk, and I twitched an eyebrow in annoyance. "Wait, no! Of course not!" I said.

"You're lying," he said with a straight face. "Just say the truth."

"Well, maybe I like her a little bit," I confessed. Tch, Izuna always reads me. He always sees through my lies. I guess that's how close we are to each other. I looked at him seriously. "Do not tell a soul."

"I won't," he said with a smirk. "I promise. Since when did I ever break a promise?"

"That one time when we were kids, you didn't treat me to that ramen even though you promised me," I pointed out.

"Ah~! I forgot all about that after my mission," he said while scratching the back of his head. I only smiled, a bit.


Nao's POV

Ah..I'm totally lost in this town....I bumped into a white-haired person staring at me. He's probably suspicious about me and someone important. I'm new to this place, after all.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before," he said, eyeing me up and down.

"Y-yes!" I stuttered. I was too lost in my own thoughts. "My name's Nao."

He smirked. "Mine's Tobirama."

"Okay, Tobirama-san, um...can I ask you something?"


"Where is the way to the Sarutobi compound?" I asked.

He started giving me directions, and I thanked when I finally got it about 5 minutes later. He seemed irritated and left. I sighed to myself. 'Great..I've been here for less than a month, and I've already managed to annoy someone.'

I started walking to the Sarutobi compound but bumped into two girls. Why the hell do I keep bumping into people?!?!

"I'm sorry!" the three of is said at the same time, coincidentally.

The three of us burst out in laughter at that.

Silence filled the air after a few seconds of laughter, and I was the one to break it. "Umm.." I muttered.

"I'm Sarutobi Sena!!" the shorter girl shouted. I flinched at how loud she was. She was wearing a lot of jewelry, and I could tell she was really rich. And I didn't particularly ask for her name, so why did she shout that out? I sweatdropped.

"I'm Sarutobi Yuzu. Sorry for my younger sister's loudness," she said politely while bowing.

I arched a brow and smirked. "It's okay. She's certainly...quiet."

She giggled. "You're really interesting. Want to go out for some dango?" Yuzu asked.

"Sure," I said with a smile. "I just need to deliver something to the Sarutobi compound though. You're a Sarutobi right?"

"Yes!" they answered simultaneously. "Let's go together."

"All right. I'm Nao, by the way, Kuzur--" I stopped. I forgot that I'm an Uchiha now... "Uchiha Nao," I said.

"Ah! Uchiha Madara's wife right?" they asked.

I nodded as a response.

We walked to the compound, and I quickly gave the scroll to their clan leader. He seemed like a kind old man, but he had a quite intimidating aura as well, fitting a leader. I made sure to make a good impression on him so as not to burden Madara with needless complaints from someone influential. This was a lesson I learned from my strict teachers back at home, and now I know why they inculcated it to me. Without it, I'd be cowering in fear a while ago... I really need to thank them when I get the chance...

At the dango shop, we ordered different kinds of it. I noticed that the place was really clean and new.

"So delicious!!" the two said while eating the dango.

I sweatdropped. The way they said everything at the same time made them look like twins. They looked so similar too, except Yuzu has a mole near her mouth.

I took a bite of mine, and it's true. It was indeed delicious! It's better than the dango Ayame makes!!

"So good~" ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

"I know, right?"



Honestly, I want to braid Madara's hair~!

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