《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》2


RM's pov

I knew she'd get stuck into this, why did she help me, she never cared any way, now these people will come for her and us, these thoughts roaming in my head.

"Hey man calm down" Jin puts his arm over my shoulder.

"Calm down, we brought an innocent girl in our fucked up life, she can never live free again" I yell.

"You saw that guy, he pointed a gun at her" I added.

"You've seen her fight, she can protect herself" Suga replied, I shook my head.

"Yeah maybe dumbass teenagers, are you stupid these are mafia members , guns, knives, anything they don't care they will kill her, I saw her face when she saw me shot down, yes she did knock out 2 guys but she won't survive in this" I sigh running my hands in my new dyed hair, so we couldn't be recognized.

"What if we train her, you know teach her to protect herself, maybe join our group" Jungkook said.

Arguments from the guys started.

"She's a girl" "she can't be in our group" "she's gonna ruin us"

"Jungkook that is a great idea" I said and the guys turned to me.

"She is gonna bring us down, RM" V said.

"No she won't, she fights good but she can become better, we are gonna leave town, get ready guys and get in the truck" I say and they shut up and listen to their leader.

Once we get to y/n's house I go to her window and tap it lightly and she slowly opens the curtains and I see her put the knife down once she realizes it's me.

"Namjoon what are you doing here?" She whispers.

"Pack some light things and get in the car, I'll explain later" I say quickly

"Oh, and it's RM" I reply.


Y/n pov

As I packed some clothes and things I may need I think about what he said a few nights ago.

"If I stay I'm putting your life in danger" his words repeating in my head. Trusting him with my life, I hop out the window wearing black jeans and a black hoodie and boots, I walk to a truck with Nam-RM and I see the other boys in the truck.

"V to the back of the truck" he says and Taehyung or V now gets out and hops in the back with Hoseok and Jimin. I stayed quiet I didn't ask questions, I was in shock, what's going on. All these questions flowing in my head. As I sat in the back seat in the middle of RM and I guess Suga now, these new names I've never heard of. Jin was driving and Jungkook in the passenger seat were quiet as well.


No one was talking or explaining what's going on.

"Y/n you're life is in danger, that's why we got you" Jin begins to speak but gets cut off.

"You're in the middle of a mafia war" RM says and I have no expression, the stories were true then, they kill and sell drugs and guns for profit.

"You've killed people" I lightly say

"In this business yeah, except Jungkook he hasn't yet, he's still adjusting" Jin says.

"What happened and why"

"The leader of the other mafia, claims we sold him fake guns, and stole from him, he sent his people after us and that's where you came in" RM explained.

"El Diablo" Suga says

(A/n idk random name means the devil in Spanish 😂)

"Oh my god" I say.

"What" all four say.

"I haven't heard or seen that name in a while" I say in shock.

"What do you mean heard or seen" RM asks.

"El Diablo, that's my dad" I reply and Jin hit the breaks hard, I hear the guys in the bed of the truck cussing.

"Your father is El Diablo?" Jin says continuing driving.

"Yes he left completely when I was a freshman, after my mom died when I was little he was never the same, I basically raised myself, he was never home I knew what was going on he had his men over my house, I understood everything, starting freshman year I got letters saying to join him, I refused I knew what he did, I didn't want that lifestyle, I ignored the letters eventually they stopped coming" I sighed.

"What I don't get is why he has his men pointing guns at you if you're his daughter" Suga questions.

"I don't know, but we will keep you safe Y/n, get some sleep we have a long drive" Jin says. It was hard falling asleep, what has my life come too, eventually I fell asleep after thinking for so long.

3rd person pov

"Awe look she fell asleep on Suga" Jungkook lightly laughs and Suga is not amused.

"Get her off of me" he gritted through his teeth.

"Suga come on let her warm your cold heart, look how cute" Jungkook jokes some more.

"Suga She's shivering hug her" Jin says and Suga sighs bringing the girls small frame closer to him and wraps his arms around her.

"Suga and Y/n sittin-" Jungkook started chanting till RM cuts him off.

"Jungkook stop it" RM says sternly.

RM always had a soft heart for Y/n, no one knew only him, that's why he swears to protect her, he never wished to bring her harm.


It's been 4 hours driving and Jin pulled into a gas station to get gas.

Suga eventually fell asleep with Y/n wrapped in his arms.

RM pov

"RM can we switch now" Jhope asks me.

"Yeah let me wake Y/n and Jungkook" I reply.

I go into the back seat and tap Y/n lightly and her eyes flutter open, she tried to get up but Suga pulls her back in his chest.

"Hey Suga-" She says and I tried to stop her

"No! Don't wake him up" I Yelled/whispered but he's already half awake.

"Suga thanks for keeping me warm, I have to go to the back now I'll see you later" she hugs him and he gives back a small smile and goes back to sleep.

I nudge Jungkook and point to the back and he gets up.

"How'd you do that" I ask Y/n

"Do what" she confusingly asks.

"He usually attacks us when we wake him up" I say back.

"I don't know I was just being nice" She says and hop in the bed of the truck which is layered with a padded floor and a couple pillows and thick blankets.

RM and Jungkook hopped in the back as well.

"Here put this thick jacket on, we're more north so it's cold" I hand Y/n a thick coat and she puts it on and covers her self in a blanket.

I can tell she's still cold, she's not use to it, so does Jungkook.

"Here" Jungkook says taking off his beanie and covering her head and ears.

"Thank you" she says and bundles up to stay warm.

The more north we get the colder it gets and her lips are turning blue.

Jungkook is bundled up asleep.

I go to her with my blanket and bring her close to me, she's ice cold. She shivers against my body. She brings her head close to my chest.

I knocked on the little window that opens to the inside of the truck and Suga opens the window.

"What" he says annoyed.

"It's freezing out here, she's ice cold her lips are turning blue we need to get a hotel tell Jin" I say and he looks at y/n a little worried and closes the window.

A couple 15 minuets later we are pulling into a small hotel.

We all hop out and and bring our stuff inside and I carry Y/n close to me to try to keep her warm.

We get two rooms

"Alright each room has 2 king beds so four per room" I say and walk into a room and Suga, and Jungkook follow me into a room I lay her in bed and turn on the heater.

"Jungkook go make coffee" I ordered and he rushes off.

"Suga go run her a hot shower" I instruct and he nods.

I wake her up and Jungkook hands her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks" she smiles and drinks small sips.

"Where are we" she asks

"A hotel, you didn't look good, I thought it was a good idea to bring you inside to get warm and get proper sleep" I say.

"Alright showers good" Suga says.

"Thanks Suga" she hugs him grabs her bag and goes inside and I hear a click of the door lock.

Y/n pov

I stripped down and I got into the warm shower, careful not to wet my hair and take a quick shower only washing my body. Once I'm done i get out and wrap a towel and dry myself. I put on warmer clothes and come out the shower.

The boys already fell sleep except for RM.

"You didn't have to wait for me" I say lightly.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok" he mumbled.

"I am let's just go to sleep" I reassured him and I get into bed and so does he our backs facing each other, I turn around.

"Hey Rap Monster" I whisper and he turns and faces me.

"What's wrong" he asks.

"Thank you for everything" I say softly

"You helped me, I helped you, it was no problem" he replies.

"Why did you change your name" I ask.

"I chose it when I joined the mafia, you can change your name or keep it" he answers.

"I like Namjoon better" I reply, he stays quiet for a bit.

"You and only you can call me that ok ?" He sounds tired.

"Ok" I smile back

"Oh and I really like your hair this color" I say and turn so my back is faced him, I hear him move then it was silent. I couldn't fall asleep I turn over and wrap my small arms around Namjoons body, he half asleep turns over brings me close and wraps his arms around me and we both fall asleep.

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