《Dangerous Love(Namjoonxreader)》3


I wake up and Namjoon is asleep and so is Jungkook and Suga. I hear noises coming from next door, sounds like they are fighting. I put on my boots and a thick jacket and Jungkooks beanie and go next door. I open it and V and Jimin are arguing.

"What's going on" I ask J-hope

"I don't know they just started arguing, typical stuff" He replies.

I run and jump on V's back and hug him tight.

Everyone started to laugh, and me and V fall on the bed and he starts tickling me.

"V stop please" I laugh and he does.

"See no more fighting" I say.

"Are the other boys awake?" Jin questioned.

"No they are knocked out" I answered.

"Ok well I better wake them,Y/n come with me you can wake Suga" Jin says and I follow him back to the other room.

Jungkook had woken up and is in the shower, Jin went to wake Namjoon. I kick off my shoes and climbed in bed with Suga and wrapped my arms around him.

"Suga, its time to get up" I say and run my hands in his hair and cuddle him.

"Come on" I say rubbing his back and he hugs back and gets up and Jungkook gets out the bathroom and Suga goes in.

"I don't know how you do it, you're in Waking Suga duty for now on" Jin says laughing.

"He's not bad guys, leave him alone" I laugh.

Namjoon is just sitting on the bed waiting for Suga to get out the bathroom I guess, I climb in and hug him.

"Good morning" I say he hugs back.

"Good morning" he says his voice is raspy.

"Do you want coffee?" I ask and he nods.

I go to the coffee maker and make a big pot of coffee.

I poured a cup for Jungkook. Suga got out of the shower and I handed him a cup. Namjoon went inside I'll give him a cup when he comes out.

"Y/n you're so nice and sweet, why were you tough in school" Jungkook asks.

"I don't know I was just always mad cause of my dad and I took it out on kids at school, but I got older and I'm really not much of a tough person as you guys last saw me, Jungkook you see me at school but it's only when people mess with me, I don't want to use violence unless it's needed" I say and the boys nod.

"Yeah I remember that time you put a mattress in the pool" Jin laughs.

"Don't forget when she unscrewed the teachers chair and the teacher fell" Jungkook laughs as well.

"Her legendary nightly break ins too" Jin says back.

"Yup my prime years" I say and I sit next to Suga and the other boys come Into the room showered and ready to go.

Namjoon gets out the shower and I hand him a cup of coffee.

"Here Namjoon" I smile and he smiles back showing his dimples I turn around and the boys are shocked.


"She is the only one who can call me that, understood?" Namjoon says and the boys nod.

"Alright let's go" Namjoon says and we all hop in the car.

Jimin is driving this time to give Jin a break. Namjoon sits in the passenger seat Suga is to the right of me and J-Hope is to the left of me and that leaves Jungkook, V and Jin in the bed of the truck.

"We have a 6 hour drive so after 3 hours Suga and J-Hope you will switch with me and the other 3 will come in the truck" Namjoon says.

"I can switch with them" I say.

"No I don't want you getting sick" Namjoon says.

"Then I'll switch with Jimin, I know how to drive" I say back

"No" Namjoon replies back and I roll my eyes.

Why is he so protective of me, I'm not a baby I think to myself.

"He's just worries about you, he doesn't want you to get hurt" J-hope reassures me.

I was looking at the scenery it's so beautiful, I open the little window.

"Are you guys ok" I say and they nod.

I notice a black car gaining on us fast.

"Jimin... there's a car and it's coming for us fast" I yell. Namjoon looks back, sticks his head out the window.

"Boys incoming duck!" He yells at the boys in the back of the truck.

"Jimin step on it" he demands.

"J-hope, here" Namjoon says handing him a gun and I have a scared look on my face and Suga grabs my hand.

Namjoon has a gun too.

"Suga keep her safe" he says and Suga nods and brings me close and covers my ears.

I hear the car coming closer and I start hearing gun shots. I come closer to Suga.

"Shhhh your gonna be fine, we are all gonna be fine" he says.

"Jimin make a left" Namjoon says and we make a hard left.

"I blew out their tire" Jhope yells.

I look up a bit and see V throw a grenade, I gasp and go back in Sugas arms.

"Jimin faster they are gonna blow up" I hear Namjoon yell and we got out just in time I can feel the explosion and I hug Suga tight.

I feel Namjoon tap me.

"This is why I don't want you to drive, you have to speed up and make sudden turns" he says and I nod.

A couple hours later we pull to a gas station.

"Y/n come with me to get some food" Namjoon says and I follow him.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom ok" I say and he nods. I come back from using the bathroom and Namjoon is carrying fruits, waters and some sandwiches for everyone, he pays and thanks the cashier.

"Are you ok" he asks with a worried look.

"Yeah I'm ok" I smile reassuring him, and he smiles back with his cute dimples. We walk out of the gas station and go to the rest of the boys.

"Go use the bathroom now we are going on the road again" Jin says to the group. I stay close to Jin and Namjoon just to be safe. One by one the boys came back J-hope is already in the bed of the truck, Jungkook is in the back seat and Jin is in the passenger seat, while Jimin stays driving the truck.


Suga stays close to me and so does Namjoon.

I hug Suga "be safe stay warm" and he nods and hops in the bed of the truck with J-hope.

"Jungkook keep her safe" Namjoon says and he nods.

"Stay safe Namjoon and stay warm too" I hug him and I don't let go, he kisses the top of my head and I let go and he goes in the bed of the truck with J-hope and Suga. I go inside next to Jungkook who's on my Right and then V comes in and sits to my left.

"We ready ?" Jimin asks and everyone nods.

"Next stop, the safe house" Jin says.

"Safe house?" I questioned.

"Yeah its a house that is in a secret location that no one can find us, we have to use back roads to get to it and not be followed" V explains.

"Yeah it maybe secret but it's teched up, it has an underground HQ type room and security system that talks and does cool stuff, I'll show you when we get there" Jimin says.

Jungkook falls asleep and I feel myself start to fall asleep so I cuddle up against him and he wraps his arms and we sleep.

~After a while of driving~

RM's pov

All I can think about it her, what is she thinking, is she worried, is she scared.

"Y/n is cool huh, I'm actually glad she's here, she keeps the group happy and not fighting, like at the hotel she stopped V and Jimin from fighting by jumping on V" J-hope says and I smile. She brings happiness to the group.

"Jungkook had a good idea I'm glad we brought her" Suga says.

"Yeah imagine if we didn't get her, those guys would probably have gotten her" J-hope replies back.

"I'm glad she's safe with us" I say to them and they agree.

"She's special" I say back and smile to myself.

"You have a soft heart for her RM" J-hope says, and I smile.

"Yeah maybe I do" I say back.

"Suga too, she's the only one who can wake him up, he's grumpy but for her he's not" J-hope says laughing.

"Shut up" Suga spat.

"I've always loved her since high school" I admitted.

"But she gave no interest, I think she like you Suga" I say to him and he lifts his head up.

"I don't know I mean she calls you by your name" he replies.

"She prefers it" I say back.

"Guys I think we made it" J-hope says.

Jimin parks the car and we all hop out.

V, Jin and Jimin hop out the truck.

"They are both asleep" V says and I rub y/n's back and she gets out of Jungkooks grasp.

Y/n pov

I slowly wake Jungkook and his eyes flutter open. "We are here" I say and grab my book bag and step down from the truck.

I see namjoon and jump on his back, he chuckles lightly and grabs my legs so I won't fall.

"I haven't heard you laugh" I say to him.

"It wasn't a laugh, more of a chuckle" he says back to me. Namjoon and the boys walk in the house and I jump down from Namjoons back.

"Iris lights on" Jin says and the lights turn on.

"See how teched up it is" Jimin says and I nodded.

"There are 5 rooms so some of you can pair up, and y/n and another person can have their own room" Jin says.

"What if I want to share a room" I say.

"If you want I just thought you wanted a room to yourself" Jin says.

"I'll take Suga" Jimin says.

"J-hopeeeeee" V yells.

"Kookie!!!" I yell and run and hug him.

"Alright then me and RM get our own rooms" Jin says.

"Come y/n you should go down to the HQ" Jimin says.

We all go down and the put their finger print and do a retina scan.

"Iris add a new member" Jin says.

"Adding new member" iris says back.

"Please add a finger print then retina scan" iris says. I put my finger on the pad then stare at the screen and it scans my eye.

"Y/n y/ln" iris says back.

"Woah" I say and laugh.

The door opens and we walk in to this huge room.

"This is where the magic happens" Jimin says.

"We have security cameras, and iris can track other mafias using, like store security cameras, where they have last been seen, stuff like that" Namjoon says.

"So she can find my dad?" I ask.

"Iris locate El Diablo" Jin says.

"Last seen 1,000 miles away at a gas station" iris says.

"He's following us" V says

"Is there a tracker somewhere" J-hope questions.

"We have to check the truck" Namjoon says.

We all run to the truck and check it.

We couldn't find it at all we check the tires the lights.

"Wait pop the hood!" I yell and J-hope opens the hood.

"Ok help a small girl out I say" and V carries me on his shoulders.

"Ok so I just had a memory of something my father taught me that I remembered, and it's should be somewhere around.... here!" I yell and pull out a weird device.

I hand it to namjoon who threw it on the floor and stomped on it with his heel to break it.

V takes me off his shoulders, and I close the hood.

"Look at that y/n knowing her stuff" Jin laughs.

"Alright I need to go to the grocery store to get food and other things, and volunteers" Jin says

"I'll go" I say

"Me too" J-hope volunteers.

"Alright let's go, the rest clean up the place" Jin demands

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