《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 3


"Ginny! Ginny!" We're playing quidditch, team captains were me and Angelina. I snagged Harry and Ginny quick. Then Natalyn. She had Ron, Hermione and Katie. I got Fred and she got Georgie. We need another keeper and another seeker! We'll have full chasers and one beater a piece. Ahhh just our luck.

"Bill! Charlie! Come play! I want Charlie!"

"No fair! That means we don't have a seeker!" Angelina whined.

"I know!" I smirked, looking at their team, I love Mione to death, but she can't play quidditch. Flying class was the one class she did have trouble in. Ron was decent. George is on the team so he's good, but I have Fred, so that's tied. Bill's good, but he's no Charlie when it comes to seeker.

"No fair! I get Charlie!" Charlie chuckled behind me and Bill punched his shoulder.

"Think you can take him Harry?"

"I know I can!" He gave me an evil smirk and I nodded.

"Bill, that means your keeper!" He nodded and jogged over.

"What made her captain?" He muttered, running over to the goalposts we'd set up.

"The fact that she's one of the youngest players in a century to play on the house team!" Fred and George chorused, beaming at Bill. They're only so proud because I'm on their team.

"I have a feeling she stacked her team! She and Ginny are brilliant chasers, Harry's a wicked seeker, and Fred's on the team as well. And if Natalyn is related to Gracie, I have a feeling she'll be decent. And Bill's no weak link either!" Charlie mounted his broom while he spoke, then sent us a smirk. Which I returned.

"Jealous?" I asked, gesturing to my amazing team, who all sent him a smirk. His never left his face, he eyed Harry up and tried to look intimidating, but Harry paid no mind. His eyes were on the snitch.

We left no room for them to even get the quaffle, and the few times they did, Bill stopped them. Ginny, Nat, and I passed it back and forth, fluidly and easily. Katie and Angelina watched us in awe. Ginny and I are close in skill, but due to Oliver's excessive training, I had the upper hand. Natalyn was just as good as me though, which was good. Fred kept us all safe from George and that bloody bludger, though he mainly aimed for the boys. Everyone stopped to watch as Harry and Charlie went for the snitch, it got to close to the ground and Charlie pulled up, but Harry pulled that same trick he did in the first match last year, he caught the snitch! And with out falling on his face! My team cheered and ran at him to give him a hug.


"Brilliant Harry!" He opened his arms and I jumped in them. I turned to the other team with a smirk, who all looked aggravated. Ron and Charlie's ears were red, but Charlie, being as civil as he is, came up and shook Harry's hand.

"Good job Potter! You'll have captain in the bag! Your only competition would be this one over here!" He jabbed a thumb at me, but I shrugged, allowing it.

"Since you were so nice, I'll admit it. I did stack my team. But it's not totally my fault! I know my players and I know their skills. That's all there is to it!" I crossed my arms, smiling at him.

"That a girl!" He ruffled my hair with a laugh then he and Bill left.

"Did you guys bring your swim suits?" Angelina and Katie did but Mione and Natalyn didn't. "Well come on. Between me and Ginny we'll find something to fit!" They nodded and we ran up to Ginny and I's room. Ginny was taller than me, but I filled out a little more, so Natalyn used one of mine and Mione used Ginny's. Then Ginny and I changed, we ran to the door as Ron was coming up the stairs with Harry.

"Hey Ron!" Ginny called, batting her eyes. I knew what the plan was, we've done it before.

"Want to be the best .big brother ever?" I gave him a small smile and batted my eyes as well. He rolled his eyes, but nodded at us, while Harry was standing behind him looking amused and interested. "Can we borrow some of your t-shirts to go down there in?" He groaned.

"Why can't you use yours?" Ginny and I exchanged a glance, rolling our eyes.

"Because silly, yours will be big on us and it will be a better cover up!" She said, making her voice sound innocent yet teasing at the same time. I've taught her so well! He looked back at Harry, eyeing him up.

"Fine. I'll be back in a minute!" We thanked him and closed the door. The girls were holding back their laughter on the other side.

"Bloody brilliant!" Natalyn clapped her hands together as she laughed and Mione nodded with her mouth wide open. I couldn't help but giggle either, but we all shut up quick when Ron knocked on the door.

"I didn't have enough for all of you so one of you will have to use Harry's!" He threw the t-shirts on the bed and left the room. They all took Ron's and left me looking at Harry's with a smirk on their faces.


"You guys did that on purpose!" I hissed, grabbing the t-shirt and throwing it over my head. It fit exactly how I wanted it to, stopping mid thigh. My hair was wavy today all on its own so I decided to leave it down for a while. "Ready?" They all nodded, so I went first, then Natalyn, Mione, then Ginny. Hey! I just realized, we'll have a full dorm this year!

When we got to the pond, Fred and George were already drooling over Angelina and Katie. Barf. But the minute Natalyn took off her t-shirt she had Fred's full attention. I'll have to watch that relationship. He watched her all the way into the water, where she dunked herself under to adjust to the temperature. She came back up like one of those girls in the movies and Fred's jaw dropped.

"Come on guys!" Her face flushed red as she giggled from the middle of the pond. Ron was watching Hermione closely as she and Ginny took off their t-shirts and walked into the water. I didn't want anyone to look at me so while Fred was watching Nat, Ron was watching Mione, and George was trying to shield Ginny while staring at Katie an Angelina, I slipped my shirt off and waded in slowly.

I let myself sink under and tried to imitate Natty as I came back up. George wolf whistled at me, and even though I knew he was teasing, I couldn't help but blush and shuffle behind Ron. I caught Harry's eye and he was smiling at me, so I smiled back. Feeling a little more confident, I went to talk to Natalyn.

"We should play chicken!" She nodded her head eagerly at me and looked around at the others, whistling to get their attention. "Hey, anyone else want to play chicken with us?" Everyone nodded and cheered. "Okay, we'll do a tournament! Pick your teams!" Fred got Natalyn, Ron and Mione, Ginny and Katie, George and Angelina. That leaves....

"Looks like we're partners!" Harry looked at me with a small smile.

"Looks like it!" I smiled at him before turning back to the group. "Who wants to go first?" Mione raised her hand immediately, then Ginny. Mione slipped onto Ron's shoulders and Ginny onto Katie's. "Ready? Set? Go!" Ginny grabbed Mione's arm and dragged her sideways, but Ron moved with her so she wouldn't fall. We were all jumping around, cheering on our teams. I was torn, but in the end went with Ginny.

Guess who won? Ginny! She jerked Hermione to one side while Ron was trying to catch her by going the other way. It was funny because Mione screamed and had to plug her nose really fast before she hit the water. Ginny and Katie cheered loudly and Katie went on and on about how brilliant Ginny was.

Next was George and Angelina vs. Fred and Natalyn. I cheered for my cousin, Harry and I even had little bets going on. "Angelina is twice her size! No chance!"

"Yeah, but Natalyn weighs less and is faster. You watch! She'll win!" And she did! I'm good at this! Finally, it was Harry and I's turn. We were facing Mione and Ron. I could hear Ron and Harry arguing below us, but I was locked in on the game. I hate losing. I grabbed Mione's arm and went for the same tactic Ginny did. When it didn't work, I tried one of my own. I pushed backwards, throwing all my weight at Mione. Ron stumbled below her and down she went! I hopped off of Harry, cheering loudly.

"Wicked!" He gave me a high five, then Natalyn challenged us. It was probably the longest chicken match in history. We were up there for maybe half an hour. She wouldn't fall! We stopped fighting at one point and I saw her slouch down, so I lunged and took the opportunity. She fell with a loud splash, I cheered for maybe ten minutes straight. We didn't even get to face everybody, but after that match, I was done.

"Lucky shot!" She snapped, but I could see the amusement in her eyes. She was eyeing me and Harry, for no reason. We were just laying beside each other on the shore, watching Ginny fight Angelina. Angelina isn't very steady. That's something I've learned today. Same goes for Mione. I'm disappointed I didn't get to face Gin, but another time I guess.

"I'm hungry! Lets eat!" I threw Harry's t-shirt over my head and looked at him, blushing slightly as I did. He just smiled at me, so I felt more confident, once again. "Race ya?" He nodded, I was getting ready to count when Natalyn did it for us. She went and stood between us, using Ron's shirt for a flag.

"Go!" I took off with out a second thought. I can't wait to tell dad about my summer!

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