《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》Chapter 22
Astrid walked into the forest, unfocused and unaware that the teenagers were also there.
"Enzo! Where are you?" She shouted.
Scott stopped his pack "that way" he told the pack. They walked to where Scott heard Astrid, hoping that they'll find their friend.
Astrid stopped when she heard Enzo vamp speed towards her.
The pack stopped when they saw Enzo and Astrid standing, not talking to each other. The pack stood far away, yet close so that everyone could hear their conversation. They were curious who Enzo is.
"What do you want, Enzo?" Astrid asked the brunette as she turned around to look at Him.
"Do I need a reason to visit my friend?" He asked with a smirk.
"We're not friends, Enzo. We never were. Now, tell me what you want." Astrid continued, crossing her arms.
"Guess" he smirked.
"Enzo, I'm not in the mood for your bloody games!" Astrid shouted at the vampire.
"Jesus... what made you so mad?" He raised an eyebrow at the original.
"Just tell me what you want or I swear I'll kill you." Astrid threatened.
"Come on, don't be so mean. So, why are you so mad? Did someone die?" Enzo laughed.
"Yes." She replied, tears in her eyes. Enzo continued laughing, not believing her. "My brother died."
"You're serious?" He asked, surprised. "Nik is dead?"
"Not Nik! He wouldn't let some doppelganger blood bag kill him, now would he? It was Kol." She answered, angry as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I'm not surprised. He was a dick... so who has the stake?" He asked, curious.
"A hunter probably! I don't bloody know!" She said and took a deep breath. "Now if you don't have any more questions, I'll go." She began walking away from the brunette.
"Wait. One last question. If I get the white oak stake, I can kill you, right?" Enzo asked.
"I dare you to try."
"Well, I'll kill your brothers first." He began walking away. Astrid vamp sped towards him and pushed him against a tree.
"We both know you would never succeed" she smiled.
The pack slowly walked towards the two, almost not making a sound. Astrid heard a branch crack so she turned around, her eyes still blood red and fangs showing. She looked at the terrified teenagers and let go of Enzo, who vamp sped away.
"A-Astrid?" Stiles stuttered, Astrid's eyes now looked normal.
"What are you?" Isaac asked, his eyes glowing yellow.
"Listen, I can explain everything." She said walking towards Scott and grabbing his hand but he pulled away.
"What are you?" Scott asked.
"A vampire..." She sighed and they all moved back.
"You're a killer." Allison said.
"So are werewolves." Astrid pointed out. "And if I wanted to kill you, I would've done it by now."
"How old are you?" Lydia choked out.
"Old" Astrid replied. "A couple centuries old."
"Deaton said that the older they get, the more powerful they become. If she really wanted to kill us, we would already be dead." Lydia added.
"And If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't have helped you with the alpha pack" Astrid said. "Scott, listen. I love you, I really do. I promise I won't hurt you or any of you-" Enzo sped towards them and staked Astrid in the heart. He smirked as he ran away.
"Astrid?" Scott asked as her skin began turning grey. He caught her and picked her up, staring at the stake in her chest.
"Let's get her to Deaton" he told his friends who nodded.
"Deaton!" Scott shouted as he entered Deaton's animal clinic, Astrid still in his arms.
"Scott?" Deaton asked surprised, he opened the gate so Scott and his friends could enter.
Scott laid Astrid on one of the metal tables.
"Please tell me that you can save her." Scott sobbed.
Deaton walked towards Astrid and pulled out the stake. "I'm sorry Scott. But once a heart of a vampire is impaled, they die. We can't do anything about it"
"Why did she hide this from us?" Isaac asked, tears in his eyes.
"She's a vampire, Isaac. Not a werewolf. Those two species have been at war for over 1000 years." Deaton explained.
"But, she can turn into a wolf" Allison said and Deaton looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?" Deaton asked.
"Yeah, she and her brother could turn into wolves. How is that possible?" Scott asked.
"Hybrids?" Deaton muttered. "That's impossible."
Astrid gasped, sitting up at the metal table and looking at the confused mortals around her. Scott smiled and hugged her tightly.
"How are you alive?" Deaton asked.
"She's not an ordinary vampire." Morell told her brother as she entered the room.
"Tell us exactly what you are." Deaton told the vampire.
"Okay." Astrid sighed. "You better take a seat then... I'm going to start from the very beginning."
Everyone sat in front of a metal table on a chair. Staring at the blonde vampire.
"From the beginning then?" Astrid asked and they all nodded.
"Let's just start with the fact that me and my siblings are, like Morell said, no ordinary vampires."
"Then what are you?" Stiles asked.
"The original vampires. The first ones ever created. I should also tell you that I have 6 siblings. The oldest are Finn, Elijah, Klaus and Kol. Then it's me, my sister Rebekah and brother Henrik." She explained. "So.. over a thousand years ago, my father was a landowner in Europe."
"You're over a thousand years old?" Isaac asked with wide Eyes.
"Yes. My parents had just started a family when a plague struck their homeland. They lost a child to it. They wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate." Astrid paused.
"You said that your homeland was in Virginia, right?" Scott asked and Astrid nodded. "How did you end up here? This part of the world hasn't even been discovered yet." He asked confused.
Astrid smiled at the teenagers and continued. "Not by anyone in your history books. But my mother knew the witch Ayana, who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy... blessed by the gifts of speed and strength. That led my family here, where we lived amongst those people."
"Native Americans?" Lydia asked.
"Werewolves. But not the ones of your kind." Astrid pointed out. "The ones of my kind. Those who have to kill in order to activate the curse. They turn on every full moon and it's impossible to control It, unless you're a hybrid like my brother and I... To us, werewolves were just neighbours. My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years, during which time my family had more children, including me."
"You make it sound so normal" Allison sighed.
"It was" Astrid smiled. "Once a month, our family retreated to the caves beneath our village. The wolves would howl through the night, and by morning we'd return home. One full moon, Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuk out to watch the men turn into beasts. That was forbidden. Henrik paid the price."
"What happened?" Scott asked.
"The beats murdered him. And that was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbours. And one of the last moments my family had together as humans." Astrid cleared her throat. "So a witch turned us into vampires to make sure that we would not die like Henrik did."
"So vampirism was a form.of protection?" Deaton asked, interested in the story.
"What else would it be?"
"A curse" Lydia said.
"My parents only saw a way of keeping their children alive."
"Yeah, but why stay?" Isaac asked. "If they were so afraid of the werewolves, why not leave?"
"Pride" Astrid sighed. "My father didn't want to run anymore. He wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves. Where they could bite, we had to bite harder. Where they had speed, we had to be faster. Agility, strength, senses."
Astrid and Rebekah sat behind a wall, listening to their parent's and Ayana's conversation.
"Everything could be heightened" Mikael told Ayana. "Our family could live forever."
"At what cost?" Ayana asked. "This magic you speak of breeds consequence. This is the makings of a plague, Esther. The spirits will turn on you."
"Please, Ayana" Esther begged.
"I will have no part in it" Ayana replied as she left the house.
"If she will not protect our family..." Mikael said softly. "Then it is in your hands alone, my love."
"In her hands?" Stiles asked. "How could she do anything?"
"Because my mother was also a witch."
"What?" Deaton asked.
"The witch of the original family, the original witch."
"But if your mother was a witch then-" Allison said.
"She can't be a witch" Deaton said. "A witch is nature's servant. A vampire is an abomination of nature. You can't be three in one, considering that she already is a hybrid."
"I wish I could agree with you, Deaton." Astrid replied and Deaton looked At her, confused. "Confuso fatina, ignos et ignos mortifina." Astrid said clearly and water started flowing from a tap. Astrid stopped focusing on the tap and the water stopped flowing. "No one knows how it's possible but I'm also a witch. I'm an original tribrid. The most powerful creature on earth."
"Fascinating" Deaton muttered.
Astrid clapped her hands once "right, back to the story. My mother did this for us. She did not turn."
"So how did you turn?" Lydia asked.
"She called upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree, one of nature's eternal objects, for immortality. That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood." Astrid stopped and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "And then he drove his sword through our hearts."
"Your father killed you?" Stiles asked, feeling sorry for the vampire.
"He wasn't delicate about it either" Astrid replied with tears in her eyes.
Astrid and her siblings woke up, gasping. Blood on their clothes.
"Nik..." Astrid muttered, getting up slowly and walking towards her brother.
"Astrid... Rebekah..." Nik replied as he looked at Rebekah who still laid on the ground.
"Blood. What happened?" Rebekah asked.
"It'll be alright." Nik told her.
Mikael then walked inside with a girl.
"What are you doing, father?" Astrid asked.
"We must finish what we started" Mikael replied. "You must drink if you want to live." Mikael said as he cut the girl's wrist.
"We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual. It was euphoric. The feeling of power was indescribable. But the witch Ayana was right about the consequences. The spirits turned on us, and nature fought back. For every strength, there would be a weakness. The sun became our enemy. It kept us indoors for weeks. And then my mother found a solution... daylight rings" Astrid said as she pointed at a ring on her finger. "I don't need it anymore ever since I broke my wolf curse but I still wear it. I'll tell you about the curse soon."
"So she made the daylight rings to protect you from the sun?" Isaac asked.
"Yes. But there were other problems. Neighbours who had opened their homes to us would now keep us out. Flowers at the base of the white oak burned and prevented compulsion."
"Vervain?" Deaton asked.
"Yes. And the spell decreed that the tree that gave us life could also take it away. So we burned it to the ground. The darkest consequence was something my parents never anticipated... The hunger. Blood had made us reborn, and it was blood that we craved above all else. We could not control it. And with that... The predatory species was born."
"What about the werewolf curse you talked about?" Stiles asked.
"Oh right. The hunger I talked about. No one felt it more than me and Niklaus. When we killed for the first time, we found out what we truly were.
Astrid's and Niklaus' bones began cracking as they stood in the forest during the full moon. They fell on the ground, screaming and eyes turning bright yellow.
"What is happening to us?" Klaus asked as Elijah ran towards his siblings with his father.
"No. Don't. Don't." Mikael grabbed Elijah, stopping him from getting closer to Niklaus.
"Father! Please! It's hurts!" Astrid told her father, crying.
Astrid and Klaus growled loudly as their bones continues to break.
"They are beats. Abominations!" Mikael said, angry.
"We weren't just vampires or witches. We were also werewolves. Me and Niklaus were a result of my mother's affair with a werewolf. Infuriated by this betrayal, my father forced our mother to cast a spell that would suppress our werewolf side, denying us any connection with our true selves."
"Elijah, Elijah, hold him down." Mikael told Elijah as he struggled to handcuff Niklaus. Astrid was already handcuffed next to her brother, growling at her father.
"Brother, please don't let him do this to me" Niklaus begged Elijah.
"Do it now, boy! Now!" Mikael shouted at Elijah. Elijah walked towards Niklaus and helped to handcuff him.
"Help us." Nik begged Elijah. Astrid silently cried next to him.
"Your dad is a dick" Isaac said and Astrid chuckled quietly.
"Yes, he is... Well was... I killed him about a year ago." Astrid said. "He hunted me and my siblings for centuries. Every time we found a moment of happiness, we were forced to flee. Even from New Orleans, where we were happiest of all. Not long after me and my brother broke the spell, which prevented us from becoming our true selves, I killed my father. Honestly, I thought this would make me happier, I thought I would feel free. But, It didn't help. And my brother, Niklaus, although he was happy that father was dead, he was angrier than ever. Bare in mind that he's a notorious psycho. He made hybrids, using a blood of a doppelganger which also allowed us to break the curse."
"You're saying this so casually" Stiles sighed.
Astrid smiled sadly. "However, my brother was forced to kill those hybrids after they turned on him about 3 weeks ago."
"Why did your father hunt you?" Morell asked.
"My father was always abusive, even when we were human. He was even worse than your father, Isaac. So when he found out that my mother cheated on him with a werewolf, he started hating me and Nik. What we didn't know was that he saved a bit of the white oak tree. He made a stake from it and tried killing us many times. As you can see, I'm still here so he failed every time."
"So the stake is the only thing that can kill you?" Deaton asked.
"Permanently, yes. There are also daggers which can kill us temporarily. If they're dipped in the ash of the white oak tree, we will remain dead until the dagger is removed. Fortunately, that dagger doesn't work on me or Klaus." Astrid smiled.
"So nothing can kill you except for the white oak stake?" Scott asked.
"Exactly. If anyone rips my heart out, it will grow back. If anyone stakes me with a normal stake, I will heal."
"What if someone breaks your neck?" Isaac asked.
"No vampire can be killed by a broken neck. Even ordinary vampires will heal from that. Desiccation will also stops us from moving. That works on every vampire. Animal blood makes us weaker and we have to be invited in order to enter someone's home. That's all." Astrid smiled.
"I thought that the originals were a myth..." Deaton muttered to himself.
"Don't worry, dear. Most people think that. I mean, not many would believe In vampires which can't be killed by an ordinary stake. Less would believe In a vampire who's also a werewolf and a witch. So believe me, you're not alone." She smiled and stood up. "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth before . It was to protect you and I didn't know how you would react."
"We can protect ourselves." Allison said.
"I have very powerful enemies, Allison. Believe me, you wouldn't stand a chance against some of them."
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