《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 4


"I won!"

"Nope. I won!"

"Yeah right!" We'd been going at it for ten minutes already. I didn't care, it was just fun to get Harry wiled up!

"Your Hogwarts letters came this morning!" Mum came from the kitchen with a large quantity of food floating behind her. "I looked at Fred and Ron's so I'd have an idea of what we need!"

"And?" I asked, feeling anxious. I had my own bank account that was stocked, but the Weasley's just managed each year, and it bothers me that they won't let me help.

"We'll manage dear!" She gave me a small smile, and since there were others here, I let the subject drop. Harry gave me a look which I waved off, knowing Ron would tell him later. "What do you think about leaving tomorrow?" We all nodded our heads in response because we were busying shoveling food in our mouths. Chicken makes you hungry! "Good! Now hurry up and we'll have dessert!"

"No thanks Mrs. Weasley, got to watch our figure! But thank you!" Angelina sent George a wink as she and Katie stood up, Katie sent Fred one as well, but ended up disappointed because he was watching Natalyn. They left the kitchen leaving the rest of us just sitting there. If your worried about your figure, you my friend, are in the wrong household!

"What about you six?" She turned to the gang and I with a smile. Only after shaking her head at Angelina and Katie of course. Around here, refusing Mum's food is an insult! I have a feeling she doesn't like them much. George hopped up to follow them, but Fred stayed put. He took glances at Natty out of the corner of his eye every few seconds. We all nodded our heads and she went to get it.

"Thanks Mum!" Everyone nodded their heads in agreement before eating their ice cream. She watched us for a minute then started again.


"Since you all slept together last night anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to camp out back? Bill and Charlie are willing to put up a tent big enough for all of you!" There was an uproar in the kitchen. Everyone was really excited for tonight. We all nodded and shouted yes back and forth.

"Can I come?" Fred asked, looking at us with a big grin.

"Why?" Ron asked, Ginny, Ron, and I looked at him through narrowed eyes. Natalyn looked happy and Hermione looked confused.

He shrugged. "Sounds fun!" He threw a smirk our way and held his hands up in an, 'I'm innocent' way. "No tricks or jokes, promise!" I looked at Ron who nodded.

"Okay! I guess. Lets go!" We rushed outside, watching Bill and Charlie set up the tent. "Wait! We have to go change!" I looked down at my apparel. The shirt was fine with me, but the swimsuit was not comfortable.

"Oh crap! Lets go!" Natalyn and Ginny grabbed my hand, I stopped and waited for Mione to jump on my back. We all ran towards the house yelling and hollering, skipping and jumping, and just generally being dorks.

"Why do we get the weird ones?" Ron's voice travelled over the yard and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Heard that!" And we skipped into the house, leaving him to think about that. He really should learn how to whisper better! The girls hopped off towards the stairs, but I decided to go comb my hair and brush my teeth. I skipped off towards the bathroom, but when I got there, I heard a noise like a dying cat, so naturally, I threw the door open.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry!" George had Angelina pushed against the wall, his hands had pushed her shirt up slightly and were on her hips, her legs wrapped around his waist. They were in the middle of a deep snog when I walked in. They broke apart and walked out with out a word, George flicked my ear on his way, looking grumpy.


"Ew!" I shuddered, closing the door behind me and them. I never want to see that again! Shaking it off, I looked at my appearance in the mirror. Not bad! Just need to run the brush threw my hair an brush my teeth from dinner. I ran my hair under the bathe water to rinse out anything from the pond. I brushed it out and made sure it dried nice and shiny. I then brushed my teeth and spritzed some of Mum's perfume. Making sure it was light.

I left the bathroom and headed upstairs, where all the girls were waiting, already dressed. I made them close their eyes and peeled off my bathing suit. "You'll never guess what I just saw in the bathroom!"

"A toilet?" What an original response Natty!


"Let me guess, George and Angelina?" Ginny's answer shocked me, how'd she know?

"Um, yeah! He had her pressed against the wall and they were snogging! How'd you know?"

"I saw them come out," she shrugged, keeping her hands over her eyes. I pulled on my shorts and put Harry's t-shirt back on.

"Done!" They all uncovered theirs eyes and looked at me with smug smiles. "What?"

"Harry's t-shirt still? Not gonna change?" Hermione smirked at me, Ginny raised an eyebrow, but Natalyn looked worried. I frowned, wondering what was wrong. Plus I was annoyed. There's nothing wrong with wearing his t-shirt! It's a shirt for crying out loud!

"It's comfortable! Natty what's wrong?" Her head snapped up to look at me. Her eyes were confused, worried, and anxious.

"Your sure it was George?" I rolled my eyes, confused by the question. Because I haven't lived with them for eleven years! And Fred isn't waiting in the tent with Harry and Ron outside. What would make me think it was George?

"Positive. Why?" Her face paled except for the small blush that flooded her cheeks. Hm, I have a feeling she was worried it was Fred. Which means she fancies my brother! Ew! Another one bites the dust! Mione already fancies Ronald!

"No reason!" Her eyes flashed, meaning she was lying, but I'll let it slide. For now. The sentence stopped my train of thought, pulling me into reality.

"Okaaaayyyy?" I dragged out the end of the word. "Lets go! The boys are waiting!" I grabbed two random hands and ran downstairs and out onto the lawn. In the hall, Ginny had to open her mouth.

"You mean Harry's waiting!" She giggled, followed by Mione and Natalyn.

"Don't forget! It's HER Harry!" Natalyn smirked. Mione laughed again.

"The way she talks in her sleep you'd think they were married!" Hermione sniggered. I glared at all of them.

" I don't talk in my sleep! Now shut up! We're back!" I called the last part out loud. The three boys turned to look at us with smiles on their faces.

"Hey!" I stood by Harry as they put the finishing touches on the tent. He eyed his shirt and raised his eyebrow with a smile. I looked down, feeling the blush rise to my cheeks.

"It was really comfy. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all!" I looked back up at him with a smile.

"Done!" Bill stepped out of the tent and smiled at all of us. Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. This should be fun!

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