《The Monster Inside ➺ Scott. M》CHAPTER 4
heavily, Astrid and Damon layed in bed, exhausted. They stared at the ceiling as the duvet gently covered their naked bodies.
"Damon." Astrid said quietly, gaining the vampire's attention.
"Hmm?" He hummed, turning his head to look at her.
"How did you know where I am?" She questioned, curious.
"I listened to Niklaus' conversation with You." He answered simply, smirking at her.
"And he didn't know you were listening?" She laughed. Niklaus really was ignorant sometimes.
"He was too focused on talking with you." He answered, pausing. "Ever since you left after you broke the curse, he started acting different. Well, he still is psychopathic but he acts different. Like he misses you. Like he actually has feelings." He explained with an amused expression.
The blonde swallowed violently, feeling guilty for leaving her brother in Mystic falls. The two were very close but she did not expect him to miss her that much.
"If I went against Niklaus or any of your siblings. What would you do?" He asked. Damon was her best friend ever since 1980s. She trusted him with almost everything, but she still loved her family more than him. That would never change.
"I wouldn't do anything if you just went against them, Damon. But, if you had the white oak stake and tried killing them" she paused and looked him in the eyes. "I would not hesitate to kill you".
He sighed "You're so loyal to your family"
"Correction... not my whole family. Just my siblings. Also, if throughout your whole life, which is over 1000 years, only a few people knew what you are and loved you nonetheless, you would be loyal to them, too." She answered.
"But why are you closest with the psychopathic one?" He asked, never understanding their relationship.
"He's my full brother and he understands what it's like to be an.... an abomination" Damon smiled at her sadly and stroked her hair.
"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep before Scott wakes me up, asking for help." He huffed and turned on he or side, facing away from Damon.
"Goodnight." He said quietly and also closed his eyes.
About an hour later, she was woken up again. Damon groaned behind her as she picked up the phone.
"Yes Scott?" She answered, not opening her green eyes.
"We're in the woods." Was all he said before he hung up. She groaned, got out of the bed and put on some dark clothes.
"May I join? I have nothing better to do right now" Damon asked as he stood behind her, fully clothed.
"Fine. They think that I'm just a werewolf so keep your mouth shut, love" she said with a threatening look on her face.
"Okay okay.." He replied with his signature smirk.
They entered the forest and began tracking the group. Soon, they heard them talking.
"You're tracking them by print?" Argent asked as the vampires walked in their direction.
"Trying to" Scott answered.
"Well, then, you're wasting your time. There's only one creature on earth that can visibly track footprints, and that's man. And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is boyd's and these.." Argent said, getting interrupted by Isaac.
"Are Cora's" Isaac said with a smile.
"Nope. They're yours" Astrid told him, standing beside Damon. The group looked over at them, startled. Scott eyed Damon suspiciously.
"You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here" Argent said. "Listen I know half of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in... they put the pedal to the floor" the older man explained.
"So what do we do?" Derek asked, arms crossed.
"Focus on your sense of smell" Argent told him.
"I can only smell Astrid and some man who is with her." Isaac said.
Argent turned around again, looking at Astrid and Damon who stood there with small smiles.
"You look even more tired than before, Astrid. Are you alright?" Scott asked concerned.
"You can thank me for that" Damon said with a smirk as he winked at the men. He put his arms around Astrid's shoulders but she pushed him away.
All their eyes went wide, looking like they were about to pop out. Astrid looked at them confused but then shifted her focus on Damon. His eyes were blood red, veins underneath his eyes and sharp fangs showing as he smiled at the group.
"Really Damon..." She said, annoyed. "Now I have to make them forget they ever saw you. Thanks a lot." She paused. "Go back to Mystic falls. I'm sure your friends need you more than me." She orderd. "Go!" She yelled at him, now angry. He didn't expect her to explode like that.
Damon was about to say something but he nodded instead and left.
Astrid walked towards them and focused, compelling them all at the same time. "You will not remember seeing him here. I arrived alone." She said. They repeated her words and instantly forgot about the black haired vampire.
"So.. What are we going to do?" She asked as they all stared at her.
"We are going to make them come to us" Argent replied. "If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two miles, which means we can draw them to us... or into a trap" he paused as he looked at each of them. "Full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared" he said as he passed one to each of them.
"I have my own" Derek replied as his eyes glowed red.
"Just remember we're not hunting wild animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, how to survive"
They all walked towards the cliff and looked down at the small town. It looked beautiful at night
"When was the last time you saw your sister?" Argent asked Derek.
"Nine years" Derek replied. "Thought she died in the fire"
As the men talked, Astrid zoned out as she was looking at the beautiful view of the town. The lights shone brightly, she smiled as she breathed in the clean air.
They went to Argents car, he showed them the Ultrasonic emitters and how they worked. They began leaving the emitters on their way as they ran to school; where they planned to trap the two werewolves.
After a few minutes, they arrived at the school, Astrid opened the double doors with Isaac and Scott. The dark hallway was long and lead to another double door. The only light was from the moon, making the school look eerie. Isaac and Scott nodded at each other and ran back outside. Astrid ran with Scott towards the Argent.
"Do you see that?" The hunter asked, staring at a firefly which was struggling to stay alight.
"Yeah, it's a firefly." Scott answered with a shrug.
"No, no, I know, it..." Argent paused as he thought.
"What?" Scott asked, confused.
Astrid sighed "Californian fireflies aren't bio-luminescent." She told Scott. He looked at her confused "they don't glow" she explained.
They stared at the glowing firefly which was flying near a tree. It was strange.
"Does that mean something?" Scott asked the two.
They quickly turned around when they heard a loud growl in the distance. They looked at each other and nodded.
Astrid ran towards the school as Argent got into his car. She saw Cora and Boyd stand behind Isaac as she ran towards him. His yellow glowing eyes stared at the two werewolves as he turned around to look at them. Then, Argent drove towards them, honking. The werewolves ran towards the school, running away from the car.
"Are you okay?" She asked Isaac who was quite shaken up.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" he replied. They looked at the werewolves who jumped on the roof of the school.
"Damn it." Astrid muttered through gritted teeth.
Isaac, Scott, Astrid and Chris ran towards Derek who was now in front of the high school.
"The red doors, someone has to get them open" Derek said quietly.
"Someone has to drive them inside" Scott told the hunter.
"I'll go" Chris replied.
"No. I'm faster" Isaac said as he ran away, running in the direction of the front door.
They rest inside the school and found Derek throwing Cora on the ground while Boyd stared at them with rage fueling him.
"Come and get us" Derek told the two wild werewolves as he ran towards the boiler room; where they wanted to trap them.
Scott and Derek got inside as Chris and Astrid still stood in the corridor. Cora and Boyd ran after them. Astrid sighed heavily and she, too, ran towards the boiler room. The door of the boulder room was hard to destroy; a perfect place to trap two werewolves.
She stood outside as she heard growling coming from the other side of the steel door. There was a loud thud as they dropped something on the concrete floor. Soon, Derek and Scott ran out of the room, locking the heavy door. Theybbreathed heavily as they tried to calm down.
Boyd and Cora tried opening the door but weren't successful. All Astrid could hear was scratching and growling. The werewolves were frustrated and wanted to leave the prison-like room.
"Did that actually just work?" Astrid asked amused. She did not expect it to work.
"It worked" Derek answered happily.
Astrid smiled and listened to what the two werewolves were doing inside. Her smile fell when she heard a third heartbeat in the room.
"You said that no one was at school!" Astrid shouted at Scott, annoyed.
"Because there isn't anyone here" he answered, confused at her outburst.
"Then listen to their heartbeats" she growled.
Scott walked towards the door and put his head against it, listening to what was going on inside.
"What do you hear?" Derek asked confused about what's going on.
"Heartbeats" Scott replied with wide eyes
"Both of them?" Derek asked.
"Actually... three of them" Scott said shocked. Derek who was sitting on the floor, exhausted, looked up at Scott, surprised.
Derek got up and grabbed the handle of the door. He paused what he was doing and looked at the two teenagers behind him.
"What are you doing?" Scott asked.
"Close the door behind me and keep it shut" Derek ordered.
"He's going on a suicide mission" Astrid rolled her eyes and scratched her neck.
"You go in there alone, and you're gonna kill them, or they kill you." Scott said.
Derek looked back at Astrid and Scott. "that's why I'm going alone"
He opened the door and ran inside. Scott locked the door. Astrid looked at him and sighed. "It's too early for this bullshit". She slid down the brick wall and sat down. Scott stood in front of her, listening to what was happening in the boiler room.
"You okay?" Astrid asked Scott. He looked exhausted and concerned. He nodded with a hum. "No you're not, come here. He'll be fine." Astrid told him, scooting over so that he can sit beside her.
He sat down with a sigh, putting his head on her shoulder and he closed his eyes, relaxing for a minute. "It's going to be okay." She reassured him.
"Scott! The sun's coming up!" They heard Isaac shout. The two got up and looked at Isaac who was standing at the top of the staircase.
Scott suddenly opened the door and ran inside, Isaac followed him. Astrid groaned and went inside as well. When they went in, they saw Cora and Boyd laying on the ground. Derek was on his knees, claw marks all over his body. Blood covered his chest as he breathed heavily, looking like he was about to pass out.
"Are you alright, love?" Astrid asked, sounding concerned.
Derek looked up at them, panting. "There's a teacher" he managed to say. "I'll take care of her" he paused, still panting. "Get them out of here".
Isaac and Scott ran towards the two laying werewolves and picked them up. They left the boiler room and Astrid left as well, smiling and happy that everything went well.
They left Isaac with the bodies as Astrid went to the hospital with Scott after Stiles called him. They entered the morgue and saw him staring at a blonde with a slashed throat.
Stiles covered the girl's face.
"So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asked.
"You're gonna wish they did." Stiles answered, tapping his foot on the floor nervously.
"Why?" Astrid asked confused.
"I'm not exactly sure yet. The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily, eventually they're gonna find her." He paused for a few seconds as Scott and Astrid stared at him. "She's one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool, all three were virgins. They're all gonna have the same three injuries, strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in." Stiles sighed "It's called the threefold death." Stiles said with tears in his eyes as he stared at his dead friend. Astrid squeezed his hand gently and he gave her a small smile.
"So if these aren't random killings, what are They?" Scott asked.
"Sacrifices" Astrid answered plainly, looking at the two of them.
"Human sacrifices" Stiles said after her.
After a few minutes, the three left the morgue and the hospital. Scott went inside Stiles' jeep. Astrid grabbed Stiles' shoulder as he was about to enter his car. He turned around and looked at her.
She looked up at him as he was slightly taller than her.
"Stiles" she smiled warmly "if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you. I know what it's like to lose someone you care about" she said, still smiling. She lost her siblings on many occasions. Even though she knew they'd always come back, she feared that maybe one day they won't. That one day they'll die and she'll never see them again. It was the one thing she truly feared.
"Thank you" Stiles said as he hugged her tightly, surprising her. She hugged back awkwardly, taking in his scent, the scent of his delicious blood, just realising how hungry she was.
"Do you need a lift?" He asked as she moved the blonde hair out of her face.
"No I'm fine, thank you" she replied with a small smile. She walked away and headed home; to eat something and go back to bed. She would have to go back to school in a few hours.
Edited: 15th/02/2019
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