《Dancing together - Namjoonxreader fanfiction》BTS


Something warm was touching your cheek. It was slowly brushing over it and then disappeared. You slowly opened your eyes and saw it was Namjoon's hand. You were immediately wide awake. Wait, where were you again? Right, the plane. A plane to South-Korea. A plane... on its way... TO BTS! And you had fallen asleep, AGAIN. You sat up quickly in your seat and looked at Namjoon, he looked kind of surprised because of your sudden movements and you couldn't help but to laugh at it. Namjoon looked even more surprised for a split second but then started laughing too. He really was pretty when he smiled...

"Y/n," he spoke "we'll be landing in approximately half an hour so I wanted to wake you up so you could see us land" he continued to smile and handed you his phone.

When you looked at it, you saw he took a picture of you sleeping! "Ow Namjoon! You sneaky...."

He grinned and grabbed the phone again, you saw him quickly sending the message to a WhatsApp group named "Bangtan" your cheeks became as red at a tomato now, knowing the boys who you'd see in a few hours would receive the embarrassing picture of you as soon as the plane would hit to ground.

"Were you able to sleep a bit more?" You asked.

"Yeah a bit, but I came up with a concept for a song so..." he didn't finish his sentence.

"My God! Namjoon! You came up with an idea for a new song on a plane? Omg I get to be next to you when you're writing a new song, now I'm totally excited!" you cheered for him.

"Eh well.. eh keke.." he kind of replied.

"May I look at it?" You asked.

He nodded and shyly handed you his phone on a notebook application.

You looked at it and this was what he wrote:

My blood, sweat and tears


My last dance

Take it away

My blood, sweat and tears

My cold breath

Take it away

My blood, sweat and tears

Even my blood, sweat and tears

Even my body, heart and soul

I know that it's all yours

This is a spell that'll punish me

Kill me softly

Close my eyes with your touch

I can't even reject you anyway

I can't run away anymore

You're too sweet, too sweet

Because you're too sweet

You were speechless. This boy had just came up with lyrics for a brand new song on the plane. And as far as you could judge, it really meant something to him, and it had to have lots of meaning to the other boys too, otherwise he wouldn't have written it. He truly was an amazing leader.

When the plane finally landed you two went searching for the place where you could pick up your baggage. You asked a man who worked there for directions and you were on your way now. You saw a sign at the end of the hall and Namjoon saw it too, so you both started walking a bit faster, wanting to pick up your luggage as quickly as possible. At the end of the hall there was a wide gap in the wall, making it look a bit like a door, but this one allowed many people entering at once. Behind it, there would be your luggage, but before you even got there, you noticed six boys wearing mouth masks, sunglasses, caps and baggy clothes who were looking in your direction.

"Welcome to Korea!" they said in sync.

You couldn't believe your eyes, the boys you admired for so long, the boys who you were screaming at when they uploaded a new video or anything, you knew they were right in front of you. Of course they tried to look as unrecognisable as possible for the paparazzi, but you just knew it. They all spread their arms, one by one and you ran to them and got into the group-hug. Namjoon immediately followed behind you and also spread his arms. It may have looked really weird to the people surrounding you, you didn't care in the least. You were sure this was the best moment in your life and even though you absolutely didn't want to show these guys your weakness, you began to cry. Many tears streamed down your face, but the boys only noticed when they let go and looked at you after the hug. Namjoon was there quickly and pulled you in for another hug. But even that couldn't stop your tears from flowing, it felt like it was never going to end. The boys were worried and were still surrounding you and you tried to apologise in Korean, but they tried to speak their best English as possible. Jungkook gave you some candy and Jimin tried to cheer you up by doing some weird dances. You tried to explain them you were just crying because of the intense happiness, but they were still worried. While sitting in a taxi on your way to BigHit, you managed to calm down while looking at the passing cars outside. When the plane landed, the sky was perfectly blue, but now it had turned grey and looked as if it could start to rain any second. But it didn't, the clouds saved their tears for later.


"Hey," V said "I guess we haven't really introduced ourselves properly yet, so let's start with the oldest members and then let the maknaes finish off. "

Everyone agreed and so Jin started off.

"Well hello there y/n, as you probably know already, my name's Jin and I'm BTS pink princess!" "And," he whispered "the other boys are still denying it, but I'm the prettiest of the bunch."

You started laughing and Jin seemed satisfied with his introduction, so Suga continued.

"Hello, I'm Suga, I'm BTS's rapper, and no one will ever be able to beat me!" You heard a "tsch" from Namjoon and the others started to laugh again. "And," Suga added "I'm also the most handsome one of them"

And so the introductions continued until Jungkook's was over and you realised how tired you were. They were all so nice towards you and you wanted to thank them for welcoming you so warmheartedly, but you couldn't come up with a good way to do that now, so you would think up something later and just give the dance practises all you've got. Then you realised you had your drawings still in your backpack. Since you were becoming obsessed with k-pop, you taught yourself how to draw and would put a lot of free time in it besides dancing. You had drawn each member half a year ago and written a text next to it, in your best Korean, as if it were for a fansign. Even though you knew you were probably never going to be able to attend one, since BTS simply didn't come to your country. You gave them all their drawing with a paper with the questions you had written for them. They all had a different question, concerning their past, things they loved and dreams for the future. They thanked you for the drawings and were happy with them. Five minutes later, Jungkook got a black marker out of the pocket of his jacket and started to fill in the answers to the two questions you had written down for him. He handed the paper to you. He gave Jimin the marker and he did the same.

Ten minutes later, you got back all of your questions with answers and autographs. You promised to them to work hard and give the training everything you'd got and fifteen minutes later, Even though you didn't want to, you fell asleep again, while leaning on J-Hope's shoulder.

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