《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 2


I've been waiting all week for Mione and Natalyn! I'm excited about Katie and Angelina too, but that's not the same. I heard a loud pop and finally, there stood Mione. Katie and Angelina were with her, and behind them, another girl. She looked just like me. Maybe some small, minor differences.

"Mione! Natty!" I ran outside and caught them both in a hug. Mione hugged me back immediately but Natalyn was more hesitant. "Hermione Granger, meet my cousin! Natalyn!" Natty and Mione waved at each other, shaking hands.

"Hi! You must be Gracelyn! I'm Natalyn!"

"Hey! You can call me Gracie! That's what everyone round here knows me as!" I smiled brightly at her. Harry, Ron, and Ginny came running and Ron's jaw dropped.

"Blimey! Your like twins!" He whispered, looking between the two of us. We looked at each other a minute, studying each other. He's right, except the eyes. Hers are a deep chocolate brown.

"Except the eyes!" I said, smiling at him. "Okays, so, you've met Mione! This is Ronald, but we call him Ron. He's my adopted brother, and this is my little sister, Ginny. She'll be a first year! And this is my Harry!" They all shook hands and waved at each other.

"I'm her cousin! Natalyn Black!" That caught my attention, she knew her last name, is that my last name as well?


"Yeah, that's my last name! Natalyn Marie Black. That's your last name too! You know that, right?"

"Uhm, no. I didn't. But I do now!" I smiled at her and exchanged a look with Mione, Harry, and Ron. I looked at Ginny too, but she didn't look as surprised. I turned back to Natalyn. "Welp, lets go in!" I locked arms with Ginny and Natty. She leaned over to whisper in my ear.


"Your Harry?" Ron and Mione locked arms with Ginny, and Harry locked arms with Natalyn. I blushed deeply.

"No! That was an accident!" She laughed, shaking we head, but didn't push. I looked around at all my friends. Aren't we a nice little group?


"Lets play a get to know you game!" Ginny suggested, looking at the three of us. We were supposed to go to bed hours ago, but we decided to stay up and get to know Natalyn. So far we've all got along great!

"Sure!" She shrugged, popping some food into her mouth. We had made it with out Mum hearing us. Cus we're ninjas.

"Favorite color?




"Blue!" I picked red because of Gryffindor, Mione picked pink, and Ginny and Natalyn blue. "Okay, uhm, quidditch positions? I'm chaser!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Uh, I don't play but chaser looks fun!" Mione shrugged her shoulders and we all giggled.

"Does Hogwarts have a team?" I nodded furiously. Harry sat down beside me, slinging an arm over my shoulder. When had they come in?

"Your looking at two of the youngest players in a century!" Has he gotten cockier over the summer? All well, it was cute. Natalyn looked at us in awe, but I saw Mione elbow her and point at Harry's arm. I blushed again and stuck out my tongue while they giggled.

She mouthed, 'your Harry!' at me with a smirk, taking a leaf from Malfoy's book, I flipped her the bird.

"Well, now that your here! I have a pillow!" I laid down and laid my head in Harry's lap, just like old times. I was very comfortable! Everyone laughed, but found their own pillow. Harry looked like a fish out of water, he didn't have one. I stood up and grabbed a pillow for my bestfriend! "Now lay down!" I whispered, he eyed me, but did as told. I bent over and stretched his arm out, then laid down, using it as a pillow. "Night guys!"




"It's morning!"

"Shut up Ron! Night!"

"Night! Night Gracie!" Harry placed his other arm on my waist and pulled me to his chest. He's just making sure I'm comfortable. He does not like me, he doesn't like me. Could he?

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