《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》1


(A/n the main character is you, the ARMY so it's gonna look like this y/n= your name y/ln= your last name, etc.)

RM's pov

I didn't choose this life, well maybe I did. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. To get revenge I seek for help, the people I had left closest to me thought I was crazy, but I was putting myself in danger. This life is dangerous, they the people I want to take revenge on started going after my friends families, they reluctantly joined me, having the same drive to take revenge for hurting their families. One by one proving they were in this, willing to kill, shed blood. Not only to kill but to also work to become the best of the best in this game. Trading off guns and selling drugs that's what we signed up for. I've been in this game for 2 years, started all in Junior year. All of us in detention for our own reasons, word gets around and we knew of each other. Praising each other for how we terrorized the school and its staff and students who got in our way. That's when I met her too, y/n y/l/n she was a transfer student. Heard she was kicked out of her last school for going into the school at night and destroying everything. Man was she a sight, beauty beyond everything. She was late for detention and sat in the back, her legs crossed on top of the desk.

-flashback- 2 years ago

"What you get in here for?" I moved my chair and sat In front of her, she looked annoyed not wanting to be bothered.

"I put a king sized mattress in the schools pool, soaked up water they are gonna need a crane to get it out" she coldly states. Hoseok cracks a laugh, I just look at her and know she's meant to be in my life, but I don't want her in any danger.

-flashback- over

Of course she wanted nothing to do with me. Rejection after rejection, we had our small talks, and seeing her around in the hallways minding her own business. My heart was always with her throughout my last two years, eventually Jin and Suga graduated then J-hope and I. Now the only time I see her is when we have to drop off and pick up our youngest in the group. Our group, I'm the leader of a mafia group. Bangtan Mafia, and I am RM.


Y/n pov

"Touch me again, I swear I'll do so much more than beating the shit out of you" I spat at this guy who thinks he can try to grope women, holding him against the wall.

I let him go and I passed the group of people who were watching the fight it was mostly the 'bad kids' of the school. It's not that we were bad, we just don't want to be messed with and if you do let's just say it's not a good idea. On another note, I guess we were bad. As I got older I toned down a bit, my brightest era was when I transferred to this shit hole. But it's my last year and I just wanna get out of here. Back in my brighter era there was a much bigger and badder group, Bangtan. I despised them, getting on my nerves, especially Namjoon. Most of them already graduated and left, but I still see him when they drop off their little delinquent of bangtan members who still were in school, which includes : Park Jimin, the pretty boy it's true his looks will get you in his trap, then you're in trouble. His sly smirks and muscular body have the girls swooning over him, next we have Kim Taehyung, the quiet one, don't be fooled because when he does open his mouth, that deep voice will get you. Lastly the youngest one Jeon Jungkook, the trouble maker he wasn't always like he is now, bad boy, muscular, having everyone wrapped around his finger. I remember he was a little freshman, all about school, but he started hanging out with them and something in him switched. All of them were caught up in things outside of school. I would hear things roaming around school. I saw so myself too walking late at night, as I pass the alley. I chose to ignore it because I know that life, it's a bad one. Now back to me, I acted up because my father was a screw up, caught up in that life those bangtan boys are in now. I had to take care of myself. I still hold up my bad girl reputation, because I don't want people messing with me, but there was always that one person, and bangtan.


"Bullshit ass guys, in this bullshit ass school" I thought to my self until I felt an arm around me, it was Jimin of course, if it wasn't Namjoon someone had to take his spot in bothering me.

"Hey babe, nice job back there" he smirked I grabbed his arm from my shoulders and push it off

"I'm not your babe" I say

"Jimin got rejected" I hear Jungkook say and the boys laughed.

Thank god this is the end of the day, can't stand these boys at all.


It was late at night and I was hungry, so I decided to drive out to get pizza, since I live by myself and don't feel like cooking.

When I was driving back I couldn't believe what I saw the Bangtan boys and another group fighting in an alley.

One of the guys in the other group pulled out a gun, everyone ran, except Namjoon who was busy fighting someone, then Bam!

Namjoon goes down, I turned my car and hit the gunman and got out my car, and I punched, kicked and slammed this guys head in the wall.

"Y/n.. you need to get out of here" he said gasping for air.

"I can't just leave you here" I said grabbing his arms and dragging him Into my car, and drove back home.

Once we got inside I put the pizza on the counter and dragged Namjoon on my couch.

"Wow someone's strong" Namjoon smirks showing his cute dimples and I just roll my eyes and go get a first aid kit.

I come back and Namjoon is about to pass out.

"Hey, hey hey stay with me ok" I say.

"Take off your shirt" I said and he obeys and I see his muscular body.

"Like what you see" he laughs as I grab the tweezers.

"This is no laughing situation" I say pulling out the bullet and he groans in pain.

"It's been a while hasn't it" he says making small talk.

"Yes 2 years with out you bothering me, it's been great" I harshly say cleaning him up.

"Oh come on you know you miss me" he says as

I put some cream and bandages and wrapped his waist in gauze to make sure it doesn't come off.

I get up and get him pain killers and some pizza and water.

"Here before you pass out and die on me" I say

"Thanks" he says lightly and I go get a pillow and blanket so he can crash here for the night.

"Here you can crash here" I say but he gets up and groans in pain.

"I appreciate this but I can't stay, if I stay I'm putting you in danger, thank you" he says and kisses my forehead and walks out the house.

Why is he putting me in danger?

Why did he kiss my head?

Maybe I did miss him


The next couple days has been slow, you know the usual, working, coming home, cleaning, laundry. I was going out for my nightly work out run, as I was running back home I see a man with a gun pointed at me, I turn to my house and run as fast as I can inside and lock every single door, window, closed every curtain, grabbed a knife and went in my room and hid.

I couldn't sleep knowing some one is out there trying to kill me. It was probably 2 am in the morning and, I heard a tapping at my window, I open the curtains and Purple haired bandana wearing Namjoon stood at my window.

I opened the window "Namjoon what are you doing here?"

"Pack some light things and get in the car, I'll explain later"

"Oh, and it's RM"

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