《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》7


RMs pov

I am so deeply in love with her. She steps in the shower and I step in after her, she lathers soap over her small frame. I come behind her and wrap my arms around her body, I turn her around so she faces me and kiss her under the shower head. I push her against the shower wall and pick her up and slide in her, she leans her neck back and I thrust up and kiss her neck.

"Namjoon more," she moans and I stop mid thrust.

"Say that again" I say and she smirks as I thrust deeper and harder, she tightens around my cock, and I thrust harder and her eyes shut close, pulling out only my head in, then slamming back in, to hear her gasping for air and shaking because of what I do to her, her begging me to go deeper and faster, begging for my cock, I couldn't help my self to hear my name come out her mouth as I make her feel this good.

"Fuck Namjoon," she curses under her breath. After our second high, we finish showering and lay down in the bed. We hear a knock at the door.

"If you guys are done Jin made dinner" we hear Jungkook outside our door.

"I guess we were a little too loud" Y/n giggles and I peck her lips. I get up and put on a shirt to cover the love marks and scratches on my back, but you can clearly see the marks on my neck and collar bones. I hand y/n a sweatshirt to help her cover the love marks I gave her neck, they are a hidden a bit. We walk out the room and go in the kitchen and the boys are sitting at the table eating. I see J-hope choke on his water. Suga not showing he cares and continues to eat. V was just drinking and eyes wide. Y/n and I serve ourselves and I sit next to Jimin and Y/n sits next to me, who is sitting next to Jungkook.

"This looks delicious thank you Jin" y/n says trying to cut off the awkwardness. Suga gets up puts his plate in the sink.

"I'm heading to bed" He says closing his room door.

Jimin gets up and pulls down the collar of my shirt and sees all the marks.

"Y/n you freak, you controlled him?" Jimin asks and she smirks.

Y/n pov

This dinner was so awkward, Jimin is looking at the marks I gave Namjoon. J-hope sees me trying to cover mine and gets up and pulls aside the sweatshirt.

"I see RM leaving his mark too" he laughs and puts away his plate and goes to his room.

The rest of the boys go in their rooms and Namjoon and I clean up the kitchen. I begin washing the dishes and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and kisses on my neck.

"You saw how flustered they looked, seeing how you marked me, and how I marked you, them wishing it was them, and I have you to myself, seeing every inch of you, seeing and hearing you beg for more, I have that, I have you, and it's hard for me not to fuck You right here on this counter" Namjoon whispers in my ear, I breath heavily.


"I-i don't think that's a good idea" I say, and he lifts the band of my leggings and underwear and slips a finger in me, I gasp and try so hard to wash the dishes, I dropped everything, when he stuck another finger in me.

"You're scared if one of them comes and sees me pleasuring you right" he chuckles, and sticks his fingers deeper.

"You don't want them to see me pleasure you?" He asks and I shook my head no.

"Speechless? Why not baby" he says rubbing my clit.

"You can only... see me.. like this N-Namjoon," I say and he stops, slips out and puts his fingers in his mouth, and heads toward the room. I finished the dishes after about 5 minuets and walk to the room and Namjoon is fast asleep, guess being a little tease wears him out. I cover the both of us and I run my fingers through his hair, until I grew tired and I wrapped my arms around him and close my eyes, I feel him shifting and wrap his arms around me and I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up and Namjoon is still peacefully sleeping. I plant kisses on his lips and neck until he wakes up.

"If I wake up to this everyday I am a blessed man" he says kissing me.

"Can you start teaching me how to fight, and to shoot a gun properly" I ask cutely.

"You can fight well already" he says sitting up sitting me on his lap.

"I mean fight better, I wanna protect myself,

He's still out there" I say referring to my father.

"I know, I won't let him hurt you, or any of us" Namjoon says kissing me.

"After breakfast we can go down to HQ there's a room for shooting and a room for fighting, it's where we all practice" he says and I smile getting up to get dressed. I put on a black tank top and leggings and my combat boots. Namjoon had put on dark jeans and a black shirt, and we head out to the kitchen where Jimin and Jin are making breakfast.

"Good morning" I say and I help with serving drinks for everyone and putting them on the table. We all sat and ate breakfast together silently.

"We are gonna start training y/n and start practice again, El Diablo is no joke we have to step up our strategies" Namjoon speaks up and the boys agreed, once we all finish we head down to HQ.

"Ok Jungkook, V, Jimin stay here on the fighting mats and punching bags, the rest shooting range" Namjoon orders.

"Ok y/n watch me, V let's go" he says and they both throw punches, V punches but Namjoon blocked it and kicks his leg and V falls.

"First V is much lighter on his feet he would go defense, he's faster he could win, he needs to practice more, use your full body because you don't have enough muscle" Namjoon explains.

Namjoon leads me to a punching bag.

"All of you start practicing" he says and the boys start punching.

"As for you like I said use your full body, legs, arms, anything. Watch how the person punches and moves their feet, then go for the throat and pin them with their arm behind their back and bring back their shoulders" he says and I nod. I began punching, Namjoon fixes my posture and I feel like I'm improving.


"Good now we will all practice for a while then Jungkook and Y/n will fight" Namjoon says and I glance over at Jungkook who doesn't look pleased.

Jungkook and I meet in the middle of the mats, he held his fists up and so did I. He steps forward and punches, I block him by moving my body to one side, I observe that he steps before he punches, so he stepped and I went for his throat, he stumbles back and is catching his breath, I kick his leg and grab his arm and bring it to his back and push it into his shoulders like Namjoon said. Jungkook groans in pain, I let go only to be, kicked and pinned to the floor by Jungkook.

"Never show mercy, that gets you in trouble, right now he could have a gun pointed to your head, one shot dead" Namjoon explains.

"How are you gonna get out of this mess?" He questions. I think show no mercy, and kick Jungkook where it hurts the most. He falls to his side holding where I kicked him. I look at Namjoon and he nudged his head at Jungkook I got the message 'show no mercy, finish him', I felt bad it's Kookie I didn't want to hurt him. I went to kick him but he grabbed my foot and dragged me down. We kept going back and forth, punches were thrown at each other, I punched him in the chest and he swung and I got punched in the nose, I started bleeding, I wiped my nose and I punched only to be blocked and get hit to the head and I blacked out.

Jungkook pov

Y/n went to the floor and didn't get up.

"Fuck, y/n get up please" I say kneeling down supporting her head, Namjoon ran to the middle of the mat and brought her to his arms.

"Go get ice, and a wet cloth" Namjoon said and I ran to get some, it wasn't a while till I came back and I rushed and iced the side of her face where I punched her. Namjoon put the wet cloth on her forehead.

"Someone bring water, now!" Namjoon yelled and Jimin ran and brought some to Namjoon, he slowly poured water on her face and she stirred and coughed, and she groaned.

"I think that's enough for you today" Namjoon said softly picking y/n up and taking her into bed, I followed Namjoon he put her in bed and I stood at the doorway.

"Jungkook go back to training" he demands.

"No sir, please let me stay, go and help the others" I confidently reply, he looks at me and nods.

"Make sure she's ok, and that she doesn't fall asleep" Namjoon explains and I nod as he leaves and I sit next to y/n who is holding ice to her face which is already forming into a purple blue color.

"Hey kookie" She croaked.

"I'm so sorry for what I did" I say to her.

"No mercy, I will kick your ass next time" she says smiling and I smile back.

"Can you get me water and medicine please" she asks and I nod and leave to the kitchen.

1 week later -no pov

Bangtan and y/n started to work harder, Y/n the most she worked longer than the boys, gaining that extra muscle and skills, her love with Namjoon only gained more, inseparable the two are. She got closer to the other boys, once the awkwardness of her and Namjoon's relationship were serious and they knew they loved each other. She's like a young sister to them all but and older sister to Jungkook. Suga has had feelings for Y/n, but when she chose Namjoon, he was heart broken, he shut everyone off, and only trained with the boys and ate with them, other than that he was more quiet than ever.

2 weeks after that

Y/n has improved in fighting so much. She has defeated Jungkook and V. The boys are so happy that their leader is happy, although not happy when they are loud at night and don't get enough sleep. Y/n made it her mission to get close to Suga again. Her persistence worked, they are the best of friends and they would do anything for each other. Everything was right again, y/n has her love, her best friend, and her family.

Y/n pov

Many weeks have passed and training has made me stronger, I see the difference in my body and how my fighting skills have strengthened. We have switched to gun control and shooting.

"Alright you guys know, safety on when you are not pointed at the targets, Y/n here is the safety switch" Namjoon shows me and I put it on.

"Ok these might have a little kick to them, so be careful you'll get use to it, tilt your head a little, aim and fire" Namjoon shows us and shoots once hitting the target in the head.

"Jimin and V go to the moving targets since you both have experience, Jungkook and Y/n you will be working on these targets" he says and we both nod. Jungkook and I faced the targets, switched off the safety and began shooting. It was harder than it looks, I kept missing, Jungkook was a natural. After a while I still made no progress to hit the target.

"Strategically speaking you should have hit the target once by now, even on accident" he says in a joking way, but it makes me upset. I breathe in and breathe out and I shoot once and it hits the torso of the target, I smile to myself and kept shooting, I was hitting the target finally.

"Alright that's enough for today, both of you excellent" Namjoon states and we all head back upstairs. I go to Namjoon and I room to change my clothes, only to be struck on the head and knocked out.

Namjoon pov

"Sir Iris stopped working" V says to me and the lights flickered off. Jin and Jimin went to HQ to see the problem and I had one thing on my mind.

"Y/n!, y/n princess where are you" I yell looking in our room and check the other rooms, no where to be found. The lights come back on and I ran down to HQ, and all the boys stood in front of the wall where it was spray painted "I took what was mine"- El Diablo.

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