《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》9


Suga pov

As she lay on me, my arms wrapped around her, I thought about what she was going through, her father kidnapped her, she was beaten by him, she found out she's pregnant, she's going through a lot. She's in danger and so is the baby. We have to keep both of them safe. I thought to myself as Jin caught my attention.

"Suga what are you thinking about?" He asks

"Nothing just tired" I say and he nods.

"Well we're home so we can all go to bed now" Jin says parking the car, I wake Y/n up and the door opens and Namjoon waits till I get out and helps her out the truck. Jin and Jungkook help V and Jimin and J-Hope bring in all the weapons inside.

"Jimin can you update Iris for better security" I ask and he nods and goes to HQ

V is laying on the sofa as Jungkook brings him food.

"I'm gonna go shower, then you can shower and we can go to sleep ok" Namjoon says to y/n kisses her forehead and goes in his room.

Y/n grabs me by the hand and drags me into my room and locks the door.

"Ok you need to tell me everything" I say and she hushes me.

"Ok so when I was taken, my father was telling me how my mother put information in me when I was little, it's a huge money thing and my father wants it, if he extracts it I will die, if I so happen die in any incident he loses the information. David was there he created a device to extract it to save the information but it will kill me, he found out I was pregnant and said he has an agreement that he won't kill unborn children or any child, I have every mafia coming after me Suga I'm scared, I have a baby growing inside of me that I have to protect, how do I tell Namjoon, what if he doesn't want anything to do with the baby?" She says quietly.

"I'm sure Namjoon wouldn't do that at all, he is in love with you, he would do anything for you. I promise to help you, I will protect you and help you protect your baby, no one is going to hurt you or he or she" I tell her and I place my hand on her stomach.

"Thank you Suga" she says and hugs me.

"I think you need to tell Namjoon soon, and the boys, it's not safe here" I explain to her and she agrees.

Y/n pov

I stepped out of Suga's room and I went to mine and Namjoon's bedroom, he steps out the bathroom wearing just a pair of sweatpants. He smiles and brings me into a kiss.


"I'm so glad you're safe" he kisses me again.

"I have to tell you something, but I wanna shower first I feel gross" I laugh and he looks confused but nods.

"Ok I'll wait here, go enjoy your shower" he says and I grab long warm pants and a long sleeve and hop In the shower. After the shower I dry my self off and got dressed, I lift my shirt and turn to my side, rubbing my tummy, imagining a little baby inside. I sigh and step out the bathroom and sit on the bed.

"Hey what's wrong, what do you wanna tell me?" He says sitting up rubbing my arm.

"When I was taken by my dad, he told me some things, my mom she's the one who put the device in me when I was little, she told my dad I guess and she killed herself, in it has information where billions of dollars are, he had David create a device to extract it, only when he does I die, if I die for any reason my dad won't get the money." I explain to him.

"Your Dad and David are taken care of, you're fine you're safe" he says holding my hands in his large ones.

"Namjoon he told every mafia, they are all coming for me, that's not all" I say tearing up.

"Hey it's ok what is it" he says concerned wiping my tears.

"David could have extracted it, he told my dad he wouldn't extract it." I say as more tears run down my face.

"Why didn't he then, what's wrong?" He says once more.

"He didn't extract it because he says he doesn't harm unborn children or children at all, Namjoon I'm pregnant" I say looking down letting the tears come out. Namjoon brings me into his embrace and holds me.

"Y/n baby, it's ok I'm so happy that you are carrying my baby, don't cry please, I'm gonna take care of you and the baby, I'm gonna protect you both from everything, you are my everything and now this miracle is my everything too" Namjoon says placing his hands on my tummy. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Thank you" I say and he kisses me and my tummy.

"Anything for you, and anything for he or she" He says.

"Namjoon what are we gonna do, we aren't fit to be parents, this baby isn't even born and is already in as much trouble as the rest of us" I say worried.

"We can figure this out, we can figure out how to save you and the baby, move change our lifestyle, we can do this" he explains to me.

"You would change your lifestyle for me?, I can't ask you to do that, what about the boys, they are your family, they are in danger too" I say back.


"I'm changing my lifestyle for us, for the baby. The boys can choose to stay where they are at now or change for the sake of staying alive, making sure you don't die or the baby, yes they are my family but you both are now my family" Namjoon reassures me.

"If we have to move now, then we move, I'm telling you this right now, I will do anything in my power to keep you two safe, if it's just us, or the boys by our side, I can not live without you" he says kissing me.

"Promise me something" I say to him.

"Anything for you" He says cracking a smile.

"If anything happens to me, you save the baby, you save this little life, promise me that" I say and he nods.

"Nothing is gonna happen to you, but yes I promise" he says to me, I smile and put my hands on my tummy and Namjoon puts his hands over mine.

"Let's go tell the boys" Namjoon says all smiley.

"Well the nurse mistakenly thought Suga was the father, he already knows, but we can tell the rest" I laugh and we go to the living room where V is sitting up with support of a couch pillow.

"Hey V how are you feeling?" I say grabbing his hand.

"I'm feeling better, still in pain though" he says.

Suga comes into the living room already showered, and so has Jin and Jungkook.

Suga and Namjoon quietly talk, I smile cause I know it's about the baby and they both smile back.

"Where's J-Hope and Jimin?" I ask.

"I think they are both updating Iris to a better security" Jin says as the both of them come in the living room.

"What's up, family meeting?" J-hope says and he laughs.

"Uh yeah actually, so sit tight cause it's a long story. So when I was at David's, my father told me that what's inside me is key to telling him Where billions of dollars are, he only wants me to get to the money, if it comes out of me I die, if something happens like a car accident and I die, he won't be able to get the money he's looking for" I began to explain.

"Well RM and I took care of your father and David, so you're ok" J-hope says and I shook my head.

"Not exactly, he told every mafia that is out there, all of them coming for me to get the billions of dollars, maybe even more. When David was going to take it out he stopped and told my dad he wasn't going to" I say to them.

"Well why not, why did he just decide to stop?" Jin asked.

"He told my father that he made a vow, that he doesn't harm unborn children or children in general, and that's when David told me that I'm pregnant" I say and Namjoon comes and hugs me from behind putting his hands on my tummy. Jungkook comes and hugs me and touches my stomach.

"I'm so happy for you both" he says.

"Thank you Kookie" I say back, the rest of the boys congratulate us.

"RM a dad, that's a new one" Jimin says.

"I know, starting today I am no longer RM, I'm Namjoon. Y/n and the baby are in danger, I don't wanna put them in danger anymore, I'm putting behind this life, I don't want them getting hurt or you guys anymore" he says and they guys are shocked.

"Well Y/n already knows, I'd do anything to help protect her and the baby, so I'm out, I'm tired of living worrying if I'm gonna die, this is for family" Suga says and I hug him.

"Thanks Suga" I say to him.

"Yoongi" he smiles and I smile back.

"Well I don't have to change my name, but anything for you" Jungkook says

"I think I can speak for Jin also, but I don't want to get shot again, and near death experience, I'm done" V says.

"We both are, Seokjin and Taehyung" Jin says smiling at Taehyung and me.

"Hoseok it is, I'm glad we're done, Jimin you better be done too" Hoseok says and we laugh.

"Yeah I am, I'm glad we all are done with this" Jimin says.

"You guys don't have to change your life for me, I appreciate it but it's your-" I say but Seokjin cuts me off.

"We weren't in control of our lives, this criminal life was, I'm sure we all want a change, for the sake of your safety and your baby's safety, and ours I think that we all need to change back, we haven't been ourselves in a long time" Jin interrupts me.

"Are you guys sure?, we are leaving this moving far away to be safe, once 9 months are up I'm officially in more trouble" I say placing my hands on my tummy.

The boys look around at each other and nod in agreement.

"We are sure, we are all done" Hoseok reassures me.

"I love you guys, you guys will be good uncles" I say and they all come putting their hands over my tummy.

"The little baby in their is lucky to have, bad ass uncles to protect them" Yoongi smiles.

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