《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 2


Ginny and I emerged, coughing a bit, before stepping into the Alley. Mum and the boys came up behind us. "Wow!" I whispered more to myself than anyone else. The twins laughed then headed off on their own. Percy went towards what looked to be a shop for stationary. Boring! And Ron, Ginny and I jut stood there, like the little awkward turtles we are.

"Ginny, we need to get some more floo powder. We're running a bit low. Come along. Gracie, Ron, stay together!" She gave us a the look then took Ginny's hand and marched off. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. Then I remembered what Ron called me earlier.

"Nutty brunette?"

"Oh don't act like that! You're a COMPLETE nutter! We outta put you in Mungo's!" He crossed his arms and smirked in my direction.

"Oi! Freckle face! Lets get on with it!" I dragged him towards the same shop I'd just called boring. We got out quills and parchment, then headed towards Flourish and Blotts. It took a while to get all of the required books. Then again, for the first ten minutes, we just walked around by ourselves.

We went to the apothecary, the owlery, and finally, the ice cream parlor. I got a new owl! Her name is Brownie, she's a deep brown color with chocolate brown eyes. Absolutely adorable. We both got chocolate, then headed back to wherever the heck we came out at. We were silent most of the day.



"Can you please talk. This is getting weird!"

"Oh thank god! I thought it was just me!" We broke into laughter, and I shoved him playfully. On our way through, we past Madam Malkin's. The robe shop. I caught a glimpse of a boy inside, he looked about our age, and he black hair. Oh my merlin! His eyes!

Keep walking keep walking. Keep, Walking! I shook my head as Mum and the twins came into view. She was wagging her finger in their face and Ginny looked like she was going to laugh her bum off. I raised my eyebrows as we got closer. She shook her head, motioning for me to be quiet.

"-wasting all our money in a joke shop. A JOKE SHOP!" I couldn't help but giggle. To bad she heard me. She spun on her heel, when she caught sight of Ron an I her eyes softened a bit. "Ah. There you two are! Got everything? Good. Lets head back!" I took Ginny's hand and we headed back home.



"Gracie! Hurry up! It's time to go!" I took one last look in the mirror. My hair was silky and shiny, I had decided to put on some make up. But I kept in light, some subtle browns and a bit of lip gloss. I wore I white, off the shoulder top, that showed my midriff, but I had a light blue tank top under neath with jean shorts and my white flats.

I grabbed my trunk and hopped down the stairs. Everyone was there waiting, even Ginny. She ran at me and caught me in a bear hug while Dad took my trunk and fit it into a ministry car. I hugged Ginny back, tighter than she hugged me. "Promise you'll write?" She whispered, pulling away.

"I wiped her tears and nodded. "Everyday. I'll even give you a list of my homework assignments if you like!" She giggled and so did I. She's the best little sister ever!

"Have fun for me? And if there are any boys you HAVE to tell me!" She gave me a look that was equal to mum's glare. I nodded quickly, smiling at her. She hugged me again, and was right behind me all the way into the car.

The ride was silent, I was nervous, and the twins weren't helping! Even the driver was shaking his head at some of the things they were saying! "There are werewolves in the woods! And Filtch. Watch out for him! He'll make you stay in there for and hour if you get detention!"

"Then surely the forest isn't that bad! You've been there enough!" I snapped, turning back to my window. Ginny giggled, but didn't comment. We finally pulled up to the train station. I was shaking all over. I didn't even notice when a boy came up beside me.

"Harry!" He stuck his hand out to me, snapping me out of my trance. I smiled at him, putting my hand in his. Oh my merlin! Again! It's the boy from Diagon Alley.

"Gracie!" I pulled my hand back, placing it on my trolly.

"First time at Hogwarts dear?" Harry nodded. "Gracie and Ron's too! Now, what your going to do, is run straight through that wall and onto the other platform! Best do it at a bit of a run if your nervous!" He paled a bit, looking nervous.

"Good luck!" Ginny and I chorused. He raised his eyebrow, then smiled. "I'll go with you if you like? I'm a bit nervous as well," I dropped my gaze to my shoes, the blush creeping up on my cheeks.


"That'd be great!" My head snapped up and I smiled. We counted to three and ran through the platform. I even closed my eyes cause I got nervous. "Wow!" I heard his voice, so I opened my eyes. Wow was an understatement.

"Uh yeah!" Mum and Ginny came through at that time, Ron following behind us. "Well um, I'll see you later?" I asked, looking at Harry again. He nodded and walked away. I got my trunk on board then turned to Mum. She gave me the hug of death, followed my another one from Ginny. I swear I'm amazing! I survived both!

"Bye! I'll write soon!" I blew them both a kiss before boarding the train. I walked up and down the hall, looking for an empty compartment, but they all looked full. Then I saw Harry, sitting by himself. "Ron! Over here!" He came up behind me and I slid the door open. "Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full," I mumbled, looking down. I could feel the blush coming on again.

"Sure! Sit here!" He patted the seat next to him. He stuck his hand out to me. "Harry. Harry Potter!" I felt my eyes widen, but I blinked slightly, making them go back to normal. I smiled at him, but Ron wasn't as subtle. Or thoughtful.

"Holy cricket! Your Harry Potter. Do you have the-the scar?" He asked, I shot him a look, but Harry smiled, and lifted him bangs.

"Blimey!" I whispered, sitting back and trying not to stare. He laughed lightly. There was a knock at the door. The trolly woman came in and Harry ordered just about everything. He told Ron and I to have whatever we wanted. We told Harry about chocolate frog cards and we just talked in general.

"Have you seen a toad?" The door creaked open and a shy boy stood there. Looking at his feet.

"No, we haven't. Sorry!" I said, trying to sound polite. I stood up and held out my hand. "I'm Gracie!"

"N-Neville," he stuttered. "I have to go. Grans going to kill me!" With that he left. I'm sat back down beside Harry. We continued our conversation when a brown, bushy haired girl opened the compartment door. She was still pretty though.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one!" She rolled her eyes, standing in the compartment door. I smiled up at her, which she returned.

"He's already been here. We haven't seen him. Sorry," I said, looking down.

"I'm Hermione Granger! And your are?" She asked, looking at Ron with disgust. That irked me a bit, but I'd probably look like that too if I had just met him. The git had crammed his mouth with cakes and stuff and had dirt on his nose.

"Ron Weasley!" He held out his hand. She took it, slowly, but she took it.

"Pleasure. And you are?" She turned to Harry.

"Harry Potter!" I saw her eyes widen before she calmed herself. She turned to me with a smile. I smiled back and held out my hand. Again.

"I'm Gracie Weasley!"

"Your related to him?" She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder and Ron. I rolled my eyes, giggling a bit.

"Good as. But no. His family adopted me when I was a baby. We're very close though!" I smiled at her, she returned it. I have a feeling Hermione and I are going to be friends.

"You mean there's more of them?"

"Plenty. Lets see, Mum, Dad, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Me of course, and Ginny!" Her eyes widened as I counted each name off my fingers. "And get this! I'm the ONLY non ginger in the whole house!"

"You say that like its a good thing!" The twins chorused. I rolled my eyes at the two. "I'm Fred!"

"I'm George!" Hermione's eyes widened a bit. Harry grinned and waved. I almost forgot he was there. Almost. But I knew they were trying to confuse Hermione. "You lot alright?" George asked, speaking to me more than Ron. We nodded, they nodded, then they left. Ah, big brothers!

"Well I'm going to help Neville. I suggest you change. We should be here in about ten minutes. Bye Gracie! Bye Harry!" She paused. "Bye Ron, oh, you have dirt on your nose. Right there!" She spun around and left the compartment. I went to change into my robes, as soon as I got back, we pulled into Hogsmeade. I'm finally at Hogwarts!

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