《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》A nightly sky filled with stars


I was honestly really worried about this girl. She seemed to be always looking on the bright side, but I had my doubts. While practising and learning our dances, she's probably hit a few walls already, but this... I'm still not sure why I had to pick her out of all the ten thousands of other girls with an unusual amount of talent. She just seemed... different? Every time I looked her in the eyes, my heart started to race. Sure, I wasn't the most confident boy ever when it comes to girls, but normally, I could act cool and pretend it didn't really matter to me. But now, I felt like I needed to protect her. Protect her from all of the harsh criticism and harsh words that were yet to come. I wanted to hold her in my arms and make her feel safe and warm. And even after almost a day, I still hadn't figured out why. And all of that wasn't even the worst, the worst part of it all was that she would soon meet the other boys. They were a lot more comfortable around girls than I was and they were also cuter, more cheerful and playful than me... Maybe I was just some old annoying hyung. She did say I'm her ultimate bias though... But did she really mean that or was she just saying that to flatter me? For now, I just have to make it through this flight without making her worry or cry...

It was light, too light in this room. The sun was too bright and the walls and floor were reflecting that light. The floor was so clean, it acted like a mirror and I could see my reflection crystal-clear. When I looked up, the sky changed from bright blue to a cloudy white and was rapidly filled with clouds. The clouds waited for their turn to change too and changed from fluffy, sheepy clouds to a thick, greyish fog. I couldn't see much anymore and even my reflection seemed to fade away. Then I heard a song, and when I turned to the right, I saw a small stage, like the ones me and the boys performed on when we had our first lives with a small crowd surrounding us. A girl was standing on it and was dancing to the song. She slowly faded away, in the same way my reflection just did and turned into... Clouds? But those clouds were different, those were pastel-coloured and seemed soft and gentle. The kind of shimmered and then changed colour again, they became brighter and brighter until the total thing kind of looked like a rainbow. As the sun set and everything became dark again, I heard "Butterfly" being played form a distance, which slowly faded away and then turned into run and I opened my eyes.


It was dark again, but with blue-ish lights, you know, those LED things. Right, I was on a plane with a girl I didn't know quite well, and we were on our way to Bighit, right. Slowly, the clouds in my head made room for clear thoughts and I could think normally again. As I tried to remember my dream, the details would slip right through my fingers, but I remembered the most important things, as if they were check-points in a game or something. I looked to my left, and saw y/n look out of the window, I whispered her name, softly, so I wouldn't wake up someone on the plane, but I got no response again. I gently tilted her head to her right side, to my side and her hair fell in front of her face. I softly moved my hand to her face and moved her hair to the side, She was fast asleep, but with a smile on her face. She seemed so happy and without knowing why, right this moment, I wanted to do anything to protect that little smile that played with her face. I could see her body slowly moving as she breaths in and out and I couldn't do anything than just sitting there in awe. The sky was now black, and the stars were lighting it up like they were party decorations, it was perfect. I really didn't know if I should wake her up to look at the sky or give her the rest she'd desperately needed for when we'd arrive at the airport. I decided, and knew it was selfish, but woke her up. But before I could get to do that, my instincts took me over and I planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Gosh, what did I just do?! Luckily, she didn't wake up already, so I gently tried to wake her up and succeeded.


As you opened your eyes, you saw Namjoon's face right above yours. you startled awake, but he didn't take his eyes off yours. You blushed and he finally looked away. You looked at your phone, it was just after midnight.

"Why did you wake me up?" you asked. "Something wrong?" you adjusted your position and looked around.

"No, nothing's wrong, but I wanted to show you this" he said, while pointing to the small window at you side of the seats.

You looked outside and were speechless. It was an absolutely stunning sight. Without all of the clouds, the stars looked ten times prettier than they were already normally.

"Thank you so much for waking me up" you said.

"No problem," he replied "I'm glad you like it" he told you while smiling, that eyesmile of him really was the best thing in the world.

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