《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 3


"Firs' years over here!" I looked to see a giant man, waving us over. Harry caught his eye, grinned and waved. Hm. Guess they know each other.

"Hi Hagrid!" Guess so.

"Alrigh' Harry?" He asked, Harry nodded. "You'll have to tell me bout the train ride later!" Harry nodded, Hagrid's eyes twitched to me, and back to Harry. He looked, smug? No. I'm seeing things.

He had us get into boats. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I shared a boat. Neville was in the one in front of us with Hagrid, clinging to his toad. We could see the castle from here and I must say, I'm in complete awe. It's AMAZING! It's huge! And it's so beautiful. I'm sure if you could see the lake beside it, from an over head point of view, it'd add to the beauty.

"When we got into the hall, an older woman in emerald robes told us what would happen. Hermione clung to every word, Harry looked interested, but not as much as Hermione. Ron looked bored, but then again so was I. We knew bout the sorting. We had five older brothers.

"Wait. Here!" The witch commanded, then walked into a hall.

"So the rumors are true! Potter's here!" He went on and on about making the right choice in friends. "I can help you there! Hi! I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy!" Ron snorted a bit, and Malfoy turned on him, snarling comments about my family. I stepped in front of Ron.

"Back off Malfoy!" I snarled, looking at him with as much hatred as I could muster.

"Ooh. And who are you, his girlfriend?" Malfoy sneered, looking at me.

"No. I'm his sister!"

"Your not a Weasley! They're all the same. Red hair, freckles, face like and arse!" The two cronies behind him snickered.


"Watch your mouth Malfoy! Ever heard of adoption? And if you don't shut your mouth you'll have a face like an arse, at least you won't look like a rat!" I snarled. Just then, the emerald lady walked in.

"That's enough. Come along now!" We all shuffled into a line, walking into the hall. I spotted Fred and George at the Gryffindor table, they waved at Ron and I, we both waved back before standing in line. I listened to her call name after name. Only listening to a few.

"Hermione Granger!"


A few more were called, then Ron.

"Another Weasley! Gryffindor!"

"Gracie!" No last name?

"Ahhh the Weasley child who's not really a Weasley. Where to put you? Smart, very smart. But not a Ravenclaw, kind, but a tougher side. So not a Hufflepuff. Definitely not a Slytherin, though the greatness is there. Better be, Gryffindor!"

I had never smile to bright in my life! I hopped off the stool and nearly ran to the Gryffindor table with my brothers and Hermione, all of whom congratulated me. I heard them call Harry's name and murmurs flew across the room. I rolled my eyes, people these days. Need to mind their own business.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled, Harry looked so relieved. He ran up and took the seat between Ron and I. I couldn't help but blush a bit. Dumbledore gave his speech, then we had a feast. And then we went to our dorms. Percy shouting about girls on the left boys on the right. I ignored him and headed right for the stairs. I got tackled on the first step though.

"Night wittle sister!" Fred and George cooed. I laughed, shoving them off me.

"Get off!" I laughed, standing up. I gave them a hug, then Ron. Then I saw Harry standing there, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I held my arms out, biting my lip. I tried to look cute. He smiled and gave me a hug. "Night guys!" I waved an headed up the stairs. A chorus of 'nights' sounded behind me. Day one, completed. So far so good.

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