《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》8


RMs pov

"He took her, he fucking took her" I yell out.

"We will find her" Jin says trying to calm me down.

"He's gonna hurt her" I say trying to locate him.

"Iris!" I yell.

"System override, message from El Diablo" Iris says and plays a video, it's him.

"Hello Bangtan, there has been a discovery and I needed my little girl back, it's ok she's safe" He laughs showing her tied up and tape over her mouth, she has tears in her eyes.

"Well she's safe for now, she will be dead soon, consider this her last goodbye" he says and the video ends.

"Iris play it again" I say.

"I'm sorry I can't" she says back.

"Jin, Jimin, fix her now!" I say and they get to work. It was a few minutes till they got her working back to normal.

"Iris?" I question.

"Yes RM?, I'm sorry for being a trouble" she says

"Can you track the video" I say

"No sir it cannot be traced." Iris replied

"It's David's office building" Jin blurts out.

"David ? He's working for El Diablo" V says.

"She's in trouble, suit up, we have to save her" I say and we get dressed with undercover weapons and head out to David's.

I did not care if the cops came, if I were to cause an accident, I just wanted to get to her to make sure she is safe. I told Jin to speed, to do what ever he had to do to get there faster. We were down the street from David, where she was being held.

"Jin pull off here, so they won't hear us, guys get ready, We all attack the front of the building, J-hope and Suga come into the front with me, that leaves Jungkook and V go on the left of the building and Jimin and Jin to the right, and attack from the back door, use your ear pieces to communicate, show no mercy" I gave out the plan and they all nodded, it was starting to get dark out, we all spread out a little and was coming from the woods, El Diablo had a group of guards outside.

"Take them out" I said over the ear pieces and I heard back "copy that" from Suga, V and Jin. We all shot, and their bodies one by one fell to the floor. We run to the building and I nodded to J-Hope and Suga.

"Alright you guys know what to do, keep us updated" I say and the four boys paired up and took each side of the building.

"RM, the door is bolted" Suga states, and I hand him my gun and I kicked the lock and it busted open. Suga hands me my gun and we wait for the boys to tell us when it's clear.

"Alright sir, Jimin and I made it to the corner before the back and there's a lot of them" Jin says over the ear pieces.

"Sir we just got here, I'm sure we can take them" V says.

"Don't expose yourself, use the wall as an advantage, you're out numbered attack show no mercy" I say back, we hear gun shots through our ear pieces, then someone groans in pain.

"Man down, man down, V is shot" Jungkook yells frantically.

Jungkook Pov

"V you're gonna be ok, stay with me" I say carefully dragging him back so that we won't get hit. His blood smearing on the white snow.


"Jungkook you have to stop the bleeding" I hear RM say. I take off V's bandana and cover his wound, he winces in pain.

"Jungkook show no.. mercy" V says to me and I nod. I grab my gun, I peer from the corner and began shooting, 4 bodies down so quickly, Jin and Jimin took care of the others.

"V doesn't look good" I say and I put my gun in my holster, and bend down to V.

"There's things in the truck, you're gonna have to do it Jungkook" Jin says and I nod, picking up V putting his arm around me and letting his weight on me while I trudged through the snow to the truck.

"Come on V, you got this" I say trying to keep him awake.

"You killed" he softly says.

"Show no mercy" I repeat to him

Y/ pov

I've been tied up for so long, my wrists hurt like hell, everything hurts. David betrayed us, he didn't take out my tracker he enhanced it. All I can think about is Bangtan and Namjoon.

"They aren't coming for you, my little flower" my father says caressing my cheek, and I pull away and he slaps me, and I wince in pain, my groans muffled because of the tape across my mouth.

"Pathetic little girl, if I raised you more you wouldn't be a weak little bitch like your mother, she took the easy way out, she killed herself and left what I need in you, that tracker has information I need, I can't extract it because it will shut down and I won't get the information I need, you see there's a lot of money on the table here, billions and I need that, many people are after it, after you I need to get it before anyone else does, that's why David here is going to help.

"Sir I finished, it's ready to operate, I have to give and all clear that she is healthy so it won't kill her and your information is gone" David says and my father nods in agreement. Two of my fathers guards unchain me and restraint me on the table. David begins his evaluation, he takes off the tape carefully, and opens my mouth to see inside.

"Why are you doing this" I whispered to him.

"I'm sorry, he was going to kill my family" he says back using his machinery to check my body.

"You're an ass, we trusted you" I said to him.

"You don't understand, my family means everything to me" He says and his eyes widen.

"What, what did you find?" I questioned and he looks at me and he goes to my father.

"What do you mean you won't remove the device from her, I don't care if it will kill her" I hear my father yell.

"I'm sorry sir, I told you this I don't do anything to risk unborn children, or children in general" I hear David say and I'm confused I am not pregnant. I hear foot steps come closer to where I was.

"Which one of those Bangtan, impregnated you, you slut" he says and I'm confused.

"I'm not pregnant" I spat back.

"Y/n yes you are" David says to me and shows me a screen of a little dot where my uterus is.

"That cant be right, I'm not pregnant" I refuse to except this information.


"You're about 3-4 weeks pregnant" David says.

"I will not operate on her, when she gives birth then I will" David explains.

"Very well, I can wait 9 months" he says looking at me. I look away and think to myself, I am pregnant, I am going to be a mother, Namjoon is the father, holy shit. I heard gunfire from outside the room.

"What the hell is going on" my father says and the door busts open and it's Namjoon, J-Hope and Suga. My father isn't armed surprisingly he willingly puts his hands up as well as David.

"Suga take y/n and take her back to the truck, now!" Namjoon yells and Suga unchains me and I hug him and we leave, J-Hope enters and I hear gunshots and Suga and I ran back to the truck.

I see Jungkook, Jimin and Jin surrounding V in the back of the truck.

"Y/n it's V he doesn't look good" Jungkook says with tears in his eyes.

I climb up to the truck and V looks bad.

"V listen to me, I'm going to help you" I say.

"You didn't take the bullet out?" I ask and Jungkook shakes his head.

"He needs something to bite on, it's going to hurt like hell" I say and Jungkook hands me his beanie, V bites down on the hat, I grab the tweezers and a carefully pull out the bullet. V groans in pain, you can tell he's in so much pain.

I put some cream so it won't get infected, and I wrap him in bandages.

"What's going on" I hear Namjoon say as him and J-hope get to the truck.

"He needs water and medicine, he's bad he needs to go to the hospital" I say and the boys got in the truck and Namjoon and Jungkook stayed in the back with me.

It was freezing outside, snow was coming down, we were giving jackets that were in the truck, Jungkook put his over V. I go over to Jungkook and bring him closer to me.

"I did the best I could, he's gonna be fine, he's strong" I say comforting him. We quickly find a hospital and rush V in.

"We need help, Kim Taehyung he's taken a gunshot" Namjoon says and the doctors put him on a gurney and wheel him into somewhere in the hospital.

"Miss, you have bruises to the head, please come so I can check for concussions" a nurse says.

"It's ok, I'm fine" I say

"It's my job, please come with me" she says and I follow her.

"Some of your other friends who had recent gunshot wounds are being seen, doctors say you fixed them up" the nurse makes small talk as she looks in my eyes and examines my head.

"Yeah I took a medical class" I say.

"They healed up well, your other friend who was brought here, he wouldn't have made it, you did the right thing and brought him here quick, he should be fine" she says to me and I sigh in relief.

"You seem good you're free to go" she says and I don't move.

"Can I ask you for a favor please?" I ask and she nods.

"I think I'm pregnant" I say.

"Ok I'll bring the ultrasound machine, I'll be back in a minute" she says and I nod and lay back in the chair. She come back in and turns on the machine, she lifts my shirt up and squeezes the clear jelly on my stomach and rubs the probe over my stomach, she moves around and I see what David showed me.

"Congratulations, you're gonna be a mother" she happily says.

"Thank you, um can you see how long I've been pregnant for?" I say.

"About a month" she says and wipes the jelly off my stomach.

"As a nurse I must ask, is the father involved? and do you have a doctor to give you check ups and deliver when the baby comes?" She asks.

"Yes the father is still with me, we are just visiting here, I'll find a doctor" I say standing up and going back to the waiting room.

"Hey what took so long?" Namjoon asks and kisses me.

"Nothing I Just was asking about V" I lied, kinda.

"He's gonna be fine, what I did helped him a lot" I say to them.

"Yeah they just told us, they just have to clean him up, and stitch him up and he should be good to go" he says and I nod.

"Are you ok you look a little worried" he says.

"No I'm ok I'm fine, just overwhelmed with the whole dad thing" I say.

"Well me and J-Hope took care of it, he won't be coming back" he says and I nod.

"Ok Kim Taehyung is ready he just needs some of you to help him" the nurse says and Namjoon and Jin go and get him.

I go to the little coffee maker and make myself a cup of coffee, Suga looks at me confused and pulls me aside.

"What's wrong" he whispers

"Nothing I'm fine" I whisper back and take a sip from my coffee, he takes it out of my hand and puts it down and hugs me.

"Is this the father, congratulations to you both" the nurse who helped me says and walks into a room. Suga looks at me and looks down at my stomach.

"I'm pregnant" I say tearing up and Suga hugs me.

"Shhh it's ok, you're gonna be fine, you and Namjoon will be good parents" he says trying to comfort me.

"Please don't tell him or anyone yet" I pull back and he nods, and I wipe my tears.

I see Namjoon and Jin come with V, and we all go back to the safe house. I sat in the back with V and Suga, as Jin drove and Jungkook was in the passenger seat.

"Thank you Y/n for everything, you helped save my life, you too Jungkook" V says and I place my hand on his leg.

"Of course V, anything for family" I say and he smiles.

"I didn't help, I didn't know what to do, you could have died" Jungkook says upset

"Jungkook you helped a lot, don't bring yourself down" V says trying to make Jungkook feel better. I felt really tired, it was late and I was tied up for a while. I leaned into Suga and he wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep.

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