《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》Flying away with Namjoon


The sky was amazingly blue. It was the blue of a sky on a summer day. You know, those warm days with a slight breeze to make sure it wasn't getting too hot outside. If you looked reeeaalllyyy closely, you could see some small clouds on the sides of the horizon and of course, there were big, fluffy, white clouds underneath the airplane. The sun was going to set in half an hour and autumn-like colours slowly made their way all over the blue canvas that was made for them. It was beautiful, absolutely stunning. After a couple of minutes, you made up your mind and decided to play some games on your phone while listening to music you had already downloaded a while ago. Namjoon was asleep, but it was too noisy at the plane to hear his breathing. A child had been crying for a way too long time and the man who was sitting behind you two was chatting too loud with his wife. You slowly felt yourself getting in a trance-like feeling while listening to Butterfly, getting lost in the words. As they told you "Don't think of anything" it was kind of a command, your mind and body adjusted automatically.

It wasn't easy to explain your mom what happened. She was confused. Whereas your dad immediately got what was happening, she was really confused. You, your dad and Namjoon tried to explain everything, and after fifteen minutes or so she finally got it. They had to overthink everything for a moment and process everything that had just happened. They agreed, but wanted to hear from you every day, you were obligated to call them every day. You promised to do that, and Namjoon ensured you'd be safe with him, the boys and company. If you were to go home sooner or later than planned, you had to let your parents know as soon as you knew that was going to happen. Your parents helped you and Namjoon arrange a flight for the next day. Later that night, Namjoon went to a hotel nearby and you got his phone number! Which meant you could call or text him whenever you wanted, as much as you wanted. It felt special, like you were friends with him. But that couldn't be true, it was impossible to be friends with your ultimate bias.


You were packing all of your stuff. You were only allowed to bring one suitcase with you to the airport/plane, but Joonie assured he and the boys would go shopping with you, so that made everything more than alright again. Shopping with BTS. It sounded like a ridiculous joke, but it would soon be made into reality. While you sat there on your bed thinking of what to pack next, your thoughts wandered of for the 400th time today. This time to the (probably) harsh training sessions you'd follow once you were in Korea. You were a bit afraid of not being able to everything as well as they expected of you, on the other side, of they had low expectations, that also wouldn't comfort you in the least. It would only make things worse.

After finishing packing, you went to sleep and tried to sleep as much as you can. It was quite hard, since you startled awake at least every two hours, but the next morning around 07:00 you were wide awake and ready for a long, hard day, full of traveling. Your mother offered to pick Namjoon up and bring the two of you to the airport. You were really thankful and made sure to let her know more than enough. it was going to be a bit hard on you though, you'd be away for at least two months without seeing or actually really talking to your parents and that never happened before, a week at maximum. Namjoon said Jimin would probably do anything he could to get you through it and the thought of your biases doing all kinds of fun things with you made you forget about all of your worries immediately.

The airport was huge, lively and modern. All kinds of people were hurrying and stressing, but you and Joonie had more than enough time for now. You sat at some coffee bar and drunk something together. After a while, you decided to head to the terminal and look around for a bit. You were obsessed by the planes and Namjoon had to laugh a bit at you, since he travelled all the time for his job and was totally used to all the fuss.


When the plane lost it's contact with the ground, you became more relaxed and after an hour, you weren't even shaking like a freak anymore! Mission accomplished! Namjoon suddenly turned his head towards you and opened his mouth. He closed it directly again though. As if he wanted to talk about something, but in the end hesitated and decided to keep it shut. You felt yourself getting a bit uncomfortable with that happening, but decided to just let it pass. After a couple of minutes, Namjoon did the same thing, but this time, he actually did say something.

"y/n," he began, "are you really sure this is what you want?"

"But of course!" you told him while balancing from the left side to the right on your seat. "You made my biggest dream ever come true, why wouldn't I want this?" you asked, amazed by what the rapper just said.

"Well..." he sounded worried. "I think our training regimen are a bit harder than you're expecting, I really want you to meet the boys and I really want to spend time with you, don't get me wrong, but I don't want you to go home broken, damaged. i really, really want to prevent that from happening, y'n." he looked as if it what he said was embarrassing him a bit, his hair fell in front of his eyes so you couldn't look him in the eyes anymore.

"Please don't worry Namjoon!" you said in order to make him calm down, he was clearly upset. "I'll do everything I can and if that isn't going to be enough to satisfy you, I'll do even more."

Namjoon laughed a bit and you could hear he was about to cry. You gave him a hug and tried to comfort him further, but after five minutes or so, he already fell asleep.

So now you were sitting there in your seat, waiting for Namjoon to wake up and waiting for the plane to land.

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