《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 5


Note: I'm not really happy with this chapter so when I finish and go back to do the editing, I'll probably change a few things. Plus it's two thirty in the morning. So I'm writing because I can't sleep and I'm bored. So I don't think it'll be great. But all well. I'm done! You may now read this chapter if you please(:

I woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare. Green. Lots of green. I sat up, panting and took a look around, confirming where I was. Natty was laying beside Fred all curled up, Mione and Ron were lying beside each other holding hands, and Harry and Ginny were on either side of me. Harry's arm was around my waist, even though I was sitting up and Ginny's head was in my lap. I figure it was on my stomach till I sat up.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. It was all just a dream. Looking at my friends, I think the only time anyone is honest with their feelings around here is when their asleep. This is a camera moment! I wish I knew what time it is though. I'm afraid to go back to sleep. I laid back down with a sigh, curling into Harry and placing an arm around Ginny.

"Gracie? Are you okay?" Harry's whispered voice travelled through the darkness. It was groggy, which means I woke him up moving around.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry if I woke you up. You can go back to sleep!" I just realized there was a slight sheen of sweat on my forehead and my heart is still racing. I sat back up and wiped it away, still trying to steady my breathing.

"Your not okay! What's wrong?" He flipped over on his side so he was looking me in the eye. He was more awake now which means its not going to be easy to get him off my case. I don't want him worrying.

"It's nothing. I promise! It was just a bad dream. I'm okay now!" I gave him a smile, hoping that'd be enough. But of course, it was not.

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?" I smiled at the care and concern in his tone.

"It's okay Harry. I just want to forget it and go back to sleep!" He nodded and tightened his grip on my waist. Once I was down again, I laid there quietly until I fell asleep.

*************Harry's POV**************

I felt her sit up in the darkness, she was breathing heavy and by the little bit I could make out of her face in the dark, she looked scared. After she relaxed a bit, I asked her if she's okay.

She blew it off, but I could tell she was worried. For what, I don't know, but she said it was a dream. I watched as she lay back down beside me, snuggling into my side and placing a protective arm over Ginny. She's so sweet.

Do I fancy her? She's beautiful of course. But there's more to her than that. She's silly and fun, she's also smart and brave. She's so kind and caring, and you can't hide things from her. She can see through all lies.

I watched as she drifted off to sleep. She looked so peaceful. If Ron knew what I was thinking, he'd kill me. Besides, I don't fancy her. She's my best friend. Of course I like her personality, other wise, we wouldn't be friends.


"Harry! Shut up!" Natalyn groaned, sitting up beside Fred, who sat up as well.

"What?" I looked at the two of them, but I couldn't sit up with out waking her up so I stayed right where I was.

"You've been talking out loud! And we're not heavy sleepers unlike those three!" Hermione sat up as well, motioning to Ron, Ginny, and Gracie to prove her

point. They all looked dead, except for Ron's heavy snores as the gentle rise and fall of Ginny and Gracie's bodies as they breathed. Why do I sound so girly?

"What? No I haven't!" I hissed, looking at the three of them. Even though I knew that's the only reason all of them would wake up. I wasn't going to admit that.

"I think you do fancy her mate!" Fred winked at me, but I just sent him a glare.

"I'll admit that when you admit you fancy Natalyn!" He looked at Natalyn and shrugged.

"Actually, I do!" He looked at her with a smile and she blushed, then turned back to me with a smirk.

"Your turn Potter!" I rolled my eyes and closed them, focusing on going back to sleep.


"Harry! Your no fun!" Hermione teased, laying back beside Ron.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep. With my BEST FRIEND! Nothing more!"

"Yeah, sure. Okay. Have fun with that!" Nat scoffed, laying back down with Fred, who held her as tight as I hold Gracie. But that's just an instinct right? To want to protect the girls? Ron does the same thing with Hermione. It has to be. I need to sleep. We're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow and I have to be ready, I think we've all realized little miss Gracelyn is a handful, and even more so now that she has all the girls with her. With that, I went to sleep.


"Oi! Potter! Get your lazy bum up!" I got a pillow upside the head. It didn't hurt, but I still wasn't happy. I just rolled over and buried my head. "I'm warning you Harry! I'll start singing! Mione let me listen to some very interesting muggle music. I think I like it. A lot!"

"Gracie, I just want to sleep!"

"Tell me what you want what you really really want!" She sang, smugness throughout her tone. I rolled my eyes, real original. Cos no ones done that before!

"I just told you. To sleep!"

"Pft. Way to ruin it!"

"We can't all be perfect!" I smirked, rolling over to eye her up. She had already changed and was wearing some shorts, an off the shoulder top, and those sandal things that sound like they come from Rome. Gladiators or whatever. Okay. I've been spending too much time with these girls. No guy, of any age, should know that!

"Nobody's perfect! I gotta work it! Again and again till I get it right!" She danced around the tent singing at the top of her lungs, flinging the pillow with her. I rolled my eyes, so maybe I walked into that one.

"Since when are you so loud?" I stood up stretching, and walked towards the front of the tent, her following behind me.

"Since I'm bored and I learned muggles make music for everything!" She gave me that smile and then skipped off. "Oh! Hurry up! We're all waiting for you and Ron!" I looked behind me, Ron was coming out of the tent, rubbing his head. I don't blame him.


"She's mental!" He groaned. Of course he waited till she was out of earshot to say it. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah. She is. But a good mental!" He gave me a funny look, but shook his head and kept walking towards the house. Ten minutes later, Ron and I were arguing over the bathroom.

"Hey hey hey!" We stopped and turned to the voice who stopped us. Gracie, with Natalyn, Ginny, and Hermione standing behind her. "Girls, there's no need to argue! Theres plenty of room in there for both of you!" She just called us girls and she smirked at us. Has she changed that much? She's much more confident now.

"Oh be quiet! Come on Harry!" Ron shoved me into the bathroom, but I caught a glimpse of her before she left. She shrugged her shoulders and skipped off down the stairs talking about getting some ice cream and some new parts for her broom. I rolled my eyes and headed into to the bathroom, today should be interesting.

***********Gracelyn's POV************

"Do you think it's working?" I whispered, looking at the girls. The plan was to act confident and start singing for everything and see how long it takes to annoy them. Immature? Yes. Definitely. Funny to watch? Oh yes! Annoying to do? Yes. Such a hard decision.

"No! He just keeps smiling!" Natty groaned, leaning against the counter and taking a bite of toast. I followed suite, cus I'm a teenager. And teenagers are always hungry. I seriously thing my stomach is a bottomless pit. "And I don't even know what else you could sing! Those are the only two songs I really know!"

"Me too! This is difficult. Maybe we should just quit?" I shrugged my shoulders and took another bite.

"Then we'd need a new plan!" Ginny chimed in, hopping on the counter beside me.

"Well, he hates it when she gets hurt. What if we stage an accident? Then we'll see how much he truly cares!" Mione said, walking over to us and taking a seat next to Ginny.

"That's mean!" I had to use my hand to cover my mouth, but I felt bad. We shouldn't be trying to get Harry all riled up. This is pointless.

"But it might be funny!" Natty pointed out, clapping her hands together to get rid of the toast crumbs. I though about if for a minute. What would we do? We'd need Fred and George's help. They have fake blood we could use. But what will we do? That's what it all comes down to.

"What would we do? How am I supposed to 'get hurt'?" I air quoted 'get hurt' for a reason. But I'm not sure what that reason is.

"Um. Don't know!" Mione held her hands up. That leaves her out. Natalyn and Ginny looked at each other in thought.

"You could play clumsy?" Ginny shrugged her shoulders at the suggestion. It was okay, but how would that help? Seeing the confusion on my face, she elaborated. Good girl. "Say you 'fell', we make a crack sound, you pour on some tears, Harry freaks out. You use the hand to slap him, then say, 'look I'm better!'" She smiled at her own plan. Funny, but too mean. I don't want him mad at me.

"I say we wing it!" Natalyn shrugged her shoulders, looking at each of us in turn. Eh. Okay. I nodded, Hermione and Ginny agreed too. Now all that's left is to wait for the boys.

"Ready!" They came down the stairs sounding like a stampede. I rolled my eyes, boys!


"Weasley!" He shouted back coming around the bend.

"I'm bored!" I whined, smiling at him like a three year old. "And lazy. You should give me a piggy back ride. You know you want to!" I wiggled by eyebrows at him, trying to look dorky in a cute way.

"Come on then lazy!" He rolled his eyes, bending down for me to get on.

"Yay!" I scrambled on his back, giggling the whole time. "Would it be totally inappropriate to yell, For Narnia right now?"

"Not sure. Why don't you try it and we'll see?"

"Nah. Now you know, the element of randomtude is gone!" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Next time then eh Gracie?" He asked, looking up at me with an amused grin. I shot my eyebrows up my forehead.

"This isn't Gracie?"

"Oh really?" I nodded my head, smirking at him. "Then who is this?"

"This. Is. Sparta!" He started laughing, but still managed to roll his eyes. Hm. Not as funny as I thought it would be. Geez, do all these jokes have to be over used?!

"Well come on Sparta. The others are already gone!" I looked around.

"So they are!" He chuckled lightly and started walking towards the firepit. "Do you know how to use floo powder?"

"Floo what?"

"Oh joy!" I mumbled. Note the sarcasm.



"You said something?"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did! I hea-"

"Purple because aliens don't wear hats!" I yelled covering my ears with my hands, he shook his head, laughing at me.

"Whatever you say Gracie!" I nodded, patting his head.

"You remember that!" We approached the group who were all looking at us curiously. I went to stand beside Natty and Ginny while Mum told Harry and Mione how to use the powder.

"Purple because aliens don't wear hats? Really?" She whispered, a small smirk on her face.

"Shut up Black!" She gasped in fake shock.


"Okay. No. That's wrong. Besides, it's my last name too dork!" I thumped the back of her head, way easier than I should have. Ginny snickered beside me.

"Whatever you say Gracie!"

"Finally! You people are learning!" I fist pumped the air while she rolled her eyes. Yes, dorkitude, my specialty. Eh. They'll get used to it!

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