《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》A/N- shadowhunters!


Hi guys! So, I'm writing a new book called 'The original Tribrid'. It will also be about Astrid but in the Shadowhunter world.

This is the story description:

No shadowhunter believes in the original vampire family, because they're not real, Right? No shadowhunter has ever met or seen the original... or just didn't live to talk about it. They believe that the originals are just a myth, created to spread fear everywhere, even some demons are scared of them. But what will happen when a group of shadowhunters meet the strongest original vampire in existence. Astrid Freydis Mikaelson, the original tribrid... part vampire, werewolf and witch. How will they react to the news that these monsters are actually real? How will the Clave react?

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