《Going Back to You (A Madara Uchiha fanfiction)》Chapter 2- Meeting Him Again


Nao's POV

When I got back to the inn we're supposed to be staying, I was still clutching the coat he had given to me like it was the most important thing in the world. I don't know why, but I just can't wait to see him again. I feel as if the rest of the day would be boring. Maybe because he's the first person I met in this place..but he was so handsome and nice that I want to see him again.

That when it strucked me! I smiled to myself as I looked at the coat I was wearing around me. I have an excuse to look for him. I still need to give it back to him! My smile faded away though, when I realized that I don't know anything about him aside from his name. I went back to my room and closed the door with a sigh. Well, I can always go that place he had shown me. Maybe...just maybe...I can go back to that place again. Maybe we could be friends, but it would all end with that.

It would all end up with the two of us being friends and nothing more than that...because I'd be getting married soon. I'd be getting married to the Uchiha clan leader. But what if he'd be scary? They all said that he was strong and intimidating..BUT WHAT IF HE'S A FREAKING OLD PEDOPHILE WITH A SUPER LONG TONGUE, BIG GROSS LIPS, SUPER MEGA BUSHY EYEBROWS, AND A BILLION PIMPLES???!?!

Okay..that may be exaggerating a bit. They all said he was handsome after all...but that's their opinion...What if...he's an old but a bit handsome pedophile? I cringed at the thought. What am I thinking? I didn't even notice that Oomori-san is here. She smiled slightly at me and I smiled back.

Oomori Yuka is a maid that was assigned to me when I was younger. She's 4 years older than me, and she's like another older sister to me. My real sister's name is Kuzuryu Akane. She's really beautiful and is the next heir to our clan! She has a really nice and strong husband named Akihiro. He's a bit handsome but I guess you could say that Madara is better looking.

"You're back. I thought you'd run away," she said in her soft, soothing voice.

"Not at all. I didn't want to worry you guys nor disappoint you," I reassured her.

She frowned a bit. "You should think more of your own happiness."


I shook my head lightly. "No. Actually, I'm curious about my husband-to-be and I'm excited too," I half-lied. While I am really curious about what he looks like, I am not the least bit excited to be wedded to him.

"You shouldn't lie, Nao. I know you more than that. Anyway, whose coat is that?" she asked.

I blushed a bit, realizing that I was still holding it tightly and remembered him. Oh gosh, why am I always thinking about him? "Oh, just someone I met earlier gave me this because it was raining," I said with a smile.

She looked at me seriously. "Nao,..are you falling in love?" she asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"No. We only just met. I don't even know his surname."

"Well? What's his first name then?" she asked.

"Madara," I said softly, hoping that she wouldn't hear me. Unfortunately, she did and I saw her smirk. What is she up to?


"You'd be meeting your husband now!" Ayame, one of my maids, said excitedly. She is my maid, but she is also one of my close friends since childhood.

I groaned. "Why are you so excited?"

"Because he's so freaking handsome!" she squealed in delight.

I sweatdropped at the sight of her fangirling. "Why don't you marry him instead?" I asked him and received a super strong slap on my back. Argh! Why does she need to hit people when she's excited? "That hurt, Ayame! You really become crazy when you're excited," I complained.

She pouted and continued fangirling. "But Nao~ you are so lucky!"

"I am so not! I don't even know him.."

"And he doesn't know you. But the two of you are FREAKING GOING TO GET MARRIED AND YOU'RE GOING TO SHARE A KISS WITH THAT HOT UCHIHA! Ohmyglob! You're like the luckiest girl I've met! Kyaaaaa~"

I popped an anime vein and shouted at her. "Then marry him instead!"

She shook her head several times. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because the two of you are like, so perfect for each other~" she gushed and I swear I saw hearts flowing out of her. "I'm sure you'd fall in love with him at first sight!"

"That's not possible."

"It is, with Madara-sama."


It took some time before the thought occupied my whole mind.

"Did you say...Madara?" I asked. At that moment, several questions filled my mind. Did he know this? Did he know that we were about to get married, that's why he approach me? Was his kindness fake? Was all he did only to make me marry him to strengthen the clans' ties? But despite all these doubts, I realized something. "I see. Will you leave me alone for a while, Ayame?" I requested gently. I wouldn't want her to misunderstand anything. "I need to..think a bit.."


"All right," she said and left..

I realized that..I was beginning to like him. I was beginning to like..Uchiha Madara. I smiled to myself. Well..I guess I'd just go with the flow and continue liking him. It's not a bad thing anyway right? He is, after all, my husband-to-be, even if he doesn't like me back. And it's all just a small crush...maybe for now.


It was time to meet him again and it's making my heart race in excitement. But it seems....Ayame is even more excited than me. I had his coat with me too to return it to him, and I felt stupid when I realized that this was the reason why Oomori-san was smirking.

"Are you excited?" Ayame asked in a teasing tone. I nodded and her eyes widened. Obviously, she didn't expect this because I'm not fangirling like her.

"Nervous and excited, but mostly nervous," I said, tightening my grip on his coat that was folded and placed into a small pouch I was holding. I gulped as the big doors to the Uchiha compound opened and we entered. You might be wondering how such a small group of women would defend themselves if bad guys would attack, but actually, the two of them are strong kunoichi too. So we would be able to fight them off. The Kuzuryu clan is actually a strong clan, and that's probably why the Uchiha clan had agreed to all of this.

We were welcomed by a man named Izuna, who seems really nice and he's supposed to be my brother-in-law. Now that I'm actually in the compound, I began to feel self-conscious. I asked Oomori-san and Ayame how I looked and they just gave me the thumbs up.

So not reassuring...

Then Izuna opened the doors to the clan meeting room. I'm not ready!

"Let's go in," he said and Ayame, Old Lady Chiyoko, Oomori-san, and I followed him. Yes, the old lady is with us too. Great, I'm not embarrassing myself. It's a good thing I endured the rigorous training for the food and to not get lectured afterwards by my teachers, but mostly for the food.

I was not ready to see him, and I sighed in relief. He was not in the room.. I turned to Lady Chiyoko, and she was fuming in anger! She looked like a tomato, and it made me giggle.

"And just where is your clan leader?" she snapped.

"We're terribly sorry, but he's not here right now. Even though it was the Uchiha clan who requested this of you," one of them said.

"Right. Ayame-san, Yuka-san, stay with me. Nao, please leave. We're going to have a discussion," she said and shooed me out. Before I could respond, the doors were shut and locked. Geez, how rude!

I began to walk around the compound and went to the garden. I don't know how I got there, but after turning right, left and turning around, I forgot where I came from. I pouted. Now, I'm totally lost. While thinking of this, I didn't even notice that I bumped into someone and fell to the floor. Ugh... I stood up and dusted off some dirt that got into my kimono and looked at the person I bumped into.

"I'm very so--Madara?"

I saw his eyes went wide and they narrowed at me. Even though I'd normally find him intimidating, right now, I wasn't scared of him at all for some reason. "What are you doing here?"

"Why weren't you in the clan meeting room?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to marry some woman, whoever that is," he mumbled. "And answer my question!"

I felt offended at his answer but smiled. So he didn't know that we were getting married..but of course, I still kind of doubt him.

"Then you must not have known me earlier," I said. "not that I knew who you were, Uchiha Madara. Let me introduce myself again," I continued and looked him in the eyes. "My name is Nao, Kuzuryu Nao. It is very nice to meet you," I finished with a soft smile.

His eyes went wide again and I answered his question. "Now, as for your question..I am here, unfortunately, to meet my future husband which would be you, Madara. But it is against my will." I rummaged through the pouch and took out his coat. "Thanks for the coat, by the way."

He took it and nodded quietly.

Again, silence...until I heard people approaching and Lady Chiyoko's voice. "Find that clan leaders of yours imme--Oh! Nao, there you are! Who are you with?"

"The clan leader."




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