《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 7


We were walking to Hagrid's hut. Yesterday's practice with Wood was brilliant. We only have one practice till we play the Slytherins. So yesterday was good. He had us do a few laps around the pitch and then he worked with Harry while I worked on quaffle passing with Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell. They called me 'cute'. I'm not cute. I'm very mature for my age! Anywho, they like me an they seem nice. Apparently they're good friends with Fred and George.

"You'll be great! And don't worry! You have skill. We'll definitely be passing the quaffle your way! I wouldn't be surprised if you made team captain before your seventh year!" Katie had said.

"I love your hair!" Is what I got from Angelina. And Harry got multiple compliments. I wrote everybody back. Ginny received a five page letter while everyone barely got a paragraph. She should feel special. Snape docked more points from me and Mione. Who won't leave me alone about fancying Harry. Which I don't! Okay maybe a little.

We got to Hagrid's and he gave us some rock cakes. They were horrible, but I still nibbled on it to make him happy. I didn't say much though. "Your the Weasley girl eh? Not Ginny, Gracie?" I nodded smiling. "Well. You two seem better than the twins. Spent half my career runnin' them to out o' the forest! Charlie. Now Charlie was a good one. Always helpin' aroun' the groun's. Good boy!" I listened to him talk about all my brothers for a few before tuning out.

We walked back up to the castle, as we were walking in, an older girl came walking toward us. "Which one of you is Gracie?" She sneered, looking between Hermione and I. Her tie was green. Slytherin. I raised my hand. "Dumbledore wants to see you!" She walked away. Meanwhile, my jaw hit the floor and I started hyperventilating.


"What did you do?" Hermione gasped.

"Nothing! You've been with me the whole time Mione!" I whispered, looking at her through panicked eyes. Ron hugged me, telling me it would be alright. And Harry took my hand, he offered to walk me there. I couldn't respond so he just pulled me away.

"You'll be fine Gracie!" He whispered, we were on the staircase right outside his office. In the spur of the moment, I threw my arms around his neck.

"Thanks Harry!" I whispered, pulling away. I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.

"Come in Ms. Gracie!" I opened the door to find Dumbledore. He sat at his deck, gesturing to the chair across from him. I took it slowly. "How are you doing Ms. Gracie?" He asked, eyeing me over those half moon spectacles he's known for. That and the beard.

"I'm good sir. And you?" He chuckled a bit.

"I'm fine dear. I called you hear because I have an important matter to discuss with you," he said, looking completely serious. I nodded. "It's about your parents!" He said, looking me in the eye. I sucked in a breathe. I've waited ten years for this! And now I'm going to get some answers.

"Please go on Sir!"

"I'm leaving that up to you. What do you want to know?"

"Who are my parents?" I whispered, looking at me shoes.

"I never knew your mother. She dropped you of to your father the day you were born and never came back. For that, I'm sorry. Your father however. Should tell you himself."

"Is he here?" I asked, jumping up out of my seat. He chuckled, but shook his head no. I sat back, disappointed. "Well dang," I muttered. He chuckled again.


"Anymore questions?"

"Not really. Well, where is Dad? Didn't he want me?" My voice cracked a little, there at the end. Dumbledore smiled a little and his eyes softened.

"Miss Gracie, I'd love to tell you where he is. But I can't do that. I'm afraid your not quite ready. Yes. He did want you. But was unavailable to take care of you. Though I do believe he isn't to blame for what really happened," he said. I looked at him for a minute, confused, but nodded my head. Dad did want me.

"Thank you sir. It means a lot to know that he does care. Sir, may I ask a question?"

"I believe you just did. But you may ask another," he gestured for me to continue with a small smile and a wave of his hand.

"Could I maybe write him? Like I'd write the letter, and give it to you, and then you could mail it? Wherever he is?" I asked, looking at my shoes again. He sat back, looking thoughtful.

"Hm. I think that could be arranged!" He said. "Good evening Ms. Gracie!" and then I left. I ran straight to the owlery to right my letter.


Short chapter I know but it's important. I dropped some hints about her father as well...... Hmmmmm......

The match is coming up! Ahhh quidditch! Happy reading love!

Gryffindor Wannabe,


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