《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 4


"Gracie! Wake up!" Hermione shook me over and over. But I'm not a morning person. So I ignored her. "Gracie! It's the first day! Do you want to be late for lessons?"

I shot out of bed and ran straight for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, deciding that wasn't enough, I showered quickly, then rebrushed it. I took the side pieces and braided them back, like a little halo. I ran to the room, slipping on my robes.

Hermione was sitting on my bed, lip gloss in hand. I took it from her and applied it quickly, not really caring about make up right now. "Ready!" I chirped, grabbing up all of my things.

"Impressive. Twenty minutes and over half was in the shower!" She smiled, standing up beside me. I laughed a bit, linking my arms with hers. "Breakfast?" I nodded, we headed down the stairs. Ron and Harry we're coming from their door at the same time. Ron saw me and waved, Harry's eyes caught mine and I couldn't breathe. He waved at me, a smile planted in his face.

I smiled back, but didn't wave. I had to look away because of the blush that had made its way to my cheeks. Hermione witnessed this little exchange though. "Details later!" She hissed, right as the boys approached. "Hi Ron. Hello Harry!" She gave a polite nod to each of the boys. They waved in response.

"Ready for breakfast?" The nodded again. I linked arms with Ron, so that I had him and Hermione on either side. Ron linked arms with Harry and we made our way to the portrait hole. We all tried to get out a once though so of course we collided. That sent us into a round of laughter, earning us some stairs from the older kids. All well. We finally got out of the portrait and to the great hall. The emerald witch, Harry says her name is McGongall, was passing out times tables. I snatched mine and Ron's at the same time, mumbling a 'thank you' as I read over the two schedules.

"Well?" Ron asked, shoving more food in his mouth. I rolled my eyes handing it back to him with a sigh.

"That's disgusting Ronald!" Hermione's scolding voice could probably be heard across the whole hall. It's really high pitched! I agreed though, wholeheartedly.

"Isn't he just?" Fred and George came up behind me. And they stole my toast! Grumbling, I grabbed another piece, buttered it, and began eating before they could take it.

"Well?" Harry asked, taking a bite of his own toast. I swallowed and took a drink before answering.

"Ron and I have all our lessons together. Thank goodness. 'Mione, wanna compare?" She handed her schedule to me, nodding vigorously. "All the same!" I squealed, handing it back. "Harry?" I asked, a little shyer this time. I could feel Hermione looking at me, but I ignored it. He handed the schedule over easily enough. "The same! We're all together all day! Even our free period!" I clapped my hands together, then handed Harry is schedule back.


The mail owls swooped overhead and I just managed to make out Errol. "Ron look!" I pointed to our family owl. He was wobbly, but looked okay. He swooped down in front of me and held out his leg. There were at least three letters. I had one from Ginny and one from Mum, Ron had one from Mum too! I handed him his and opened my own.


Why didn't you write me yesterday? I've been so bored with out you! And last night I had a nightmare! I miss you so much! Write me back A.S.A.P!

Lots of Love,


I laughed a bit, then put the letter in my Transfiguration book. I'll reply later tonight. I opened Mum's letter next.

Dear Gracie,

How was your first day dear? Is everything going all right? What house are you in? Are the twins helping you? Have you made new friends? Let me know soon!



I folded the note and put it with Ginny's. "Ready Mione?" I asked, standing up. She followed me all the way out of the hall. I knew the boys were behind us, but they were back a bit. Probably didn't want to get lost. "Transfiguration, correct?" I asked, looking at Mione.

"Yes. Now, what was that between you and Harry this morning? When we were comin down the stairs?" Her voice dropped and she looked me dead in the eye. I could tell I was blushing.

"I don't know," I mumbled, looking down. We turned a sharp corner, and I could see the transfiguration room ahead.

"Do you like him?" I looked up at Hermione. She looked eager for the answers. My face turned Weasley red so I looked away. "You do don't you!"

"Sh! I don't know Mione! Maybe a little?" I bit my lip as we entered the room. There were only a few others in there, I took the seat in the very back, whereas Hermione paused. She looked torn and kept looking at the front. "You can go up there if you like Mione!"

"No. It's fine. I'll sit here!" She placed her things beside me. I stood up and switched our books though. She gave me a puzzled look, but moved anyway.

"I have to keep after Ron some how!" We giggled a bit, then Professor McGonagall walked in behind us. "Morning professor!" I smiled at her with a wave. She smiled back.

"Good morning Ms. Weasley. And where's your brother? And Potter?"

"I'm not sure Professor. They were behind us when we left the hall. They should be here any minute!" I could hear the overly chipperness in my voice. I'd never been much of a suck up, but I have a feeling Professor McGonagall is not someone who's bad side you want to be on. She nodded and headed to the front.

"Good morning class. Welcome to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry! In my class, we will learn about transfiguration!" With that, she turned into a cat and back. "Please read chapter one, take notes, and tomorrow we will try a bit of transfiguration yourselves!" I bounced in my seat, then opened my books and got started. Hermione was scratching her quill furiously beside me.


We heard heavy footsteps in the hall, Ron. I raised my hand and was called on. "That'll be my brother miss!" I giggled when she nodded with a teeny smile. She then turned back into a cat and sat on the desk. I tried not to laugh when the boys rushed in.

"Blimey Harry! We made it!" Ron panted all out of breathe. Then he saw me. "You left us!" My mouth dropped.

"I did not! You were following us! We were in front of you the whole time!" I snapped, turning back to my work. I watched as McGonagall jumped off the desk, transfiguring back to her human state.

"Wicked!" Ron yelled.

"Yes. Maybe I should transform you or maybe Mr. Potter into a pocket watch? That way one of you will be on time!"

"We got lost Professor!" Harry whispered, looking straight at her.

"Then maybe a map! Now take your seats! And Mr. Weasley, stop blaming your sister!" She snapped, turning back to the front. Ron shot me a glare as he sat down, then made Harry take the seat on the outside. I sighed, feeling a bit sad.

"Don't worry. He's just angry because he got in trouble! He'll be fine!" Hermione whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and returned to my work.

We worked a bit longer before we were dismissed.

"Coming Ron?" I asked, looking at the ground. He grunted but followed, this time right beside me. He didn't speak to me though and it was really bothering me. I stopped and moved in front of him.

"Get out of the way Gracie!"

"Look Ronald! I'm sorry you got in trouble and I'm sorry you got lost. But it was not my fault. You could have stood beside us! And I didn't know you were lost. Be mad at me if you want, but I'm not going to stand here feeling sorry because your a git!" I huffed. I spun on my heel and kept walking.

"Oi! Gracie!" He ran up beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry sis! I didn't mean to be a git!" He mumbled, scratching his neck. I hugged him tightly.

"It's okay! But remember Ron! We have to stick together this year! Besides, we're here!" I said, letting him go. I gestured towards the potions room. He sighed and walked in the room.

I sat down at a table and Ron sat at the one in front of me. We at in the back again. Harry sat beside me and Hermione beside Ron. She did not look happy. She turned around and glared at me. 'You owe me' she mouthed. I nodded, giving her a thumbs up.

"Hi Harry!" I smiled at him, which he returned. "How's your day been?"

"Brilliant! Other than when we got in trouble!" He looked down, scrunching his brows together on the second sentence. I giggled a bit. "You think that's funny eh?" I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to laugh. I shook my head no at him. "Oh okay. We'll see what's funny!" He began tickling me, everyone in the room was staring as I squirmed and screamed and giggled around in my chair.

Hermione was staring at us, looking amused. Ron looked confused as ever, but he shook his head and turned back around. "Mr. Potter! Keep your hands, to, yourself!" Snape's greasy hair hung in his face, he really should wash it sometime. I didn't believe the twins when they said it was that gross. It looks like I could make fries with his hair it was so greasy! They'd be condemned though! Okay that's gross. Back on target.

Snape made some big speech, the started grilling hair with questions even I didn't know. Hermione was jumping up and down waving her hand in the air wildly. I rolled my eyes, catching Snape's attention.

"Gracie Weasley! Can you answer my questions?" He snapped, smirking at me. I shook my head no. "Fame isn't everything now is it Potter? And what's your excuse Ms. We- Granger sit down!" He snapped.

Potions dragged on forever. And he made Neville cry! He took at least thirty points for Gryffindor! He docked Hermione points for answering a question with out being called on. Even though he said anybody, and she cried to! just because she lost Gryffindor points! He took points from Neville because he did his potion wrong, and a boy named Seamus because he blew something up. Hardly fair. We're first years! We're supposed to learn from our mistakes! When I pointed that out to Harry, he docked another ten points! Git.

The rest of the morning passed quickly. I sat with Harry in charms, and Ron in Herbology. The only thing left was flying and that's after our free period after lunch. We had an essay from Snape, the chapter from McGonagall and Flitwick just wanted us to practice. Easy. I was done with the chapter, my essay isn't due till Friday and I'm over half done, and I'll practice tonight after dinner. I'll write my letters to Ginny and Mum in free period. I definitely can't wait till flying lessons!

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