《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 8


Dear Dad,

I don't know who you are, or where you are, but Dumbledore said I could write you. He also said you care about me. Which I have wondered about for years. It's good to know you do. I look forward to seeing you. I don't know when, how, or where, but someday I will. For now, I'd like to tell you about me.

First off, I live with the Weasley's. They're good people and treat me well. I love them like they are my real family, and they are. For all intents and purposes. Oh, Ginny and I are the only girls besides Mum.(Mrs. Weasley). It's VERY difficult, but I love the boys. They're like protective big brothers. Two bad there's five of them!

I'm a first year! I'm also a Gryffindor. And get this! Your daughter is ONE of the youngest players in a century! According to McGonagall. I made it the same day as my BEST friend in the WHOLE world! Harry Potter! I love him to death. He and Ron(my brother) are bestfriends, and we're together at all times of course. Along with Mione. She's my girl bestfriend, along with Ginny. But Ginny is also my little sister and won't be at Hogwarts till next year. So Hermione and I share a dorm, with an extra bed waiting for her.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I are inseparable. I don't know what I'd do with out them. Can I tell you a secret? I don't care of you so no I was just asking, I'm going to tell you anyway. So, I'm nervous. We have practice with the whole team tomorrow. And our first match is Tuesday! Katie and Angelina like me, they're the other chasers. Which I am. Harry is out seeker. The twins, Fred and George, two more of my brothers, are the beaters. They want me to stay close to them so they can protect me. But I don't care about that. I'll be fine. Just jitters I guess. Anyway, the captain, Wood, is the keeper.


My grades are good I suppose. I hate Snape. If you knew an were friends with him, sorry, but he could die in front of me for all I care. That's harsh. And not true. But I REALLY don't like him! He's docked me twenty points so far! And half the time I'm not even talking to him! I hardly talk at all! Quirrel is weird, but he seems okay. I like McGonagall, but I'm not going to do anything to put myself on her bad side anytime soon. Hagrid is brilliant! Binns is amusing to watch, but makes me want to go to sleep. And Flitwick is Flitwick. Can I kick Filtch's cat? It hissed at me! It really did! I kind of had peeves drop a water balloon on it. That happened on the way to dinner one night, but I never told anyone. Secret!

Onto my looks. Tell me of I look like you, kay? Kay. Well, I'm a bit short. Only bout 4"11. I only weigh ninety pounds, which I stay at on purpose. I feel bad though because it makes Mrs. Weasley cry, she thinks I'm a stick. I have brown hair, it almost looks black. Almost. I have hazel eyes, brown with flecks of green, that's my personal favourite feature of myself. Maybe someday I can send a picture. If you like....

I don't know what else to say. I miss you a lot. I hope someday I'll see you soon! Wish me luck for the match! I'm taking Slytherin down and showing them what first years are made of! I'm kicking butt and taking names! I hope. Anywho, bye!

Lots of love,


P.S. Whats my middle name? You can tell me my last if you like...... *wink wink* okay, bye!!!

I'm not good at letters so I hope this is okay. I wanted you to see it.

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