《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 3- Meeting Uzumaki Mito


Hi~ Here's chapter 3! XD

~~~~~Chapter 3- Meeting Uzumaki Mito~~~~~

Nao's POV

"WHAAT?!" the old lady screeched.

"No need to shout, Granny Chiyoko."

"THE TWO OF YOU ALREADY MET?!" she shouted again, paying no heed to my complaint.

I nodded silently as a response. I really hope this conversation ends soon because I don't want to end up deaf.

"Great! Then the wedding's tomorrow. The two of you look like you get along," she said.

"But--!" I tried to protest but a whip of water slammed me into a wall. "Dammit," I muttered under my breath quietly so that she wouldn't hear me. I have no need for more injuries..

"No buts!" she said and disappeared into a puff of smoke, the other people disappearing as well.

I looked at Madara, and he sweatdropped. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Does it look like I'm okay?"

"Yes," he said sarcastically, making me pop an anime vein at him while shooting an arrow of water. It cut him off guard for a second and it cut a part of his long hair short. The sight of a part of his hair shorter than the other made me giggle, making him pop multiple anime veins. "Stop laughing," he commanded.

I don't know why, but it made me laugh harder. I could sense that he was getting angry though, so I stopped. I sighed and looked at his hair. "Let me fix it," I offered.

"No," he said stubbornly.

"Let me fix it!"


"Let. Me. Fix. It," I growled at him. He seemed to take notice of my gradual anger and obeyed. Yey~!

"Fine," he said and I began to cut it even with a kunai. After a few minutes, I finished. I have to say though, I did a pretty good job.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"It's nice," he commented.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, my stomach just had to embarrass me by growling! If only there were a few people here to make some noise, but no, there was only the two of us....not talking. So the growl just had to be heard by Madara, making me blush in embarrassment. He chuckled, and I blushed deeper. But honestly, I like his laugh.

"Why don't we get some ramen?" he suggested. I nodded silently and heard another growl, but it was not from me. I looked around and finally landed my eyes on Madara. I raised an eyebrow, and he blushed.

I giggled slightly and continued to tease him as he led me to a ramen shop. He started getting annoyed, so I stopped. When we got there, I sniffed the smell of the ramen in the air, and it was so good! I sat down in one of the seats, and Madara sat beside me.


"One Miso Ramen," he said and I ordered the same.

When the food came, I took a bite on the noodles. It was so delicious~

Madara's POV

I smirked when I see her take her first bite on the ramen, and she looked dazed. That's why I led her here.

She was very interesting. When I first met her, she had already interested me to an extent that I actually approached her, which was not a usual thing. I usually observe the people that interest me from afar, but I don't know what attracted me to her. Sure, she's very beautiful, but that's not enough to interest me. She was very quiet, which slightly annoyed me, but she gradually warmed up and was actually quite talkative.

She was noisy, but she did not do things that angered me, well for now. She would stop when she notices that I'm getting annoyed, and I like her for that. I usually punished people that couldn't take the hint and traumatize them for life.

"Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded with a bright smile. I was about to tell her something but forgot all about it when I sensed a very familiar chakra. I narrowed my eyes at nowhere in particular and spoke. "Then finish it," I ordered to her in an intimidating tone. She seemed to take the hint and ate faster. I'm sure I saw anime question marks popping out of her head and would've chuckled at her clueless face but I couldn't be bothered with that right now. I slightly growled when I sensed the source of the 2 chakra coming closer.

"Hello, Madara! I'm glad to see that you're still eating here, considering that we ate here a lot when we were children," he said with a big, goofy smile. I would've punched his face right now, but I wouldn't want to ruin the ramen. Yes, it's that delicious.

"Hashirama..." I growled.

"Hey, don't fight!" yelled two women at us. Both of us looked at them, and the two of them looked at each other, noticing that they spoke at the same time.

"Mito/Nao," the two of us said at the same time. I was irked at this and glared at Hashirama.

"Ah, so you were on a date," he said.

I popped an anime vein and shook my head. "I'm not!"

He started saying other things but I couldn't remember anymore because of my rising anger. I was about to get my sword, and he went on a defense stance when we noticed that the two women were gone. I attacked him, but I missed because he ran off after his wife. I popped another anime vein and growled in annoyance.


Nao's POV

"Mito-san, right?" I confirmed as I turned to look at the woman walking beside me. She nodded and I smiled. "I heard that you have excellent sealing skills," I said. I suck at sealing things, so she's someone I admire.

She slightly smiled. "You flatter me, Nao-san."

"It's true though.. Oh, you can just call me Nao, no need for honorifics."

"All right then. I have heard if your skills too though. You are exceptional in water style ninjutsu, and you're also good at taijutsu and medical ninjutsu. You are also good in releasing yourself from genjutsu," she said.

I sweatdropped. "You only seemed to say the good things about--"

"You're bad at sealing though."

"Ah, you're totally right," I confirmed. "Meanwhile, you're really good at everything. Tell me, Mito-san--"

"Call me Mito."

"Okay, Mito. How do you know so much about me?" I asked.

"You're famous, don't you know? The entirety of the Kuzuryu clan is, but you, as an individual, is also acknowledged by strong ninja," she said.

"Really? I didn't know that!" I said while scratching the back of my head. It's true. I didn't, until now.

"Mito!" we heard someone cry and saw the brown haired man from earlier who I believe is Hashirama Senju, her husband. "Why did you disappear all of a sudden?!" he cried out loud.

"I was merely taking a walk with her," she said.

"You could've just said so~" he whined with a pout.

I sweatdropped. Is this really the head of the Senju? Mito seemed to have noticed my confusion and confirmed it. "Yes, he is the head of the Senju, Nao," she said, as if she read my mind.

"I see~! Is that so? I didn't expect that," I said and covered my mouth. So rude....

Mito started giggling and Hashirama's face dropped. "I'm sorry!" I apologized.

"It's okay," she said. "It's true. Many people think that."

"Well, yeah. I supposed that I expected him to be...calmer, I guess," I confessed. We heard a chuckle and turned to where it came from and saw Madara.

"You're right, Nao. He IS not like what a clan leader should be," he said with another chuckle.

Hashirama pouted, huffed, and walked away with Mito walking after him while giggling.

"See you then, Nao~!" she said with a wave. I waved back. Great! I made a friend.

My smile dropped though, when I saw Madara glaring at where they disappeared off to.

"Why do you look so angry?" I asked.

"Never talk to them again," he growled.

"But why? I just made a friend!" I protested.

"Just don't!" he commanded.

"No!" I shouted back and ran away. Damn it. Damn him! Why does he stop me from making friends?


When I got back to the compound, it was very awkward between us, and we didn't talk to each other. Now, today is my wedding day, and I didn't want to marry him while he's still angry with me, or I think he is..since he's been avoiding me all this time.

I ran to the place he led me the first daw we met. The place was relaxing and it made me comfortable, so I decided to hide there. I don't care if Lady Chiyoko, Ayame, or Oomori-san yells at me afterwards, but I don't really want to marry him now that we're not on good terms.

When I got there, no one was around. I sighed in relief. What was I worried about? He already said that no one other than the two of us knows the place. I don't want him to find me, but half of me also wanted him to find me. I made another long sigh again. If I liked him so much, why am I hesitating?

I sat there in silence as several minutes passed, collecting my thoughts together. I didn't care if they get angry at me for being late or for not appearing at all, but I'm still angry at him for stopping me from making friends? I mean, what is his problem? Mito seems really nice, and I want to be her friend. I've admired her strong fighting skills as well as her sealing skills for years now. She's incredible, even though I'm just a few years younger than her, maybe 2 or 3 years younger.

I groaned and rolled around in frustration but stopped when I heard a sudden rustle from the bushes behind me. I went into a defense stance, and my eyes widened when I saw who it was.




Like seriously, everyone wants to touch Madara's hair right? I'm really starting to get jealous of my OC because she gets to touch his silky hair~ I'm getting jealous of other OCs too XD

Now~ comments please. They're highly appreciated..

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