《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》CHAPTER 3


heavily, Astrid moved frantically on her bed as she slept. Sweat ran down her forehead as a few tears escaped from her eyes. The horrifying memory played in her mind as she slept; unable to wake up no matter how much she wanted to.


Astrid walked down the calm, green forest with the love of her life. William. He was a newly turned vampire. Only 25 years old. They held hands while they walked through the dark, peaceful forest. He gave her a huge smile, showing his adorable dimples. His brown hair and brown eyes reflected the moon. She couldn't help but stare at the handsome man beside her.

"What?" She asked, wondering why he was smiling at her like that. He was a mischevious person so she wasn't surprised when she saw his expression.

"You're beautiful" he just answered, squeezing her hand as the two halted. He brought his freezing fingers to her cheek, caressing her pale skin. He pulled closer and the two shared a sweet, passionate kiss.

After a while, they broke the heated kiss; their foreheads touched as they tried calming their breathing.

"I love you, too" she smiled, biting her bottom lip lightly. They smiled at each other as she felt his hands go behind her neck. She looked at him, still smiling, thinking that they'll share another kiss. Unfortunately for her, William had different plans. Instead of kissing her soft lips, he snapped her neck.

She woke up 1 hour later, tied with ropes soaked in vervain. She winced slightly as she opened her eyes, light blinded her. She was in a small wooden room which old and the wood was visibly starting to rot. She looked at the wooden door and saw William enter, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"And I thought that your sister, Rebekah, is the one who loves too easily." He smiled "Do you like the ropes, honey?" he mocked, talking in a sweet voice.

"You're going to regret this" the blonde original spat.

"Really? Well, it looks like you can't do much at the moment." He chuckled and pointed at the ropes "hurts, doesn't it? Vervain" he said, eyeing the roped. Astrid clenched her jaw; she drank vervain for centuries. She was used to the pain even though it made her wince sometimes.

She laughed quietly "You're an imbecile. My siblings will eventually start looking for me, and believe me, you don't want to anger my brother, Niklaus. He can be rather... psychotic". She moved her hands, pulling the roped and in one swift movement, they were ripped were ripped. She looked at her hands, although they were bloody and burnt, she barely felt the pain.

He looked at her shocked as a hunter walked into the room, holding a wooden stake. Another three hunters walked in, all holding the stakes as they stared at the original.

"Really? You're friends with hunters now?" She teased, finding him pathetic. He clenched his fist.

"Better than being friends with a monster" he yelled "I know that you've been alive for a couple centuries. You killed hundreds of people and then you turned me." He yelled with hatred in his voice.

"I saved you." She defended herself "You were going to die!" she added, shouting back "I didn't kill hundreds of people" she looked at the ground for a second and paused. When she looked back up at the men, she had a psychotic smile on her face "I killed thousands" she laughed quietly.


The hunters all threw the stakes at her with all their strength. She caught and avoided the wooden stakes; all of them needed up on the dusty, wooden floor.

"Sorry darlings, but I'm faster than your average vampire" she paused, chuckling. "Actually, I'm not just a vampire" she laughed as they all looked at her, terrified. "I'm also a witch". She waved her hand and everyone was thrown against a wall. She sighed and looked at the five men who laid on the ground.

"That's... impossible" one of the hunters groaned. She smiled.

"Oh and honey, I'm more than a couple centuries old. I'm the original vampire. I'm over 800 years old" she smiled as the hunters soon looked at her with fear on their faces. William looked confused; he never heard of the original vampires - Astrid made sure of it.

"So?" He asked as he tilted his head like a puppy.

"So... it means that I cannot be killed, love" she slowly walked towards the men. They moved away and their backs hit the wall as they stayed sat down. "And those who betray me or my siblings will be punished" She walked towards William. She put her small hands on his chest and smiled warmly at him.

"Good night, love" she said as she ripped his heart out of his chest. She felt bad. She never wanted to kill him, in fact, she wanted to protect him. But those who are a threat to her family must be dealt with. She was just making sure all of her siblings were safe.

The hunters started moving towards the exit but she vamp sped towards the wooden door. Stood in their way - she blocked their only escape from their own death trap.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked as she walked closer and quickly snapped all their necks. Their limp, dead bodies fell to the ground as Astrid stared at them with a blank expression.

"Never betray a Mikaelson" she said quietly and left the room. She went outside and realised she had no idea where she was. Tall, green trees surrounded her. It looked like she was in the middle of nowhere - miles away from the nearest populated areas.

She turned around and looked at the old cabin. She sighed and castes a spell; "Incendia". The cabin was set on fire and Astrid smiled slightly. She began walking away, unsure of where she's heading.

"Guess I'll go pay my brother a visit." She said quietly to herself. In situations like these, all she wanted to do was hug her brother and fall asleep in his protective embrace. She knew that he would always help and protect her - even if she did something he warned her not to do.

William was one of these things. Before she left with him, Niklaus had told her numerous times that he was bad news. And, as always, the dirty-blonde psychopath was right. He imdeed was bad news.

Astrid was awoken by her phone ringing. Sitting up quickly, she looked around the room; happy that it was just a dream. With her eyes wide open, she looked at the caller ID - it was Scott.

"What?" She answered the phone. Thankfull that the dream was over but annoyed that he called her in the middle of the night. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep and get some more rest.


"We need your help. Meet us in the woods" he said as he hung up the phone. She moved the phone away from her ear and looked at it dumbfounded. Could he not tell her what he wanted? Does she really have to leave her safe, warm blankets and go out into the cold night.

"Bloody hell" she sighed and got out of bed. She put on some warm clothes, not caring about her appearance as she vamp sped to the forest.

She found the teenagers fighting with a female werewolf with night black hair and bright yellow eyes. She ran away; Derek and Isaac rushing after her. Astrid jumped in front of them, startling both of them. Soon Scott joined the three and Stiles called. The three stood in silence as they watched Scott pace.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked and everyone began listening to their conversation.

"Yep! Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the freaking shining over here" Stiles said over the phone, making Astrid chuckle at the reference "If two little twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised" Astrid snorted as Derek and Isaac shot her glared. She frowned, confused. Was she not allowed to laugh?

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" Scott asked the boy.

"Make sure it was them?" Stiles asked sarcastically "Scott who else is going around ripping throats out?"

"Please just do it"

They all stood in silence. Astrid stood next to Isaac, who was wearing a scarf. It was warm; why the hell was he wearing a scarf. He's a werewolf anyway, he won't get sick.

"This doesn't make any sense" Derek said; everyone looked at him. "The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there."

"Derek, they killed someone." Scott interrupted.

"How are they moving so fast?" Derek asked.


"They can't be that fast on foot."

"They killed someone"

"Unless it wasn't them" Astrid interrupted, gaining everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" Isaac asked.

"Maybe that was just a coincidence. Maybe it was a normal murder. Nothing supernatural" she explained and Derek nodded; appreciating the girl's presence for once. He usually couldn't care less whether she was there but right now, he was glad she was with them.

"We need help" Scott said.

"We have Isaac now" Derek pointed at Isaac.

"Real help" Scott added. Isaac looked at him, slightly offended and hurt at the same time.

"Love, that was rude" Astrid told him with a raised eyebrow.

"They're too fast for us. For all of us" Scott said, pointing at each of them.

"Mate, I'm faster than all of you combined" Astrid said with her British accent. She knew she was faster and probably would've stopped the werewolves by now if she didn't have to hide her identity.

Scott gave her a glare and added "They're too strong, too rabid" Astrid rolled her eyes at his words, In times like this, she wished she could use her other abilities, not just the werewolf ones. However, she couldn't do that or they would find out what she is and she couldn't let that happen.

"We'll catch them" Derek said, annoyed.

"What happens if we do?" Isaac asked "were just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"

"Maybe it would be easier to just kill them." Derek answered through gritted teeth.

"You're going to kill Erica and Boyd? I thought that they're part of your pack" Astrid asked, confused about the situation. It was rare for an alpha to want to kill his pack members.

"Erica is dead. I'm talking about Boyd and Cora." Derek answered.

"Who's Cora?" Astrid asked, even more confused. Where do all these people keep coming from?

"My sister" Derek replied.

"Killing them isn't the right thing to do, Derek" Scott said, trying to stop the group from doing anything rash.

"What if it's the only thing to do?" Isaac questioned. "If we can't catch them, what else do we do?"

"Find someone who knows what they're doing" Scott answered Isaac's question.

"Who?" Derek asked, thinking about all the people who were able to help them. There were only a few.

"Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves" Scott replied with a small smile.

"Argents" Astrid said, looking at Scott who nodded with a slight smile. "Call me when you get the Argent to help you." She said as she began walking away.

"Where are you going?" Scott asked.

"You woke me up, Scott. I'm going back to bed." She answered, running away from the group.

She walked inside her mansion, instantly feeling someone's presence. She walked into the living room and saw a man with black hair and a short beard - she immediately recognised him. He poured himself some bourbon like it was his home.

"Hello, Damon. What brings you here?" She asked as he looked up at her, smiling. He drank his drink.

"Just wanted to see an old friend..." he paused with a smile "...and I wanted a break from all the drama"

"Well, you picked the wrong place." She answered and told him everything that was going on in Beacon Hills. She also told him that the werewolves in Beacon Hills were a different species from the ones in Mystic Falls. They could control their transitions.

"Well... I guess we can never really get away from the drama" Damon said with a loud sigh.

"Nope. But we can distract ourselves from it." She said as she sped towards him, sitting next to him with her hand on his knee.

"That we can" he said as pulled her towards him ams kissed her with lust. Smoothly, he got up and pulled her off the couch as he picked her up and to her room. He layed her on the bed and they kissed again. Astrid moaned quietky, making Damon from into the meaningless kiss. A kiss that would lead to something more - something that helped them take their minds off of their problems. Sometimes, meaningless kisses were more meaningful than anything else they could get.

Edited: 13th/02/2019

Edited again: 15th/02/2019

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